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Naked First Impression -> Naked Fist Impression (likely to be a result of Talk to the Fist )
Nanaka 6/17 -> Nanoha 6/17
Narm -> Nam
Naruto -> Narutaru
Nasty Party -> Nasty Patty
Nasuverse -> Nanuverse
Near-Rape Experience -> Nerd Rape Experience (An Unwanted Harem ?)
Negative Space Wedgie -> Negative Space Weegie
Neon Genesis Evangelion -> Neo Geo Evangelion
Nepotism -> Neopetism
Nerds Are Sexy -> Ned Ah Sexy
Nerf Arm -> Narf Arm -> Ner Farm (I don't get it either)
Numb Arm
Narfle Arm -> Grotle Arm
Nerf Armor
Nerd Arm
Network Decay -> Network Decoy -> Network Destroy, New Work Decay
Never Live It Down -> Never Gonna Let You Down
Never Mess with Granny -> Never Mess With Sister
Never Speak Ill of the Dead ==> Never Speak Kill Of The Dead
The New Rock and Roll -> The New Rickroll
The New Rickroll , Then We Rock And Roll, Three New Rock and Rolls
NGO Superpower -> NJO Superpower (the Yuuzhan Vong?)
Nice Hat -> Ninja Hat
Nightmare Fuel -> Nightmare Fail.
Nineties Anti-Hero -> Nintendo Anti Hero
Ninja Gaiden -> Ninja Garden
Ninja Run -> Ninja Nun
Nipple-and-Dimed -> Nipples Are Trimmed, Nipple and Shined, Nipple and Dined, Nickel and Dimed (Ironically), Nipples and Dimes.
No Communities Were Harmed -> No Communists Were Harmed
No Communities Were Haremed
No Continuities Were Harmed.
Nodame Cantabile -> Nodame Mandible, No Name Can't Abide, No Damn Cannible, Notre Dame Cannibal
No Endor Holocaust -> No Indoor Holocaust (oh sh-- !), No Ender Holocaust
No Export for You -> No Expert for You
No Launching Please -> No Lunching Please
No Mister Bond I Expect You to Dine - No Mister Bond, I Expect You To Die
No More Heroes -> No More Zer oes
Nom De Mom -> Nom De Nom
Non-Idle Rich -> Non Idle Bitch
Non Idle Reich
Non Indie Bitch
North Koreans With Nodongs -> North Koreans With No Dongs , North Koreans With No Dogs -> North Koreans with Nondogs (whatever that means)
North Koreans with hotdogs
No Sell -> No Sale (as in the Wingding Eyes gag)
Nostalgia Filter -> Nostalgia Filler , The Nostalgia Critic
Nosy Neighbor -> Noisy Neighbor
Not a Subversion -> Not A Subversive
Notable Tabletop Games -> Not Tabletop Games
Note to Self: -> Not To Self, Note To Sell -> Not To Sell
Nothing but Skulls -> Nothing But Skrulls , Nothing But Schools, Noting Butt Skills -> Nothing but Skills
Not So Harmless -> Not So Narmless (Oh... so close!)
Not So Invincible After All -> Not So Invisible After All
No Zombie Cannibals -> No Zombie Cannibis
Numbered Sequels -> Numbered Seagulls
Oblivious Guilt Slinging -> Obvious Guilt Slinging , Oblivious Guilt Singing, Oblivious Gunslinging, Obvious Gut Singing
Oblivious to Love -> Too Obvious To Love
Obvious Beta -> Ominous Beta, Obvious Baka
Occidental Otaku -> Accidental Otaku
Occupiers Out of Our Country! -> Octuplets Out Of Our Country
Offer Void in Nebraska -> Offer Void In Neeshka , Other God In Nebraska (He Who Walks Behind The Rows?), Often Void In Nebraska
Old Man Marrying a Child -> Old Man Carrying A Child
Older Than Feudalism -> Older Than Freudianism
Other Common Music Video Concepts -> Other Common Videogame Music Misconceptions ("It's all a bunch of bleeps and bloops!" )
Ominous Fog -> Ominous Frog
One Up Sampo -> One Up Shampoo (It gives your hair a whole new life! ) -> One Use Shampoo
One-Woman Wail -> One Wormtail
One Wormtail -> One Wormtongue
One Wormtail -> One Woman Tail -> One Woman Tale
One Woman Wall
One Woman Wall -> One Woman Mall
Wonder Woman Wail
One Wonder Wall
One World Order -> One-World Wonder -> One Word Wonder
Only Child Syndrome -> Only Sane Child
Only the Worthy May Pass -> Only The Curvy May Pass (was next to Curvy in recent changes) -> Only The Wordy May Pass
The Ophelia -> The Ophiuca
Oranyan -> Orangutan
Organ Autonomy -> Organ Anatomy, Ogre Autonomy, Orgy Autonomy, Orphan Astronomy, Organ Autopsy, Orphan Autopsy
Organ Drops -> Oregon Drops
Orphean Rescue -> Orphan Rescue
The Other Darrin -> The Other Darwin
The Other Wiki -> The Otter Wiki, The Othar Wiki (and on that note, the Other's Wiki), The Outer Wiki, That One Wiki (You must defeat Wikipe-tan to stand a chance!)
Ouran High School Host Club -> Quran High School Host Club
Our Hero Is Dead -> Our Hero Is Dad -> Our Hero Is Bad (now how did that come up)
Our Genies Are Different -> Our Geniuses are different
Our Liches Are Different -> Our Lichees Are Different
Our Presidents Are Different -> Our Presidents Are Difficult
Our Spirits Are Different -> Our Sports Are Different
Our Wormholes Are Different -> Our Wombles Are Different -> Our Wombs Are Different
Our Waveholes Are Different
Our Wormmon Are Different -> Our Mormons Are Different -> Our Morons Are Different
Our Zombies Are Different -> Our Zombies Are President .
Oven Logic -> Over Logic
Overly Long Gag -> Overly Long Cat
Page Three Stunna -> Return To Savanna (You mean, like The Lion King 2 ? Or Scarlett ?)
Pace Thee Sauna (on this page)
Pastry Stunna
Hasty Setsuna .
Pain Center -> Pan Central, Rain Center, Panic Center
Pair the Spares -> Pair The Spades
Pandeism -> Pandaism (worship of pandas?)
Pandering to the Base -> Pedo bear ing To The Base
Pan's Labyrinth -> Penis Labyrinth , Pants Labyrinth, Pantsu Labyrinth.
Pantheon: Shape -> Pantheon: Snape
Panty Fighter -> Party Fighter (a cross between the Fighting Game and Mario Party ? (So, Super Smash Bros . , then?)), Panty Finder
Panty Shot -> Panty Shit
Papa Wolf -> Papal Wolf
Paper Fan of Doom -> Peter Pan Of Doom (while looking away a second), Paper Faroff Doom, Paper Fan Dumb
Parental Issues -> Paternal Issues (was next to Maternally Challenged ), Perennial Issues
Parental Substitute -> Parental Prostitute -> Paternal Pasta
Parker Lewis Can't Lose -> Parker Lewis Can't Hold His Liquor . (Just guess what it was followed immediately by on "Recent Changes")
Party Game -> Panty Game
Passion Play -> Rassilon Play -> Pokémon Play
Passive-Aggressive Kombat -> Passive Aggressive Wombat
The Password Is Always Swordfish -> The Password Is Always Swedish
The Perfect Score -> The Perfect Storm
The Perils of Penelope Pitstop -> The Penis of Penelope Pitstop (don't ask. Just...don't), The Pearls of Penelope Pitstop, The Perils of Penelope Shitstop
Paxton Fettel -> Patton Oswalt
Perky Goth -> Pesky Goth (well, some Goths are pesky) -> Pesky Goff (these ones, perhaps?)
Person as Verb -> Phineas and Ferb
Pet Heir -> Peter Weir (director of The Truman Show and Dead Poets Society )
Phone Booth -> Phoney Booth
Photographic Memory -> Pornographic Memory
Picaresque -> Picardesque -> Pixaresque
Pick Up Babes with Babes -> Pick Up Babies with Babies . Fuck up Babes With Babes (if you can do that, you don't need the original one, do you?)
The Picture of Dorian Gray + Tropes Will Ruin Your Life -> This Picture Will Ruin Your Life
The Pig Pen -> The Pen Pen
Pimp Duds -> Pimp Druids
Pitch Testing Zone -> Bitch Testing Zone , Piss Tetching Zone
A Plague on Both Your Houses -> A Plague On Both Your Horses, A Plaque On Both Your Houses
Planescape: Torment -> Planescape Torrent
Plato Is a Moron -> Plato is a Moon
Playing a Tree + Playing with Fire -> Playing a Tree On Fire (Ouch)!
