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1978 version[]

Jennifer Hills a young, attractive aspiring writer from New York, rents a riverside cabin out in the woods so she can work on her first novel in peace only to catch the eye of four local rednecks - Johnny, Andy, Stanley and Matthew, who appears to be mentally handicapped - who the next day harass Jennifer while she is out sunbathing and then at night when she is in bed, and the day after that pull her ashore while she is in her boat and then proceed to rape her. Repeatedly. In a number of different ways. They also mock and rip up her novel.

The four then depart, but in a mind-numbing lapse of judgment (they are ignorant hicks), they order Matthew, the mentally-handicapped one who previously had shown some affection for Jennifer and been reluctant to participate in the rapes, to go back and finish her off. Matthew cannot bring himself to do it, so he instead just smears some blood on the knife to make it look like he did. Consequently, Jennifer recovers, and over the next few days, collects her dues. First, she seduces Matthew and hangs him from a tree. Then, she holds Johnny at gunpoint, but then decides to invite him back to her house where she takes a bath with him, castrates him with a kitchen knife and leaves him to bleed to death. Finally, she swims out to Andy and Stanley's boat and pushes them overboard, and then axes one in the back and disembowels the other with the propeller, telling him as he pleads for mercy beforehand what he had told her whilst he was raping her earlier; "Suck it, bitch!", at which point the credits roll.