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Serial 18218

Who's the one to call when I'm frustrated

And I've got a problem with my plot?

Should my premise be so boldly stated?

Should I drop a clue, or should I not?

Sometimes I get caught up in my story

Where are these ideas coming from?

When it's one big exciting blur

That's when I should be writing her

At Mighty Mur @ Gmail dot com
Fan-Created Theme Song

An award-winning Podcast for wannabe fiction writers by wannabe fiction writer Mur Lafferty.[1]

You can find the Podcast and the Blog here.

Tropes found in the podcast include:

  • Blog - Besides the straight feed, Mur also posts the shows and the show notes on the ISBW Blog, along with a daily writing prompt from Jared Axelrod in News From Poughkeepsie.
  • Gender Blender Name - The host is named Mur. Be sure to not call her Sir if you're going to message her.
  • Theme Tune - Specifically, a song created by a fan, which is now used to introduce the Listener Feedback segments "?Where are these ideas coming from? When its one big exciting blur, that's when I should be writing her, at Might Mur at gmail dot com!"
    • She has two other theme songs as well—one for regular shows, and another one for the Good Cop Bad Cop segment.
  • Viral Marketing - Mur has gained a lot of loyalty out of the podcast community from the show, which has helped her get her books moving on the release days - including a good Amazon Rush or two.
  • Web Serial Novel - This is where that Viral Marketing comes in. Mur has a lot of Podcast Novels, including the Heaven series, The Takeover, and Playing for Keeps, which you can find on Podiobooks.
  1. Who, since launching the podcast, has had a novel and several short fiction pieces published