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These tropes apply to (almost) all the characters and will not have to be listed:
Please note that all Japanese characters are in Last Name First Name order.
Click here to return to the main character index.
Inazuma Eleven GO![]
Matsukaze Tenma[]
Eng Dub: Arion Sherwind |
Voiced By: Yuka Terasaki |
![Tenma2 4192](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/7/76/Tenma2_4192.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928141714)
"A naive boy who loves soccer. He possesses a zephyr-like breeziness."
- Adorkable
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Part of his hair is shaped like wings (or whirlwinds depending on who you ask), fitting his element.
- Blow You Away
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: After Shindou is injured.
- And of the Tenmas, the team which was named after him by Fey.
- Catch Phrase
"It'll work out somehow!" |
- Cheerful Child
- Companion Cube: Treats soccer like a person, to the humor/annoyance of some.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Dribbling, he admits, is about the only thing he's good at during the start of the series.
- Determinator
- First-Name Basis
- Fragile Speedster
- The Glomp: His favourite way to celebrate.
- For Great Justice: Along with Endou, he wants to bring back real soccer.
- Gray Eyes: Fits the (now rare) innocence archetype.
- Heroes Love Dogs: Tenma loves Sasuke.
- Heroic BSOD: One when he had to face Taiyou. Another when he was made aware of what Fifth Sector could do to other schools in response to the growing defiance. The third time in the final when he realized he had been overtaxing his teammates as captain. Tsurugi and Shindou snapped him out of it.
- Keet
- Naive Newcomer
- Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: In Chrono Stone, he's somehow unaffected by the change when Protocol Omega erase soccer from reality, until they target him specifically.
- Shipper on Deck
"So, Aki-nee, get any calls from America lately?" |
Tsurugi Kyousuke[]
Eng Dub: Victor Blade |
Voiced By: Takeshi Oohara |
![Tsurugi2 2059](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/1/1c/Tsurugi2_2059.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928185529)
"A dark side striker who overwhelms everyone around him with his outstanding talent."
- Aloof Ally
- Ambiguously Evil
- Even Evil Has Standards: He gets pissed off at the rough playing that deliberately aimed to break Tenma's leg in Episode 12.
- Heel Face Turn: Fully drops serving Fifth Sector as of Episode 17.
- Badass Cape: The way he wears his jacket creates this effect.
- Brutal Honesty
- Characterization Marches On: He becomes less irritable and more cool-headed instead after the early episodes.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Eyes of Gold: Orange, actually.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: In the bluntest way possible.
- It's All My Fault: In an accident, he cripples his older brother, who is now unable to play soccer.
- Lightning Bruiser: His hissatsu are fast and heavy-hitting. He himself is one of the stronger and faster players.
- Nonuniform Uniform
- Rebel Relaxation
- Sugar and Ice Personality: He is cold and arrogant but he will go to great lengths for those he cares about.
- Super Ringer: His full Heel Face Turn completely changed the tide of the match against Teikoku.
- Theme Naming: His Avatar is named after Lancelot, a figure in Arthurian mythology, just like that of his brother's in an alternate timeline.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Yin-Yang Bomb
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Shindou Takuto[]
Eng Dub: Riccardo Di Rigo |
Voiced By: Mitsuki Saiga |
![Shindou2 3273](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/8/8b/Shindou2_3273.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928071909)
"The captain of the Raimon Soccer Club. A genius game maker known as the Baton of God."
- Big Fancy House
- Bishonen
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership
- The Chains of Commanding
- Cultured Footballer: Is an accomplished pianist in addition to being a talented game maker.
- Musical Assassin: His hissatsu are named after music terms, and he's often compared to a conductor.
- The Power of Friendship: He's able to first use his avatar after getting mad about not being able to protect his teammates when Tsurugi defeated his team.
- Sparkling Stream of Tears
- The Stoic: Introduced like this, but turns out to be...
- Not So Stoic: Actually, he's quite emotional under pressure.
- Tender Tears
- Those Two Guys: With Kirino.
- The Wise Prince
- Trailers Always Spoil: He gets injured badly enough that Tenma replaces him as captain.
Nishizono Shinsuke[]
Eng Dub: Jean-Pierre Lapin |
Voiced By: Haruka Tomatsu |
![Shinsuke2 2660](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/4/46/Shinsuke2_2660.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928072601)
"He has a ton of energy in his small body! A boy who always cheerfully faces forward."
- Big Eater: As seen in the ending in GO.
- Blush Sticker
- Cheerful Child
- Expy: of Endou. He can be considered a mini version of Endou as a goalkeeper.
- Fan Nickname: Pikachu. Crossover fanarts started to appear.
