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These tropes apply to (almost) all the characters and will not have to be listed:
Please note that all Japanese characters are in Last Name First Name order.
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Inazuma All-Stars[]
Endou Mamoru[]
Eng Dub: Mark Evans |
"No one has more love for soccer than Raimon's fiery captain!"
Voiced By: Junko Takeuchi |
- Adorkable
- Berserk Button: Do not use soccer with the intention of hurting others. And do NOT mess with his friends.
- Big Eater
- Book Dumb
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership
- Catch Phrase
"Sakka yarouze!" |
- Cheerful Child
- Curtains Match the Window
- Determinator
- The Hero
- The Power of Friendship
- Heroic BSOD: The anime gives him two counts of this.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In Chrono Stone he stalls Protocol Omega so that the new Raimon can escape, and gets captured
- Hot-Blooded
- Identical Grandson
- Image Song: Mammote Miseru! / I’ll Protect It!
- Jack of All Stats: While defaulting as the goal keep, Endou's Level 1 stats in the first game pretty much guarantee he'll be better than anyone else wherever you put him. The second game "corrects" this.
- Keet
- Martial Arts Headband
- The Messiah
- Nonchalant Dodge: In GO, when a peeved Tsurugi tries to shoot at him.
- Oblivious to Love
- Official Couple: In the GO game, he can be married to either Natsumi or Fuyuka. In the anime, he is married to Natsumi.
- Older and Wiser: Ten years later in GO.
- Perpetual Smiler
- Plucky Boy: Opponents are time and time again confused how he gets excited rather than disheartened in seeing strong rivals.
- Tears of Joy
- True Companions: The center of it, of course.
- Turn Out Like His Grandfather: His mom disapproves of him playing soccer because she thinks it's what killed her dad.
Gouenji Shuuya[]
Eng Dub: Axel Blaze |
"Beneath this ace striker's cool exterior burns a fiery passion for soccer."
Voiced By: Hirofumi Nojima |
- The Ace
- Big Bad: He is Ishido Shuuji in GO.
- The Dragon: Except he isn't the Big Bad.
- Double subverted. It was all Jerkass Facade.
- Good All Along
- Reverse Mole
- The Dragon: Except he isn't the Big Bad.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Continuity Nod: After his training in Okinawa, he stays tan in subsequent cutscenes in-game.
- Don't Say Such Stupid Things: Towards Fubuki.
- Doting Brother
- Face Heel Turn: As of GO. Many outraged cries from fans were had.
- Jerkass Facade: Except he didn't really turn heel, he just acted that way to convince Senguuji. It was revealed in the Dragonlink match that Gouenji only became Holy Emperor to stop Senguuji from destroying soccer.
- Forehead of Doom
- Image Song: Honoo no Riyuu / The Reason For Flames
- Jack of All Stats: Like Endou, his starting stats in the first game are perfectly flat.
- Missing Mom
- Overrated and Underleveled: After all the hype, he joins at a lower level and with lower base stats than Endou. Justified in that he hasn't played in a year, but still.
- Playing with Fire
- Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Thanks to a Time Bracelet just like Yuuichi.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Justified as he was the only one with real skill early on in the series. Less so when every single combination hissatsu except two involve him in Season 1.
- Stealth Mentor: In GO.
- Supreme Chef: Makes excellent takoyaki. And fanon enjoys citing his skill at… peeling potatoes.
- Sure Why Not: Gouenji's lightningbrows in the anime replaced his original eyebrow design by the third set of games.
- Unusual Eyebrows
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- Fantasy-Forbidding Father: Gouenji's dad wants him to become a doctor and save lives rather than play "meaningless soccer".
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Zero-Approval Gambit. In GO. Goes in line with his Big Bad Dragon Jerkass Facade.
Kidou Yuuto[]
Eng Dub: Jude Sharp |
"A talented game maker, his skills and his strategies are unbeatable."
Voiced By: Hiroyuki Yoshino |
- The Ace: Of Teikoku. Still counts if you consider his play-making.
- Animal Motifs: Penguins.
- Awesomeness By Analysis
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Cape
- Badass Longcoat: In GO.
- Big Brother Instinct
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Teikoku.
- Also of Inazuma Japan, whenever Endou is benched. The armband isn't seen because his cape covers his arms.
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Goggles Do Nothing: Subverted. It's revealed that the goggles help him focus on where the ball is and where it will land at all times.
- Good Costume Switch
- Hopeless Boss Fight: First of many.
- Heel Face Turn
- Image Song: Hitomi no Naka no Shouri / The Victory in My Eyes
- Jack of All Stats: In the first game.
- Lonely Rich Kid: While he is close with his Teikoku teammates, he seems mostly detached at home. Possibly because he's adopted.
- He does become Happily Adopted later on, because even if he doesn't reunite with his sister Haruna to live under the same roof, they're content with their new families.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: He somewhat resembles Edgar Davids.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Underneath the goggles. Subverts the evil aspect.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Fidio's Blue, Blue to Demonio's Red.
