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The Asimov book[]

  • Gloria almost losing her robot nanny. At age 8. Even Susan Calvin is moved to tears.
  • Susan Calvin at the end of Liar! Thanks to the mind-reading robot, she has her hopes dashed hard upon the rocks, and actually breaks down twice, first with shrill laughter, then with bitter tears.

The Will Smith film[]

  • When Spooner tells Calvin the story about Sarah.
    • Now she knows why he hates robots.
  • "Will it hurt?"
  • The older model-robots following their orders to protect humans by intercepting the new robots, and getting destroyed in the process. Shortly before that, Spooner looking into the containers, while Lanning's voiceover talks about how the robots tend to cluster together in their containers, in a sort of human way.
    • Honestly I'm not sure which scene is worse. The one where the older model-robots are all annihilated defend someone. Or a moment before that, when they weren't even putting up a fight! Makes me cringe everytime I see it.