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Somehow, Shadow has been transported to another universe, wherein, he meets Ryuuko, who's sick with cancer.
Can be read here
Tropes used in Ice Water include:
- Asleep for Days: At one point, Ryuuko tells Shadow he was, quote, "asleep for days", before he awoke in the hospital. As Ryuuko tells him, she can sleep for a long time, especially in "stasis".
- Cross-Over Fic: Betwixt Kill la Kill and Sonic the Hedgehog
- Ill Girl:
- Ryuuko, who was sick with cancer, though, she beat it, however, she still has to finish off her treatment.
- Maria Robotnik, who's mentioned. At some point, Shadow notes their similarities.
- Exactly What It Says On the Tin: Well, Shadow and Ryuuko bond over ice water with lemon.
- Noodle Incident: How did Shadow end up Kill la Kill's universe? Well, when he got there, he was asleep for awhile and, from what's said, Ryuuko watched over him.
- Reality Ensues:
- Bein' "cancer free" doesn't necessarily mean that the chemotherapy stops, though Ryuuko's implied to be switched to a lighter dosage (her hair's coming back). Relatedly, chemotherapy can make it hard for the patient to eat, so Ryuuko would be on intravenous nutrition.
- Life Fibers be damned, Ryuuko's still a human being, so, while she might otherwise survive it, she's not exempt from getting cancer or getting sick at all. Likewise, she ain't immune to the treatment's effects.
- Cancer is a very scary illness to deal with and gettin' diagnosed would be scary and upsetting. Ryuuko's reacts and deals with it like any other human person would.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Lemons for Ryuuko, duh. Since she can't really keep down lemonade like she used to, she substitutes it for ice water with lemon.
- The Topic of Cancer: Ryuuko's illness. It's not said what type of cancer she has but, due to her partial extraterrestrial nature, it's not terminal. However, she is scared of a relapse.