- The Smart Guy
- Stern Teacher: To Raimon in GO.
Fubuki Shirou[]
Eng Dub: Shawn Froste |
"The north's best striker is usually cool and calm until he's on the field..."
Voiced By: Mamoru Miyano |
- The Ace: Yet another.
- Broken Ace: Due to his desire to be perfect, but he got better.
- An Ice Person
- Animal Motifs: Wolves.
- Angsty Surviving Twin: He gets better.
- Badass Adorable
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Hakuren.
- Chick Magnet
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deceased Parents Are the Best
- Different As Night and Day: With Atsuya.
- Expository Hairstyle Change
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes
- Eyes of Gold: As Atsuya
- Heroic BSOD
- Image Song: Ice Road
- Lightning Bruiser
- My Sibling Will Livethrough Me: Not by choice, but he doesn't reject Atsuya's presence either.
- Stops once he decides he doesn't need to be perfect.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Split Personality
- Two Siblings in One
- Tareme Eyes
- Tsurime Eyes: As Atsuya.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Why Did It Have To Be An Avalanche
- Fear of Thunder: Actually, any noise that reminds him of avalanches. In-game he became numb when he heard Shin Teikoku's structure collapse.
Kazemaru Ichirouta[]
Eng Dub: Nathan Swift |
"A nimble defender. He has been friends with Endou for a long time. "
Voiced By: Yuka Nishigaki |
- Bishonen
- Blow You Away
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Dark Emperors.
- As well as Inazuma Japan's during the Argentina match.
- Childhood Friends: With Endou.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Face Heel Turn
- The Dark Side Will Make You Forget
- Heel Realization: Subsequently crying before he faints.
- Evil Costume Switch
- I Know You Are in There Somewhere Fight
- The Dark Side Will Make You Forget
- Fragile Speedster
- Image Song: Mai Agare! / Let It Soar!
- Informed Ability: Apparently his being diligent made several clubs want him.
- It's not completely out of the blue--just never specifically showcased.
- Jack of All Stats: Unlike Handa, not in a negative way. He can play almost all positions sans GK.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Number Two
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: poor Kazemaru in the game getting brutally beaten up by members of the Genesis in their first match against the Raimon If you like him, it is very satisfying when you have the opportunity to kick their asses.
- Only Sane Man: Technically not the only one, but he's the one doing the Face Palm on a regular basis.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Spared by the Adaptation: Instead of getting seriously hurt by Genesis, he leaves on his own accord after seeing how badly they were outmatched.
- YMMV whether or not this was a good thing. Kazemaru's show counterpart may not have gotten hurt, but his desertion caused fan accusations of him "being whiny", while others simply found it an Out-of-Character Moment.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Managers and Coaches[]
Kino Aki[]
Eng Dub: Silvia Woods |
Voiced By: Fumiko Orikasa |
- Childhood Friends: With Domon and Ichinose. Later on we find out there was another friend named Nishigaki. She may be having a Childhood Friend Romance with Ichinose ten years later.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Did Not Get The Guy: Despite all the Ship Tease, she is the only girl in the Endou Love Triangle that doesn't end up with him in GO
- Hair Decorations
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Girl Next Door
- Parental Substitute: In GO, she's this to Tenma, who's living away from his parents for an undisclosed reason. They are revealed to be relatives, so it makes sense.
- Supreme Chef
- Team Mom / Cute Sports Club Manager
- Un Confession: Near the end of Fire/Blizzard, she tries to confess to Endou - but gets interrupted by the juniors.
- You Gotta Have Brownish-Green Hair
Otonashi Haruna[]
Eng Dub: Celia Hills |
Voiced By: Hinako Sasaki |
- Cute Sports Club Manager
- Distressed Damsel: When she was set up to be sacrificed to the Demon Lord.
- Glasses Do Nothing: She actually wears hers from time-to-time (like during researching sprees), but not always.
- Gray Eyes
- Happily Adopted
- Hot Scoop
- Intrepid Reporter: Back when she was in the journalism club, she gave this impression.
- Ironic Name: Lampshaded when she first joins as a manger. "Otonashi" means quiet, which she is clearly not.
- Meganekko: Sometimes.
- Tsundere: Type B.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Raimon Natsumi / Endou Natsumi (GO Game (Shine)/Anime)[]
Eng Dub: Nelly Raimon |
Voiced By: Sanae Kobayashi |
- The Chief Director's Daughter
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Sports Club Manager
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- First-Name Basis
- Lethal Chef: Played for laughs especially in GO.
- Red-Headed Heroine: Although her hair is a more brownish shade.
- Spoiled Sweet: Apparent in the 3rd season – when she flies to another country (alone, at her age no less) to find out the truth about Endou Daisuke's death.
