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Immoral Study 2

Immoral Study (インモラルスタディ| Inmoraru Sutadi) is a series of three Japanese adult games originally made for PC-98 computers in 1995, but re-released for Windows 95 the year after. The series, which follows the erotic exploits of Professor Hitosuji in tutoring beautiful girls, is by the studio Scoop Software Productions and the scripts are written by Seiji Imanishi (今西精二|Imanishi Seiji). The first two games were later released in English for Windows by Himeya Soft in 2001 (plus an unofficial translation of the third chapter by the Asenheim Project).

Tropes used in Immoral Study include:
  • Alpha Bitch: Ījima Yuka from the second game is this in contrast to the first. Though it's largely a facade for her own deep-seated issues.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: At least this is what Professor Hitosuji believes himself to be.
  • Cool Teacher: Professor Hitosuji's cultivated this reputation for himself. Though he admits quietly that he's only in it for the money and sex.
  • The Ingenue: Shirakawa Reiko, the "heroine" of the first game, is this. She's portrayed as sheltered and incredibly naive.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he has no qualms seducing the girls he's "tutoring," he still tries to understand them.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: The girls Professor Hitosuji seduces tutors in the series generally come from wealthy families.
  • Teacher-Student Romance: The premise of the whole series in a nutshell is taking this to its logical, sexual conclusion in various ways. All the while making sure no one else knows about it.