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  • What happens to the meth.
  • In season 3 episode "Whistle Stop":

 Mary: You're...verbally impotent.

Marshall: [looks pained] I swear this has never happened to me before.

  • In a season 4 episode, Mary gets impatient while her charge admits his love for a long-time flame, who he was set to testify against. She completely skewers the entire "Cannot Spit It Out love reveal" process.
  • In Season 5's "Drag Me to Hell," Marshall goes undercover as the witness for a sting operation. The thing is, the wit happens to be a Drag Queen who keeps performing at clubs despite the threat to his life. Hilarity Ensues as Marshall the Recursive Crossdresser sings a rather impressive rendition of "I Will Survive." Then the Big Bad shows up...