- The Ojou
- Statuesque Stunner: She is notably taller than the other female cast members sans Hitomiko.
- Tsundere: Type A, but she mellows out later.
Kudou Fuyuka / Endou Fuyuka (GO Game Dark)[]
Eng Dub: Camelia Travis |
- Affectionate Nickname: Endou remembers her as his childhood friend "Fuyuppe". And even if she doesn't seem to know him she just goes along with it.
- Of course, she is the Fuyuppe Endou remembers.
- Blue Eyes
- Childhood Friend Romance
- Either the Unlucky Childhood Friend or Victorious Childhood Friend, depending on which version of GO you get.
- Cute Sports Club Manager
- First-Name Basis
- First Girl Wins / Last Girl Wins: Becomes an odd mix of both in GO Dark Version. She was first girl that Endou bonded with but is the last girl introduced in the series proper.
- Happily Adopted
- Shrinking Violet: Before Endou told off her bullies.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Nnnnot quite. But her trauma is what caused doctors to think amnesia would be the only way to save her from starving herself.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Hibiki Seigou[]
Eng Dub: Seymour Hillman |
- Big Good: More prominent in GO, since the aim of the Resistance is to replace Big Bad Ishido/Senguuji as the Holy Emperor.
- Badass Grandpa
- The Captain: Was, anyway. Of the legendary Inazuma Eleven.
- Cool Old Guy
- Cool Shades
- Delinquents: Was one in his youth.
- Mandatory Unretirement: Endou's challenge ended his and the rest of the Inazuma Eleven's extended Ten-Minute Retirement.
- Refusal of the Call: At first.
- Soap Opera Disease: Develops and suffers from a chest disease by the 3rd game/season.
- Holds out for most of the arc, but...
- Worry not, he survives the operation.
- Supreme Chef
Kira Hitomiko[]
Eng Dub: Aqualina "Lina" Schiller |
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Her and Kidou don't fight much because of this.
- Blue Eyes
- Cannot Spit It Out: She often doesn't explain her strategies.
- Cry Cute: Game only, as her father is being taken custody.
- First-Name Basis
- Hair Flip: Constantly.
- Meganekko: In GO.
- The Stoic
- Sugar and Ice Personality: But the former is only shown in regards to caring for Sun Garden.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter
Kudou Michiya[]
Eng Dub: Percival Travis |
- Adaptational Attractiveness
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Trumps even Hitomiko.
- Brutal Honesty
- Cannot Spit It Out: Yeah, it becomes a trend. Even Endou and Kidou themselves adopt this methodology as coaches in GO. It's as if they're Genre Savvy enough to know about the Unspoken Plan Guarantee.
- Death Glare
- Hot Dad: Fuyuka is adopted, though.
- It's All My Fault: Except it isn't.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- The Stoic
- When He Smiles
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Football Frontier[]
Someoka Ryuugo[]
Eng Dub: Kevin Dragonfly |
"Raimon's fearsome goal scorer is really all heart."
Voiced By: Yasuyuki Kase |
- Animal Motifs: Dragons
- Beauty Mark
- Bishonen Line: The dragon in his hissatsu techniques.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: A sad thing about those who dislike Someoka is that they don't see past his brash side. He's actually one of the more caring characters.
- Cool Teacher: To Nishiki in GO.
- Cool Shades: In GO.
- Dark Skinned Pink Haired
- Face of a Thug
- Hot-Blooded
- Image Song: Bad Boys Brothers' Blues
- Mighty Glacier
- Nice Hat: In GO.
- Tsundere: Type A. Don't expect him to be facing you when he gives heartfelt advice.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
- Younger Than He Looks
Handa Shin'ichi[]
Eng Dub: Steve Grim |
"He is a jack-of-all trades, in other words, well balanced."
'Voiced By: Hiro Shimono |
- Brown Eyes
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dismotivation: He'll play soccer with everyone, sure. But that doesn't mean he has to enjoy training...
- Lampshaded in the last episode of the original series.
- Jack of All Stats
- Lazy Bum
- Nice Guy
- Ridiculously Average Guy
- The Generic Guy: His normalness is almost memetic.
- Who Is This Guy Again? is avoided (outside of Fanon jokes) in that he's extraordinarily un-extraordinary.
- The Generic Guy: His normalness is almost memetic.
Kabeyama Heigorou[]
Eng Dub: Jack Wallside |
"This bulky full back forms a one-man defensive wall."
Voiced By: Megumi Tano |
- Afro Asskicker
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy: But, not in personality.
- Butt Monkey
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Gentle Giant
- Rolling Attack: Super Armadillo, in-game.
- Running Gag: He always has to go to a restroom when nervous.
- Stone Wall
- Verbal Tic: Adds "-ssu" to the ends of his sentences.
- The Worf Effect
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Younger Than They Look
Kurimatsu Teppei[]
Eng Dub: Tod Ironside |
"The team's mood-maker whose great courage makes up for his small size."
