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ION is a Science Fiction Shoujo manga by Arina Tanemura.

Once when she was a little girl, Ion Tsuburagi learned a chant to make miracles occur. In high school, she is a simple and cheerful girl who has a Stalker with a Crush, Kouki. She gets a big crush on Mikado Hourai. Mikado decides to make a club for psychic investigators, and she joins and becomes president. Ion sneaks into a building with Mikado's expiriments in it, she touches a blue stone and gains the powers of telekinesis and levitation.

Mikado's ex-girlfriend Ai transfers, and she also has psychic powers. Mikado is entirely unsure of his feelings toward Ion, as to whether he likes her romantically or just another experiment. Who will Mikado choose, and why does Mikado only seem to like Ion when she begins losing her powers?

Originally published in 1997, it made BookScan's list of top 20 graphic novels for the year 2008. It has been released in Germany, Spain and America by Viz Media.

Tropes used in ION (manga) include: