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Ice Water

Uploaded by the Authoress

Somehow, Shadow has been transported to another universe, wherein, he meets Ryuuko, who's sick with cancer.

Can be read here

Tropes used in Ice Water include:
  • Asleep for Days: At one point, Ryuuko tells Shadow he was, quote, "asleep for days", before he awoke in the hospital. As Ryuuko tells him, she can sleep for a long time, especially in "stasis".
  • Cross-Over Fic: Betwixt Kill la Kill and Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Ill Girl:
    • Ryuuko, who was sick with cancer, though, she beat it, however, she still has to finish off her treatment.
    • Maria Robotnik, who's mentioned. At some point, Shadow notes their similarities.
  • Exactly What It Says On the Tin: Well, Shadow and Ryuuko bond over ice water with lemon.
  • Noodle Incident: How did Shadow end up Kill la Kill's universe? Well, when he got there, he was asleep for awhile and, from what's said, Ryuuko watched over him.
  • Reality Ensues:
    • Bein' "cancer free" doesn't necessarily mean that the chemotherapy stops, though Ryuuko's implied to be switched to a lighter dosage (her hair's coming back). Relatedly, chemotherapy can make it hard for the patient to eat, so Ryuuko would be on intravenous nutrition.
    • Life Fibers be damned, Ryuuko's still a human being, so, while she might otherwise survive it, she's not exempt from getting cancer or getting sick at all. Likewise, she ain't immune to the treatment's effects.
    • Cancer is a very scary illness to deal with and gettin' diagnosed would be scary and upsetting. Ryuuko's reacts and deals with it like any other human person would.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Lemons for Ryuuko, duh. Since she can't really keep down lemonade like she used to, she substitutes it for ice water with lemon.
  • The Topic of Cancer: Ryuuko's illness. It's not said what type of cancer she has but, due to her partial extraterrestrial nature, it's not terminal. However, she is scared of a relapse.