Voiced By: Hino Miho |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Becomes Raimon's captain by the end of the series.
- Fan Nickname: Chestnut.
- Pointless Band-Aid
- Product Placement: Owns a DS, and is seen playing it in the series' earliest cutscenes.
- Verbal Tic: Replaces "desu" with "deyansu".
Shishido Sakichi[]
Eng Dub: Sam Kincaid |
"He is becoming the team's key-man by developing his own pace."
Voiced By: Nara Tooru |
- Alliterative Name
- Blinding Bangs
- Funny Afro
- Hammerspace Hair: Attempts this, but fails. ... Granted, two soccer balls in one afro is still impressive.
- Redheaded Hero: He has ginger hair.
- Youthful Freckles
Shourinji Ayumu[]
Eng Dub: Tim "Timmy" Sanders |
"Although small bodied, he is a master of kung fu footwork."
Voiced By: Masako Jo |
- Badass Adorable
- In-Series Nickname: Usually just called Shourin.
- Older Than He Looks
- Unusual Eyebrows
- Wingding Eyes: His eyes are naturally "+'s". He's not dead or dazed though.
- Until he gets influenced by the Aliea Meteorite, after which he "opens" his eyes.
Matsuno Kuusuke[]
Eng Dub: Maxwell "Max" Carson |
"Beneath his cute exterior is a multi-skilled sportsman."
Voiced By: Yuuki Kodaira |
- Bishonen
- Brutal Honesty
- In-Series Nickname: "Max", even in the dub.
- Instant Expert: Well, not instant, but he does catch on new sports pretty quick.
- Nice Hat
- Redheaded Hero
- Evil Redhead: As Dark Emperor.
Kageno Jin[]
Eng Dub: Jim Wraith |
"The color of his eyes is a mystery thanks to his fringe."
Voiced By: Yuuichi Nakamura |
- Adorkable
- Blinding Bangs
- I Just Want To Have Attention
- Stealth Hi Bye: Often comes up behind people unnoticed.
- The Quiet One
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Megane Kakeru[]
Eng Dub: William "Willy" Glass |
"A highly popular student...or so he says!"
Voiced By: Nanae Katou |
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Specializes in these kinds of hissatsu.
- Backup Twin: In the start of the 3rd season. It's revealed he has a younger (and much better in athletics) identical twin called Megane Kazuto, who would have been this if he'd been accepted into Inazuma Japan; as Kakeru moves on to become a manager.
- Combat Commentator
- Joke Character
- Otaku
- Nerd Glasses
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Used as a joke.
- Non-Action Guy
- Ted Baxter: Tries to claim to be a soccer ace.
- This Loser Is You: Perhaps unintentional, but surely many watchers can relate with how poor they are in sports of any sort.
Domon Asuka[]
Eng Dub: Bobby Shearer |
"Used to live in the USA. Behaves flippantly, but is deep-hearted."
Voiced By: Jun Konno |
- Ambiguously Brown
- The Atoner: Briefly in-game, vowing to chase Fuyukai when he plots the Raimon Eleven to get into a bus accident.
- Bad Liar
- Becoming the Mask
- Brilliant but Lazy: Only in his introduction as the new guy, though.
- Childhood Friends: With Ichinose, Aki, and Nishigaki.
- The Mole
- Nice Guy
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Ichinose Kazuya[]
Eng Dub: Erik Eagle |
"This comeback kid is known as the midfield magician."
Voiced By: Yuuki Kaji |
- The Ace
- Always Someone Better: Domon felt he was always behind, not alongside, Ichinose.
- Animal Motifs: Pegasus
- Ascended Extra: He wasn't supposed to show up until the Aliea Arc.
- His seiyuu was effectively confused by this. Kaji played the first game to get a grasp on Ichinose's character, only to find out he doesn't show up.
- Childhood Friends: With Aki, Domon, and Nishigaki. Hinted to have developed into a Childhood Friend Romance with Aki by GO.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Spinning Shot and Flame Dance.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Even in saving a puppy, it counts.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Domon.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: It seemed he was going to be set up as the Unlucky Childhood Friend, and kept quiet when Aki tried to confess to Endou.
- In-Series Nickname: The Magician of the Field, as well as The Phoenix.
- Nice Guy
- Posthumous Character: Not.
- Stepford Smiler: When he learns he needs another operation, with a miniscule chance that he’d be able to play football ever again.
- Like You Would Really Do It: Having his operation fail would just be too depressing.
- The Rival
Sakuma Jirou[]
Eng Dub: David Samford |
"Supports the team as a strategist, coordinating the other players."
Voiced By: Megumi Tano |
- Ambiguously Brown
- Animal Motifs: Penguins. He is involved in almost every Penguin-related techniques, except for Emperor Penguin X. Yes, even Space Penguin
- Bishonen
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Eyepatch of Power
- Expy: He looks an awful lot like Sigurd, but a lot younger.
