I Come in Peace (1990) (released and known worldwide as Dark Angel) is a science fiction action thriller film about a rule-breaking vice cop who becomes involved in the investigation of a number of mysterious drug-related murders on the streets of Houston, Texas. The film was directed by Craig R. Baxley, and stars Dolph Lundgren, Brian Benben, Betsy Brantley and David Aykroyd.
Jack Caine (Lundgren) is a Houston cop who is determined to wipe out the White Boys, a gang of white-collar drug dealers who killed his partner while Caine was waylaid stopping a convenience store robbery. Little does he know that there is a new drug dealer in town, one who preys on heroin addicts in order to get his own drug of trade — made from the endorphins extracted from heroin users. But this guy's home turf isn't in Houston. It isn't even on planet Earth...
- Alien Blood: They bleed a blue clay-like substance.
- BFG:
Jack Caine: [while being chased by the White Boys, Larry produces a huge firearm, which resembles a cannon more than a gun] What the hell is that? |
- Blond Guys Are Evil: The alien drug dealer.
- Cowboy Cop: Jack Caine.
- Deadly Disc: The alien shoots small magnetically-powered disks that ricochet around the room and home in on humans' electrical patterns.
- Hand Cannon: The alien's weapons look like regular handguns. But when shot, HUGE explosions ensue.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Martin Tupper from Dream On stars alongside Lundgren.
- ESPN commentator Jay Bilas also has a role.
- I Come in Peace: Subverted.
- It's Personal: Caine was already going after the WhiteBoys, but then they had to go and kill his partner...
- No Biochemical Barriers: Human endorphins work on alien brain chemistry. Unless there's a Placebo Effect involved...
- Picky People Eater: The alien drug dealer harvested brain fluid from Earthlings that could be rendered into a powerful recreational drug on his home planet.
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: The alien drug dealer collects his narcotics by injecting humans with heroin before using a spike to extract the endorphin-laden brain fluid.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: After the evil alien has been impaled on a pipe:
Bad Alien: I come in peace. |