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  • Crosses the Line Twice: One of the film's greatest strengths.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: it is implied that the reason for the unprecedented severity of Steven's sentence is because his escape was an embarrassment to the state of Texas and Governor Bush, and also because the prosecuting D.A. was his former boss's sister-in-law. Really, that's the only way to explain getting a life sentence with a 23-hour a day lockdown for fraud and prison escapes. A LOT of fraud and MANY prison escapes, but still...
  • Magnificent Bastard: Steven is a rare protagonist version. Admit it, this is how you felt about him when you found out that he faked his own death from AIDS.
  • Moment of Awesome: You fucker!
  • Tear Jerker: The last 15 minutes are like a rollercoaster for your emotions.
    • A particular mention goes to when Phillip and Steven are talking while Steven is dying of AIDS, since over that time the audience has seen Steven slowly die... but he's fine.
  • The Woobie: Poor Phillip gets pulled into so much trouble and heartache because of Steven, especially when he believes Steven died of AIDS, and then Steven comes back to him literally seconds later.