- Heroic Red Ring of Death: after using Emperor Penguin no.1 three times, enough to cripple his leg so badly he might not be able to play soccer again. He gets better.
- Number Two: To Kidou.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Genda Koujirou[]
Eng Dub: Joseph "Joe" King |
"There's no angle that the King of Keepers hasn't got covered"
Voiced By: Yuuichi Nakamura |
- Animal Motifs: Beast Fang shows either a Panther or a Lynx.
- Blue Eyes
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: His dub name: Joseph King. His title: "The King of Keepers"
- Heroic Red Ring of Death: after using Beast Fang. He gets better.
- In-Series Nickname: Genou which can translate into "The King of Goalkeepers", this is really only used in the video games.
- Fan Nickname: KOG, an abbreviation of his In-Series Nickname.
- This Is a Drill: Drill Smasher V2
Aphrodi / Terumi Afuro[]
Eng Dub: Byron "Aphrodite" Love |
"His elegant and artistic style leaves his opponents spellbound."
Voiced By: Yuko Sanpei |
- A God Am I: But not for long.
- Agent Peacock
- Ambiguously Evil: In GO.
- Averted after we learn Ishido's true motives.
- Friendly Enemy: He sided with neither Fifth Sector or the rebellion. His objective was to help Kidokawa Seishuu repair their unity, and he showed a lot of respect for Raimon.
- The Atoner
- Bishonen
- Badass Long Hair
- But Not Too Foreign: While he studies in Japan, he's at least partially Korean.
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Zeus.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Guest Star Party Member: In the show, he joined the Caravan for a match and a half.
- Heel Face Turn
- Light'Em Up
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Man in White
- Multicolored Hair: In GO.
- Power Gives You Wings: All his shot type hissatsu.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Sharp-Dressed Man: In GO
Fuyukai Suguru[]
Eng Dub: Frank Wintersea |
Voiced By: Go Shinomiya |
- Dirty Coward
- Welcome Back, Traitor: In GO he somehow found employment back in Raimon even after being fired by Natsumi.
Kageyama Reiji / Mr. K[]
Eng Dub: Ray Dark |
Voiced By: Sasaki Seiji |
- Ambition Is Evil
- Back From the Dead: Everyone believe he got killed off in season 2. Not really.
- Big Bad
- Demoted to Dragon: Arguably he still had more impact than the very short-lasting Garshield.
- Which makes him The Heavy, right?
- Blonde Guys Are Evil
- Freudian Excuse: Soccer destroyed his parents and life, in short.
- Heel Face Door Slam / Redemption Equals Death / Killed Off for Real: Courtesy of Garshield.
- Heel Realization: Him watching Fidio play made him remember how his dad played, back when he loved soccer.
- Man in White
- Manipulative Bastard
- Revenge
- Pet the Dog / Even Evil Has Standards: What he does for the blind little girl Rushe, who got caught up in an accident he had set up despite having nothing to do with football. He pays for her hospitalization bills and an operation to restore her eyesight.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
The Threat of Invaders[]
Zaizen Touko[]
Eng Dub: Victoria "Tori" Vanguard |
"Under her guidance, any problem can be solved in no time at all."
Voiced By: Ayahi Takagaki |
- Action Girl
- Ayahi Takagaki
- Blue Eyes
- Blush Sticker: In-game.
- The Captain: Of SP Fixers. Doesn't wear a Red Armband of Leadership, however.
- Fiery Redhead
- First-Name Basis
- Genki Girl
- Nice Hat
- The Prime Minister's Daughter
- Red-Headed Heroine
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Shock and Awe
- Soccer Player Princess
- Those Two Girls
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The former with Rika.
- The Worf Effect: Averted in the game, her The Tower hissatsu is almost unstoppable if you train her well
Kogure Yuuya[]
Eng Dub: Scott "Scotty" Banyan |
"A snickering trickster, but does his slight frame conceal unexpected power?"
Voiced By: Nami Miyahara |
- Bratty Half-Pint: In his introduction.
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Becomes Manyuuji's captain by the end of the series.
- Evil Laugh
"Ushishishi~~" |
- Eyes of Gold
- Hidden Depths: He didn't have the greatest childhood, so he gets excited over little things he hasn't experienced like plane flights and camping.
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: He gets over it pretty quick with help from Haruna.
- Older Than He Looks: Lampshaded by Hijikata in episode 86. In his snazzy little tux, he looked like he was going to the Shichi-Go-San festival[1]
- Parental Abandonment
- Pointy Ears
- Power of Trust: Needs to learn this. And says he had by the end of Season 2.
- The Prankster
- Running Gag: Chili sauce in people's food, of course.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Urabe Rika[]
Eng Dub: Suzette "Sue" Hartland |
"An Osaka girl striker whose ability is second to none"
Voiced By: Fujiko Takimoto |
- Abhorrent Admirer: She's not unattractive – Ichinose just doesn’t like her back in that way.
