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File:I Thought My Time Was Up!.png

I Thought My Time Was Up! (시한부인 줄 알았어요!) is a 2022 manhwa written by Ari Choi and Hyeyong, and illustrated by Essie. You can read it on Webtoons in either Korean, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai or Indonesian.

Feeling a little under the weather, Lariette Blanche visits Doctor Zakascoff only to find out that she has an extremely rare congenital disease, and only three months left to live. Though devastated at first, Lariette decides to write up a bucket list of everything she wants to do before she dies. However, little did she know that the diagnosis was actually wrong! With so many changes implemented in her life already, what will Lariette do moving forward? Will she return to her previous life, or continue living the new one, full of adventures she had never imagined before?

Tropes used in I Thought My Time Was Up! include:
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Reverend Mikhail fondly remembers his mother as a caring and affectionate woman.[52]
  • Duke of the North: The male lead, Asrahan Kandel, is a duke of the highest status in the Harushan Empire. He served the realm as a general, and earned the moniker of the empire's sharpest blade, when he came back victorious from a war they were bound to lose.[3] He is often referred to as a monster with incredible strength, and people avoid him because of his terrifying visage on the battlefield and curse.[1] When he doesn't cover up his rotten skin, he is described as a piece of art made by god. He sports black hair and blue eyes.[3]
  • Hostage Situation: Reverend Mikhail is worried that his rivals may resort to hurting Lariette to get to him.[52] She is eventually kidnapped by a yandere who wants her to run away with him.[64]
  • Hot for Preacher: Reverend Mikhail is a high-ranking clergyman, but seems like priests in this story doesn't have to be celibate. And he's in love with Lariette.
  • I Don't Want to Ruin our Friendship: Reverend Mikhail hides his feelings for Lariette, because he doesn't want to lose her.[57]
  • Incredibly Obvious Tail: After Lariette learns disguise magic, she discovers that somebody has put a tail on her. The Blanchett family sent somebody to spy on the Kandel household. While Asrahan made Gerard follow Lariette to guardher.
  • Just Friends: Lariette notices that "Doha," aka Reverend Mikhail in disguise, has feelings for her. Partly because he avoids looking at her sometimes, and his ears flush red. But she continues to affirm, he's a good friend of her's.[57]
  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: Elze is a close friend of Lariette, but Reverend Mikhail keeps getting jealous because he thinks she's a he. When he finally gets a closer look at "him," he realises that it's the princess and feels relieved.[55]
  • Last Day to Live: Lariette is told she's only got 3 months left to live.[1]
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Asrahan is spurned because of his curse.
  • Love Triangle: Both Duke Kandel and Reverend Mikhail are in love with Lariette.[52]
  • Moral Myopia: Lady Sheria Mirchen makes a move on the duke, even though she knows he's dating Lariette.[52] Because she believes Lariette is a commoner and doesn't deserve the priveleges she's enjoying.[55] The duke eventually puts her in her place by revealing that Lariette is higher ranked than her.[60]
  • Protectorate: Reverend Mikhail towards Lariette, though he doesn't want to admit it.[52]
  • Rags to Riches: Reverend Mikhail grew up as a street urchin, before he was taken in by the church and rose up the ranks. People still look down on him and insult him for his lowly origins though. Lariette seems to care for him regardless, which is one of the reasons he falls for her.
  • Secret Identity: Reverend Mikhail is actually next in line to become pope, but pretends to be a diacon in front of Lariette.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Reverend Mikhail denies he's in love with Lariette, and is aware of it. He even avoids meeting her for a while, because he's afraid he'll feel confused again and think that he's in love with her. After seeing her hang out with Elze, he feels so jealous that he changes his mind and decides to visit the next day.[52] He finally relents that he cannot free himself from her, no matter how much he denies it or runs away.[55]
  • Soap Opera Disease: Asrahan is cursed to reek of decaying flesh and rotten skin.[1]
  • Spoiled Brat: Lady Sheria believes Lariette that is a commoner and thus doesn't deserve the priveleges she's enjoying.[55]
  • The Bucket List: Since she's dying soon, Lariette decides to do what she's always wanted to do before she kicks the bucket.
  • The Runaway: After three months is up, Lariette is planning to run away so that people she cares about won't have to see her dying.[51]
  • The Unfavourite: Reverend Mikhail is second in line to become the next pope, but the other clergymen and nobility does not seem happy with this.[51] Also, Lariette is not treated well by her own family.
  • Villainous Crush: Reverend Mikhail towards Lariette. Though he tries to convince himself it's because he wants her for her powers, he did genuinely fall for her as they spent more time together.[51]
  • Yandere: Even though their contract was supposed to only last three months, Asrahan intended to keep it going way beyond that. It's also lampshaded that he sometimes acts strangely violent and obsessed when it comes to her.[58] Though, he says he'll "spend the rest of my life with her if she'll have me..."[60]

These tropes does not have their own article yet, but does appear in the story.

  • Contract relationship: Asrahan and Lariette signed a contract to date each other for three months, while she worked to purify his curse.[57]