2009 teen comedy directed by Chris Columbus and written by Larry Doyle from his own novel, in which high school geek Denis (Paul Rust) chooses his valedictorian speech to let the titular cheerleader, played by Hayden Panettiere, know his feelings. Even though she's gorgeous, popular and has a psycho army boyfriend. Later that day he and his best friend, having invited her and her friends around for a party, are surprised when they turn up. This isn't the only surprise fate has in store for Denis, since Beth isn't quite the girl he visualised...
This film includes examples of:[]
- The Cheerleader: Beth Cooper.
- Dawson Casting: Rampant, with the exception of Hayden Panettiere.
- Drives Like Crazy: Beth.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Subverted. Beth turns out to be more grounded than it appears.