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Brown
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of CCC Osaka Gals.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Played for laughs.
- Disappeared Dad
- Distressed Damsel: For a short arc in the FFI, set up to wed the Demon Lord.
- First-Name Basis
- Gray Eyes
- The Idiot From Osaka
- Petal Power
- Screw The Rules My Friend's Dad Makes Them: Touko isn't exactly supportive of the prospect.
- Supreme Chef
- Those Two Girls
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The latter with Touko.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Tachimukai Yuuki[]
Eng Dub: Darren LaChance |
"He aspires to match the goal-keeping heroics of his idol, Endou Mamoru."
'Voiced By: Shinnosuke Tachibana |
- Adorkable
- Ascended Fanboy
- Blue Eyes
- Big Brother Mentor: Plays this role to Shinsuke when the latter assumes the goalkeeper post in GO
- Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: His Majin is blue, wood elemental, contrast to Endou's earth elemental golden Majin.
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Becomes Yokato's captain by the end of the series.
- Instant Expert
- Lethal Chef
- Mega Manning
- Shrinking Violet: Not an extreme example, though.
- Sincerest Form of Flattery: In-series. Until he learns his own unique hissatsu.
Tsunami Jousuke[]
Eng Dub: Hurley Kane |
"This easy-going guy plays with the grace and balance learned on surfboard."
'Voiced By: Shuuhei Sakaguchi |
- Accidental Athlete
- Ambiguously Brown: Justified by being Okinawan.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Tenma in the GO game.
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Oumihara. Anime only, though.
- Considering he had only been playing soccer for a day or two at that point, fanon usually considers it a joke.
- Catch Phrase
"Compared to the vastness of the ocean, this is nothing (to worry about)!" |
"There's no wave that I can't ride." |
- Does Not Like Carrots
- Goggles Do Nothing: They do while surfing, but not on the football pitch.
- Image Song: Bad Boys Brothers' Blues
- Making a Splash
- Megane: In the GO video game, to the suprise of the Fandom.
- Perpetual Smiler: When he was serious, his team quickly came to the conclusion that he felt sick.
- Plucky Boy
- Surfer Dude
- Why Did It Have To Be Aviation
Fudou Akio[]
Eng Dub: Caleb Stonewall |
"An aloof rebel who uses trick plays to mess with his opposing players."
Voiced By: Yuuki Kaji |
- Aloof Ally: In the third season.
- Ambiguously Evil: No one in Inazuma Japan is convinced he comes with clean motives.
- They're wrong.
- Break the Haughty
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Shin Teikoku.
- Confusion Fu: His playmaking depended on his tactics' unpredictability.
- Dark and Troubled Past: His father became a Scapegoat for his boss's mistakes, so he resigned from his job and the family was forced to be on the move, always being hunted by debt collectors. When his mother urged Fudou to become stronger, he takes it to the wrong extremes.
- The Dragon: to Kageyama, in Shin Teikoku. Main reason why nobody in Inazuma Japan trusted him.
- Image Song: Bad Boys Brothers' Blues
- Loser Son of Loser Dad: In actively avoiding this, he became resentful and arrogant. Go figure.
- Perpetual Poverty
- Jerkass
- Improves to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Multicolored Hair: After he ditches his tattoo he instead dyes some strands of his hair silver.
- Real Men Wear Pink: His GO design features a hot pink jacket, which is possibly a Call Back to Emperor Penguin 3gou.
- Rebel Relaxation
- Rummage Sale Reject: Some consider his GO design to be this.
- Smug Snake
- Trademark Favorite Food: Bananas.
Reize / Midorikawa Ryuuji[]
Eng Dub: Jordan "Janus" Greenway |
"A cold-hearted youth who thinks that those who lose are worthless."
Voiced By: Yuki Kodaira |
- Adorkable
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Gemini Storm.
- Determinator: His having strained himself cost him being able to stay with Inazuma Japan longer.
- Faux Symbolism: Shadow senses a "dark aura" emanating from him. This is not elaborated on at all.
- Those Two Guys: With Hiroto.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Desarm / Saginuma Osamu[]
Eng Dub: David "Dvalin" Quagmire |
Voiced By: Takahashi Hikida |
- Badass Cape
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Epsilon.
- And Neo Japan's as well.
- Eyes of Gold
- Jack of All Stats: Goalkeeper and Forward...?!
- And Midfielder.
- Overly Long Gag: His letter to Inazuma Japan.
- Pointy Ears
- Power Gives You Wings
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Refused by the Call: The sole Aliea captain to not become part of a national team. It hits him, hard.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Space Master
- This Is a Drill: Drill Smasher.
- Training From Hell
- Unrealistic Black Hole: Wormhole.
