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A 1999 horror comedy, starring Devon Sawa, Seth Green, and Jessica Alba.
Anton Tobias is a typical lazy stoner. He lives a typical life in suburbia, complete with two pot smoking buddies, a crush on the cute girl, and life is generally good. Until his parents and various other people around town are murdered. The culprit? Anton's right hand.
The movie was a commercial flop, but has garnered a nice little cult following in recent years.
Tropes used in this film:[]
- Chained to a Bed: When things are getting hot and heavy with Molly, Anton ties his own hand to the bed. He's doing it for her safety, but she thinks he's just being kinky.
- Coincidental Dodge: Happens several times.
- Connect the Deaths: They form a pentagram.
- Demonic Possession: What's happened to Anton's hand.
- Dirty Cop: Two of them harass Anton until he kills them.
- Dying Clue: Anton's name is half-written on a wall.
- Dynamic Entry: How does Anton's evil hand make itself known at the dance? By dropping from the ceiling and scalping the singer of the band
- Evil Hand:...Duh. It turns into a Helping Hand after it's cut off.
- Fan Service: Jessica Alba. Sexy angel costume. That's all that need be said.
- To say nothing of the car makeout session between Curtis and Tiffany. Too bad the hand wanted a piece of the action.
- Life or Limb Decision: With his possessed hand trying to off him, Anton chops it off and traps it in the microwave.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Mick and Pnub unleash Anton's trapped hand from the microwave while trying to fix themselves a snack.
- Off with His Head: How Anton kills Pnub.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Mick and Pnub act pretty much the same way dead as they did alive.
- The Slacker: Anton at the start of the movie.
- The Stoner: Yes.
- The Cameo: Dexter Holland, lead singer of The Offspring as the singer of the band at the dance.