Playing Tennis With the Boss -> Playing Penis With The Boss -> Playing Penis With The Boys
Playing Tennis With the Boss + Playing with a Trope -> Playing Tennis With A Trope
Playing to The Fetishes -> Planet Of The Fetishes
Playing With The Fishes
Playing To The Testicles
Plays Great Ethnics -> Plays Great Ethics
Plug N Play Friends -> Plug 'N' Play Fruits (This, Mango Nukes ... I must be hungry.)
Podcast -> Prodcast -> P(r)odcats
Poison Oak Epileptic Trees -> Professor Oak's Epileptic Trees
Poke the Poodle -> Pork The Poodle
The Pollyanna -> The Poochyena
User:Pom Rania -> Porn Mania
Poorly-Disguised Pilot -> Poorly Disguised Plot
Porn Stash <-> Porn Stache , Porn Smash, Corn Stash, Pom Stash
Portal Network + Player Punch -> Portal Punch (seen on Recent Changes next to each other)
Post-Kiss Catatonia -> Post Kiss California
Potemayo -> Potatomoto , Dattebayo!
Powder Trail -> Powder Tail, Power Trail, Power Tail, Powered Tail
Powder Trial, Power Trial, Powered Trial (nonsense, but still…)
Power Born of Madness -> Porn Of Madness , Powder Of Madness
Power Crutch -> Power Crotch
Powered Armor -> Powdered Armor (Just Add Water ?)
Power Floats -> Power Goats, Power Coats, Power Boats, Power Foals
Power Gives You Wings -> Power Gives You Wangs -> Power Gives You Wangst , Power Gives You Rings
Power Glows -> Power Grows
The Power of Love -> The Power Of Lose -> The Power of L.O.S.E.
The Power of Rock -> The Power Of Rock man
Power of Trust -> Power Thrust
Powerpuff Girls -> Powder Puff Girls
Praetorian Guard -> Prydonian Guard, Pray Thor's On Guard, Pratchettian Guard
Pretend Prejudice -> A very odd misspelling of Pride and Prejudice , Prepared Prune Juice
Pretty Cool Guy -> Pretty Cure Guy
PrimaDonna -> Pre-Madonna
Prima Donna Director -> Prima Donna Doctor
Private Detective -> Pirate Detective
Privates Detective (So he strip-searches, eh?)
Production Posse -> Punctuation Posse
Prom Is for Straight Kids -> Porn Is For Straight Kids
Protection From Editors -> Protection From Elders
Psycho for Hire + The Juggernaut (Seen next to each other on the "Recent Edits" page) -> Psychonauts For Hire
Public Exposure -> Pubic Exposure
Punch Clock Villain -> Punch Cock Villain
Puny Earthlings -> Punny Earthlings (It's true...), Puny Earrings
Pursuing Parental Perils -> Pursuing Parental Penis
Put Me in Coach -> Put Me In Couch , Put Me In Crotch
Putting on the Reich -> Put It On The Rich, Putting On The Peach , Putting On The Leech , Putin On The Reich
PvP -> PCP (Porter C Powell)
The Queen's Latin -> Queen Latifah, The Queen's Late!
Quest Giver -> Guest Quiver.
Questionable Content -> Questionable Consent
Race Against the Clock -> Rape Against The Clock -> Race Against The Cock (rooster)
Race For Your Love -> Rape For Your Love ; Rice For Your Love; Race Foe, Your Love , Race For Your Life
Rage Against the Heavens -> Rap e Against The Heavens, Rage Against the Hyenas.
Raised by Wolves -> Raped By Wolves , Raised By Elves?, Razed By Wolves, Razed By Elves?!
Random Power Ranking -> Random Power Ranger
Random PowerNanking
Random Power Spanking
Rape As Comedy -> Rape As Candy (Everything at once!), Rap as Comedy, Rape Ass Comedy (a subset of Refuge in Audacity )
Rapid-Fire Typing -> Rapist Fire Typing
Rant-Inducing Slight -> Rant Inducing Sight (which sounds much better, grammar wise.)
Really Gets Around -> Reality Gets Around
Real Person Cameo -> Real Person Galileo
Recent Changes -> Reality Changes , Reset Changes
Recurring Riff -> Recurring Yiff (...what ?)
We're looking at you becase you have a mental desease
Redheaded Stepchild -> Red Headed Stupid, Red Handed Stepchild
Re-Ditto -> Doritos (I was hungry, OK?)