Burn / Nagumo Haruya[]
Eng Dub: Claude "Torch" Beacons |
Voiced By: Kiyotaka Furushima |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Prominence and The Chaos.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fiery Redhead
- Jerk Jock
- Playing with Fire
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Gazelle's Blue.
Gazelle / Suzuno Fuusuke[]
Eng Dub: Bryce "Gazelle" Whitingale |
Voiced By: Fujiko Takimoto |
- An Ice Person
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Diamond Dust.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Burn's Red.
- She's a Man In Japan
- Spell My Name with an "S": Gazel or Gazelle.
- The Stoic
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Gran / Kiyama Hiroto / Kira Hiroto (GO)[]
Eng Dub: Xavier "Xene" Foster |
Voiced By: Takahiro Mizushima |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Genesis.
- Also of Inazuma Japan during the second half of Argentina match. Anime-only, as well.
- Expository Hairstyle Change
- First-Name Basis
- Evil Redhead
- Redheaded Hero: After his Heel Face Turn
- Image Song: Starline
- Overlord, Jr..: Still, he’s incredibly nice.
- Parental Favoritism: Burn isn't given the chance to face off with Gran for the Genesis title.
- Replacement Goldfish
- Taking the Bullet: When Ulvida (with the limiter still off, mind you) kicked a soccer ball against their father; it’s bad enough for Hiroto to be taken away in an ambulance in the game version.
- Those Two Guys: With Midorikawa.
- Ugly Guy's Hot Son: Sure he's adopted, but the real Hiroto looks almost completely identical to this one and plays it straight.
Kira Seijirou[]
Eng Dub: Astram Schiller |
- Big Bad
- Dead Little Son
- Eyes Always Shut
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Revenge: His beloved Hiroto was not brought to justice when he got killed in circumstances involving the son of a politician. So what will he do about it? Overthrow the government, that's what.
Kenzaki Ryuuichi[]
Eng Dub: Godric Wyles |
Challenge to the World[]
Tobitaka Seiya[]
Eng Dub: Archer Hawkins |
"A very mysterious youth who went by the name "Tobi the Kicker"
Voiced By: Mine Nobuya |
- Animal Motifs: Hawks.
- Bully Hunter
- Casting a Shadow
- Character Tics: When insecure, he combs his hair.
- Death Glare
- Japanese Delinquents
- Face of a Thug
- Image Song: Bad Boys Brothers' Blues
- In-Series Nickname: Toby the Kicker.
- The Quiet One: Won't talk unless you approach him first.
- Rebel Relaxation
- Supreme Chef
- This leads him into taking up Hibiki's position as chef of RaiRaiKen in GO.
- Unusual Eyebrows: Not having any, that is.
- The Watcher: In GO to an extent because he does take action in trying to get Kidou to lighten Raimon's training menu.
- Warrior Therapist: Despite his appearance, he looks out for anyone under his leadership.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Utsunomiya Toramaru[]
Eng Dub: Austin Hobbes |
"A fan of Gouenji's with an unknown amount of potential."
Voiced By: Rie Kugimiya |
- Animal Motifs: Tigers.
- Cheerful Child
- Curtains Match the Window
- First-Name Basis
- Momma's Boy: Non-negative example; possibly doubles as Disappeared Dad since when his mother became ill, Toramaru took the reins of running the restaurant, not his father.
- Number Two: To Ishido Shuuji/Gouenji Shuuya in GO.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Caused his teammates from gradeschool to resent him; so he started holding himself back during plays to give others the chance for glory.
- Supreme Chef
- Younger Than He Looks: The rest of Inazuma Japan thought he was their age. Nope.
Hijikata Raiden[]
Eng Dub: Thor Stoutberg |
"A southern power player with a big heart whose great at taking care of others."
Voiced By: Sakurazuka Yakkun |
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Large Ham
- Out of Focus: He isn't given even a small plot, unlike the other new members. The animé changes this by switching him into Gouenji's role dealing with Mac Roneijo and his teammates' families.
- Parental Substitute: He is the eldest of several siblings, and cares for them in his parents' stead.
- Shock and Awe
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Younger Than He Looks
Fidio Aldena[]
Eng Dub: Paolo Bianchi |
"The Italian ace striker, who is called "The White Meteor."
Voiced By: Hiro Shimono |
- The Ace
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Orpheus, Italy's representative.
- Cool Sword: Odin Sword.
- Fan Nickname: Zenda. "Zen"(full)da--the complete version of "Han"(half)da.
- Hiro Shimono
- In-Series Nickname: "The White Meteor"
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Kidou's Red.
- The Rival: Mostly to Kidou
- Spell My Name with an "S": Fidio/Fideo.
- Three Amigos: Him, Gianluca, and Marco.
Edgar Valtinas[]
Eng Dub: Edgar Partinus |
"A quiet but brave leader, who has the highest merit of his team."
Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita |
- Badass Long Hair
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Knights of Queen, England's representative.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Identical Stranger: Most consider him to look like an older Kazemaru.
- Kazemaru's GO appearance does look almost exactly like him. Hairstyle included.
- Sure Why Not: Kazemaru can use Excalibur in his Dark Emperor form in IE3. Note that he resembles Edgar there before his GO design was released.
- Kazemaru's GO appearance does look almost exactly like him. Hairstyle included.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Technicolor Eyes: Has two distinct shades of blue in his eyes, so he may have central heterochromia.
- Upper Class Wit: As well as a Gentleman Snarker. After some humbling losses throughout the FFI, he becomes more of a genuine gentleman.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Mark Kruger[]
"America's star player. He, together with Ichinose, pull the team along."
Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura |
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Unicorn, America's representative.
- Gratuitous English
- Power Gives You Wings
- Those Two Guys / Heterosexual Life Partners: With Dylan.
Dylan Keith[]
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Gratuitous English: Justified, as he's American.
- Keet
- Those Two Guys / Heterosexual Life Partners: With Mark.
Teres Torue[]
Eng Dub: Tiago Torres |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of The Empire, Argentina's representative.
- Junji Majima
- Mighty Glacier
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Stoic
Mac Roniejo[]
Eng Dub: Mac Robingo |
- A Father to His Men
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of The Kingdom, Brazil's representative.
- Dance Battler: His true soccer has this fun, rhythmic style.
- Dark and Troubled Past: His entire team is made up of people saved from poverty, and they've been blackmailed into straining themselves to consistently win; as their families were practically taken hostage under threat of their jobs and homes being taken away from them.
- In-Series Nickname: "King of Fantasista"
- Trigger Phrase: A sound, actually. A blow of a whistle activates the human performance enhancing RH Program.
Demonio Strada[]
Eng Dub: Giulio Acuto |
- Badass Cape
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Team K.
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Evil Twin
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Name's the Same: The meaning of his name, "demon's path"; synonymous with Kidou Yuuto, but in Italian.
- His English dub name as well. Giulio is an Italian form of Julius, from which Jude was derived from. Acuto is Italian for "sharp."
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Kidou's Blue.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: But as it turns out, even Kageyama is sure he won't match up to Kidou's standard.
Rococo Urupa[]
Eng Dub: Duane Handest |
- Bishonen
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Little Gigant, Cotarl's representative.
- Kids Are Cruel: Rococo was bullied as a child.
- Magikarp Power: He used to be the weakest of his team physically, but the coach saw into his Fighting Spirit and made him who he dubbed "The Best Goalkeeper in the World".
- The Rival
- Similar Squad: Leads one against Inazuma Japan. What's awesome is it's not apparent unless you blatantly compare them.
- Little Gigant's main 11 are expies of the original Raimon Eleven, from Endou down to Someoka, while the bench players are namely: Tachimukai, Kogure, Megane, Fubuki, and Tsunami.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Nakata Hidetoshi[]
Eng Dub: Christopher "Chris" Nichols |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: He is Orpheus's actual captain, who left when the team relied on him too much.
- He later permanently bestows the role to Fidio.
- Name's the Same: With the real-life Hide Nakata, whom he was based on.
- Those Two Guys / Heterosexual Life Partners: With Luca. But he's actually got a bigger role than just this.
- Walking the Earth
Mr. Araya / Endou Daisuke[]
Eng Dub: David Evans |
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Faking the Dead
- Hiroyuki Yoshino: Voices his younger self in a flashback.
- The Illegible: In the anime.
- Walking the Earth: Making soccer teams, no less.
Garshield Bayhan[]
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Diabolus Ex Nihilo: Until Season 3 took place we get no prior knowledge of his presence as Kageyama's superior.
- Greed
- The Man Behind the Man: He's been manipulating Kageyama's actions all this time.
- Obviously Evil: Yep. The spoilers here are about the lengths he goes through.
- Villain with Good Publicity
- War for Fun and Profit: The latter, in which he can skyrocket the value of what's left of his oil fields as well as profit from selling weapons.
- In-game it seems that said weapons company belonged to Kira Seijirou.
Eng Dub: Cress Heavens |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Tenkuu no Shito.
- Our Angels Are Different
- Black and Grey Morality: The Grey to Desuta's Black. He gets over it eventually.
- Evil Redhead
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
- Light'Em Up
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Calling his ways wrong hits a Berserk Button.
- But he gets better after a Heel Realization that the hate between angels and demons is what sets the prophecy into motion.
- Yuki Kaida
Eng Dub: Kyle Hells |
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: Of Makai Gundan Z and Dark Angel.
- Casting a Shadow
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
- Obviously Evil
- Selective Gravity: Gravitation makes the opponent fall forward and be unable to get up, as Desuta steals the ball.
- ↑ which is a Japanese rite of passage for 3, 5, and 7 year-olds.