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I Love To Singa was an extremely popular Merrie Melodies short directed by Tex Avery (or, as he is still credited here, "Fred Avery," with his animators, "Charles Jones" and Virgil Ross) that premiered on July 18, 1936. The cartoon, designed to feature the eponymous tune by Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg, has a plot mirroring that of Al Jolson's most famous film, The Jazz Singer; uncoincidentally, Jolson (with Cab Calloway) had introduced the song in a 1936 Warner Bros. feature, The Singing Kid.

This short was also a runner-up on The 50 Greatest Cartoons list. It has also made it onto The 100 Greatest Looney Tunes list.

Tropes Used In This Short Include:[]


 I was born a singin' fool-a,


Ol' Major Bowes is gonna spot me,

Got through Yale with boula-boula,


Old microphone's got me!


 Mama Owl: I vonder if they found my leetle boy!

Police Radio: No, we didn't, lady!

  • Simpleton Voice: The stuttering bird.
  • Shout-Out: In the first episode of South Park the alien probe planted in Cartman periodically causes him to break out singing "I Love to Singa" with big owl-like eyes.
  • Slapstick: The sequence in which Jack Bunny is disposing of the talent show losers.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: All the owlets look exactly alike, except for "Owl Jolson's" red coat and blue tie.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: The female birds have eyelashes, to distinguish them from the males.
  • Through A Face Full Of Feathers: When Fritz Owl throws his son out, his feathery face turns bright crimson from rage.
  • Title Drop: Every few seconds — Avery has the owlet restart the song several times, while other sections of the song are obscured, as if to drive the title of the short into the audience's head. Even Fritz Owl himself picks up on that particular line.
  • Toon
  • Toothy Bird: The stuttering bird
  • Trap Door: How Jack Bunny disposes of his rejected amateurs
  • White Gloves: Jack Bunny
  • Whole-Plot Reference: The plot is based on that of Al Jolson's most famous film, The Jazz Singer, in which the father of the title character rejects his son for wishing to sing jazz music; in that film, however, the father and son are reconciled only at the father's death-bed, and the son sings the Mourner's Kaddish at his father's funeral.
    • Also this version has no one in blackface; the lack (or at least, reduction) of Values Dissonance allows the cartoon to have retained more cultural popularity than the film upon which it is based.