Red Light District too close on the page to The Red Planet -> Red Light Planet
The Red Sonja -> The Red So n i a
Reed Richards Is Useless -> Michael Richards Is Useless, Reed Richards Is Ulysses
Sea Urchins Are Useless
Keith Richards Is Useless
Richard Is Useless
Read, Richards! E 's Useless!
Lyrical is Useless
Reed Snorkel -> Red Snorkel
Refuge in Audacity -> Refugee in Audacity
Reincarnation Romance -> Reincarnation Bromance
The Renfield -> The Seinfeld , The Ren and Stimpy
The Rumsfeld
The Ren Fair
Rental (car) -> Rentai
Report Siht -> Report Shit, Reports It, Report Sith , Repost Shit , Repot Shit, Repurposed Pop Song
Repo! The Genetic Opera -> Repo the Generic Opera
Repurposed Pop Song -> Repurposed Rap Song, Resourpussed Pop Song
Rescued From the Scrappy Heap -> Rescued From Imogen Heap .
Restraining Bolt -> Restraining Boll (See, there's this petition going 'round...), Retraining Boll , Yew Ball
Retired Game Show Element -> Retarded Game Show Element
Retroactive Recognition -> Retroactive Dungeon -> Radioactive Recognition (that green glow looks familiar)
The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized -> The Resolution Will Not Be Televised , The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, The Resolution Will Not Be Civilized
The Revolution Will Not Be Institutionalised
The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified -> The Revolution will not be verified
Right-Wing Militia Fanatic -> Right Wing Militia Fanfic
Road Show -> Red Snow
Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Romans of the Three Kingdoms
Romancing the Widow -> Romancing The Window
Ronin Warriors -> Robin Williams (At this point I think I need my head checked.)
Rooting for the Empire -> Rooting For The Umpire
Rope Bridge -> Rape Bridge (Oh my! It actually fits! )
Rousseau Was Right -> Rossiu Was Right, Rousseau Was Tight, (Vince) Russo Was Right (for once), (Ladd) Russo Was Right
The Rule of First Adopters -> The Rule Of First Adapters
Rule 34 - Rule Thirty Sex (Rule 30 has sex? )
Rumiko Takahashi -> Ryo Takamisaki
The Sadistic Choice -> The Sarcastic Choice, The Sad Dipstick Choice
Saint Seiya -> Sailor Seiya -> Saint Seira
Sand in My Eyes -> Send In My Eyes, Sad Enemy Eyes, Stand In My Eyes, Saint in my Eyes
Sandy Mitchell -> Saintly Mitchell (ironic of course, because the title character of that film is decidedly not saintly)
Sanity Slippage -> Saintly Slippage
The Sarah Connor Chronicles -> The Sarah Jane Adventures
Sarcasm Failure -> Starscream Failure (Yet again!)
Likewise, Sarcasm Mode -> Starscream Mode (Converts from fighter jet into snarky, backstabbing robot and back!)
Sasami -> Sashimi. Although since the person in question was from another planet.....
Satan Is Good -> Satan Is God, Seitan Is Goat
Saved by the Bell -> Saved By Zatch Bell
Saving Sarah Cain -> Saving Sarah Palin -> Craving Sarah Palin
Scarf of Asskicking -> Scar Of Asskicking, Scar of Asskicking
Scary Impractical Armor -> Scarily Practical Ammo
Schala Lives -> Schala Lives (with a long i, as in "extra lives")
SCP Foundation -> SPC Foundation, SCV Foundation, SDP Foundation (How is this possible)
The Scrappy -> The Crappy (more appropriate actually))
Screams Like a Little Girl -> Samus Is A Little Girl , Samus Is A Ghoul, Seams Like A Little Grill
Screw the Rules I Have Plot -> Screw The Rules I Have Pot
Se7en -> Semen
Seasonal Rot -> Seasonal Riot , Sensational Rot, Sensational Riot, Seasonal Rat, Seasonal Plot
Second Episode Morning -> Second Episode Mourning (all the characters shed a tear for the Sacrificial Lamb )
Sedgwick Speech -> Sedgewick Smooch
Seinfeld Is Unfunny -> Seinfeld Is A Bunny
Selective Gravity -> Selective Gravy
Self-Insert Fic -> Self Service Fic
