Impure Blood is a fantasy webcomic featuring Roan, an enslaved gladiator called The Abomination, who is not entirely human and is given a chance to escape by joining a quest. Caspian, who masterminds it, is in conflict with many others, including his own father. Meanwhile, his slaves Dara and Elnor have agendas of their own.
Tropes included[]
- Alcohol Hic
- Ancient Tradition
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
- Artifact of Doom — maybe
- A Storm Is Coming: Mac sees it, does not believe it.
- Bearer of Bad News
- Beneath Suspicion
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Shows up on one of the pit fighters Roan dispatches in the first few pages.
- Blue Blood: Caspian, presumably along with the rest of the Watchers.
- Bookcase Passage
- Bothering by the Book
- Bottle Fairy: Elnor.
- Boxed Crook
- The Caper
- Career Killers: Elnor is one of these.
- Condemned Contestant
- Cool Car: Especially in Mac's eyes.
- Cool Airship
- Covered with Scars: Roan
- Cutting the Knot
- Crystal Ball
- Cue the Sun: Roan, naturally, escapes just in time for the sunrise time limit.
- Cyborg
- The Dandy: Caspian.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dark Is Evil
- Decapitated Army: The army falls into literal pieces when the head is lost.
- Deep Sleep: Roan, after his rescue.
- Divided We Fall
- Doomed Hometown: Twin Pass gets completely wiped out shortly after the cast moves on.
- Dramatic Wind
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Roan, all the time.
- Dynamic Entry
- Embarrassing Nickname: Roan considers his[1] this.
- Embarrassing Rescue
- Exotic Eye Designs: Dara has a fair few eye tropes going:
- Glowing Eyes
- Kaleidoscope Eyes: They default to blue, however...
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: They switch to this when she's angry.
- Fan Girl: Mac is one for Roan.
- Fantastic Racism: Against anyone with Ancient blood, hence the title.
- Fantastic Slurs
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Flash Back
- Flaw Exploitation
- A Friend in Need
- Fruit Cart
- Gambit Pileup
- The Gambling Addict: Those who do not pay up their debts may find themselves in the games.
- Genki Girl: Mac
- Gentle Giant: Roan.
- Ghost Ship
- Gladiator Games: Where Roan is held prisoner.
- Golem
- Good Is Not Nice
- Gossipy Hens: After the escape, the inn is full of talk of it.
- Gray Rain of Depression
- Great Escape
- Grievous Bottley Harm
- Grievous Harm with a Body
- Growling Gut
- Hair of Gold: Mac
- Half-Human Hybrid: Roan
- Harbinger of Impending Doom
- Here There Were Dragons
- High-Class Glass: Caspian
- I Gave My Word: Roan, and Dara's not letting him forget it any time soon.
- I Have No Son: Caspian's father disowns him.
- The Infiltration
- Infraction Distraction
- In Harm's Way
- In the End You Are on Your Own
- Ironic Echo
- Is That What They're Calling It Now?
- It Is Dehumanizing: Caspian makes a point of referring to Roan this way.
- I Warned You
- Just in Time: Roan makes it through the city gates just as the sun comes up.
- Knife Nut
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Last of His Kind: Roan believes that he's this. Also, Dara is searching for the last pure Ancient.
- Leader Dara. Caspian doens't like it.
- Leg Cling: Mac to Roan — then, it's in the middle of the fight, and they are after her, not him — she's trying to hide.
- Leonine Contract: Here.
- Let's Split Up, Gang!: Elinor holds off the guard while Roan makes for the gate
- Little Stowaway: Mac
- The Lost Woods: Where Roan was born
- Made a Slave: Roan.
- The Medic
- Messy Hair
- Mugging the Monster: Attacking Caspian is unwise.
- Mundane Utility
- Mysterious Past
- The Nose Knows: Roan smells Dara's approach.
- Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Roan
- Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering: The Watchers.
- Odd-Shaped Panel
- Oedipus Complex
- Oh My Gods
- Only the Knowledgable May Pass: Roan is quite agitated when Dara knows secrets.
- Opaque Lenses: Dara has them to hide her Glowing Eyes of Doom.
- Painting the Fourth Wall
- Paper-Thin Disguise: As if Roan's incredible bulk didn't make him stand out enough already, he has to spend some time walking around in this.
- Phlebotinum Breakdown
- Pink Elephants: Escaping through the city, they pass a drunk who may have seen something that wasn't there.
- Plausible Deniability
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder: Roan collapses after escape.
- Power Glows
- Precursors: The Ancients.
- Primal Fear
- The Promise: See I Gave My Word above.
- Psychic Powers: Dara has them, although the full extent of them isn't yet known.
- The Quest
- Rebus Bubble
- The Reveal
- Royal Blood
- Royal Brat
- Schizo-Tech
- Scooby-Doo Hoax
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Servile Snarker: Elnor.
- Shaming the Mob: Dara does this to the Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering
- Shout-Out: Early on, to the cabbage merchant from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
- Show Some Leg
- Shrouded in Myth
- Sole Survivor: Mac.
- Speed Stripes
- Spell My Name with a "The": Roan, AKA The Abomination.
- Squee
- Stop Helping Me!
- Sword Cane
- Tempting Fate
- There Can Be Only One
- There Is Another
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs
- Think Nothing of It
- Through His Stomach: Dara and Roan start to bond after she convinces him to go get something to eat.
- Ungrateful Bastard: The Watchers in general are this towards Roan, but the blond one in particular fits.
- Unspoken Plan Guarantee
- Vagueness Is Coming: One Watcher is particularly found of it.
- Visible Silence
- Waking Up Elsewhere
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Roan.
- Watching Troy Burn
- We Named the Monkey "Jack"
- Who Will Bell the Cat: : You go put him under arrest, then.
- Would Hurt a Child
- Wrench Wench
- You Are in Command Now
- Youthful Freckles: Mac
- ↑ The Abomination