Self-Made Orphan -> Spell Made Orphan , Self Made Opium
Sempai-Kohai -> Sempai Kohei
Serial Killer Killer -> Serial Killer Whale
Series Continuity Error -> Serious Continuity Error
Series Goal -> Series Goat, Surly Goat
Seven Minute Lull -> Seven Minute LOL
Seven Is Nana -> Seven of Nine
Sex Changes Everything -> Sex Change Is Everything
Shaving Is Science -> Sharing Is Science, Shaving In Silence, Shaving His Science
Shibi Aburame -> Spirit Albarn
Ship Tease -> Strip Tease
Shipper on Deck -> Stripper On Deck
Shirtless Scene -> Shitless Scene
Shock and Awe -> Spock and Awe
Shonen Hair -> Shaven Hair
Shoo Out the Clowns -> Shoot Out The Clowns
Shoot Out the Lock -> Shout-Out The Lock -> Shout Out To The Rock
Shopping Montage -> Shipping Montage , Shopping For Montage, Shopping For Mortgages
Shotgun Wedding -> Shogun Wedding
Shotoclone -> Shotaclone , Shot A Clone, Shotokan > Shoko tan
Significant Reference Date -> Starfighter Reference Date
Silence Is Golden -> Science Is Golden
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories -> Silent Hill Shadow Mommies
Single-Issue Wonk -> Single Issue Wank , Single Issue Work
Sitch Sexuality -> Stitch Sexuality
Skyward Sword -> Squidward Sword
Smug Snake -> Smug Snape , Smug Sasuke , Snug Snake
Snark Bait -> Snake Bait, Shark Bait, Snark Bite, Shark Bite, Snake Bite
Snatch -> Snatch Adams
Snowlems -> Snow Lems
So Bad Its Horrible -> So Bad It's Dr. Horrible , So Bad It's Qrrbrbirlbel
So Bad It's Horrible: Wrestling -> So Bad, It's Horrible Wrestling
Socially Awkward Hero -> Sexually Awkward Hero
Social Semi-Circle -> Socialism Circle, Special Sim Circle
Sociopathic Soldier -> Slakoth Soldier
Something Else Also Rises -> Something Else Almost Rises
Something Something Leonard Bernstein -> Something Something Rugal Bernstein (GENOCIDE CUTTAH!! HAHAHAHAHA! )
So Once Again the Day Is Saved -> So Once Again, It Was His Sled
Sorry I Left the BGM On -> Sorry I Left the BFG On
Sorry I Let The BFG In
Sorry I Left The BDSM On
So What Are You Shaving?
Spam Attack -> Sperm Attack
Spain Attack
Spam Attach (soft ch sound)
Spice Rack Panacea -> Spice Rack Placenta , Spice Rack Pangea, Spice Rack Pancreas, Spam Rice Pandora -> Spam Razors , Pandora !
Spin to Deflect Stuff -> Spin To Detect Stuff , Spot To Reflect Stuff
Squishy Wizard -> Squicky Wizard
Stalking Mission -> Stalking Minion
Starkits Prophecy -> Sharktits Prophecy
Starwing -> Starwang
Stat Grinding -> Start Grinding (Because You Have To )
Statler and Waldorf -> Stantler And Bidoof
Stealth Hi Bye -> "Self High Five"
Stern Chase -> Stem Chase (blame it on keming ...)
Stern Teacher -> Stunt Teacher
"Stop Having Fun!" Guys -> Stop Hating Fun Guys, Stop Having Fungi
Stop Helping Me! -> Stop Hugging Me -> Stop Mugging Me
Street Fighter -> Skeet Fighter -> Keet Fighter
Stringy Haired Ghost Girl -> Stingy Haired Ghost Girl
Stripped to the Bone -> Strapped To The Bomb
Stupid Sexy Flanders -> Stupid Sexy Flandre
Subdued Section -> Subdued Seduction
Subspace Ansible -> Subspace Asshole
Subtitles Are Superfluous -> Subtleties Are Superfluous , Subtitles Are Super Floss
Such a Phony -> Such A Pony
Suit-Up of Destiny - Shut Up of Destiny
Superman -> Stupidman
Supermarionation -> Super Mario Nation (We wish!)
Super Sentai -> Super Hentai (I can't believe we don't have this one)
Super Serum -> Super Sperm (or Sperm Serum-- would explain why Captain America never divulged the ingredients)
Super See-Rum (wonder if Jack would like this?)
Surprisingly Improved Sequel -> Surprisingly Improvised Sequel
Suspiciously Apropos Music -> Suspiciously, A Porpoise's Music
Suspiciously Appropriate Music (which actually relates to the subject)
Sweet Polly Oliver -> Sweet Tommy Oliver
Swiss Army Appendage -> Swiss Army Bondage Swiss Army Appendectomy