- First-Name Basis
- Keet
- Naive Newcomer
- Older Than He Looks
- Spring Jump: Not a gameplay element, but rather, a hissatsu. And his specialty is jump height.
Sorano Aoi[]
Eng Dub: Skie Blue |
Voiced By: Sayaka Kitahara |
![InaGOAoi2 6707](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/2/2c/InaGOAoi2_6707.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926230043)
- Childhood Friends: With Tenma.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Sports Club Manager
- First-Name Basis
- Girl Next Door
- Nice Girl: She didn't laugh at Tenma when he wasn't good at playing football in the flashback to their childhood.
- Tareme
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Yamana Akane[]
Eng Dub: Rosie Redd |
![InaGOAkane2 9273](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/5/5d/InaGOAkane2_9273.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926230037)
- Camera Fiend
- Chekhov's Gun: Her camera became useful in the match at Pinball Stadium.
- Cute Sports Club Manager
- Fan Girl: For "Shin-sama"
- First-Name Basis
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hidden Depths: Is the only one in Raimon who grasps the time travel and Parallel Worlds business immediately.
- Purple Eyes
- The Quiet One
- Tareme
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The latter with Midori.
- You Gotta Have Gray Hair
Seto Midori[]
Eng Dub: Jade Greene |
![InaGOMidori2 4792](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/6/67/InaGOMidori2_4792.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926230102)
- Cute Sports Club Manager: Though technically she calls herself Tenma's personal cheerleader.
- Hair Decorations: Sports a blue ribbon.
- Expy: Although she's supposed to be the Natsumi of the managers, she is more similar to Touko Zaizen.
- Fiery Redhead
- First-Name Basis
- Genki Girl
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To the seniors in Raimon in the beginning when they were too negative about going against Fifth Sector.
- Hot-Blooded
- Rose-Haired Girl: Definitely not the meek kind, though.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The former with Akane.
Sangoku Taichi[]
Eng Dub: Samguk Han |
![Sengoku2 7113](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/c/c1/Sengoku2_7113.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928061951)
"Raimon's previous captain. His kindness is his team's mainstay."
- The Captain: Formerly.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Momma's Boy: Non-negative example; his mom is something of a Doting Parent, but Sangoku is not at all timid and very responsible.
- Playing with Fire
- Precocious Crush: On Aki, in the video games.
- Supreme Chef
- Team Dad / Team Mom: Depends on what the team needs at the time.
- The Worf Effect: Poor Sangoku. Even Kirino's seiyuu apologized for her line about him not being able to protect the goal.
Kirino Ranmaru[]
Eng Dub: Gabriel Garcia |
Voiced By: Yuu Kobayashi |
![Kirino2 4591](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/2/20/Kirino2_4591.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927035243)
"Raimon's beautiful ace defender. He understands Shindou very well."
- Awesomeness By Analysis: He was the one who figured out how to break the tactics of Gassan Kunimitsu.
- Bishonen
- Blue Eyes
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Apparently deliberate. Kirino was designed with "beauty" in mind.
- Expy: Pretty much Kazemaru 2.0 by far.
- Nice Guy
- Those Two Guys: With Shindou.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Amagi Daichi[]
Eng Dub: Wanli Changcheng |
![Amagi2 3493](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/5/57/Amagi2_3493.png/revision/latest?cb=20240924233714)
"The team's foremost giant, who hates warped fights."
- The Big Guy
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Hot-Blooded
- Odd Friendship: With Hikaru.
- Not So Different: They were both bullied in elementary school and struggled to make friends.
- Stone Wall
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: A milder example.
- Verbal Tic: Adds "-do" to the end of his sentences.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Minamisawa Atsushi[]
Eng Dub: Doug McArthur |
Voiced By: Yuuki Kaji |
- Only In It For A Good Student Report
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here
- Face Heel Turn: Instead, he transfers to a rival team still serving Fifth Sector.
- Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer
- Technicolor Eyes: Has central heterochromia. Red outer, gold inner.
- Those Two Guys: Eventually becomes this with Hyoudou after his Heel Realization.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Kurumada Gouichi[]
Eng Dub: Subaru Honda |
![Kurumada2 5146](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/5/59/Kurumada2_5146.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927045324)
"A guy with a fiery heart. He dribbles like a roaring locomotive."
Voiced by: Hirofumi Nojima |
- Ambiguously Brown
- Can't Catch Up: His worries when the juniors like Kariya and Shinsuke prove to be good
- Hot-Blooded
- Nice Guy: He encourages Tenma and later Shinsuke when they assume goalkeeper position. He's also friendly in general.
- Pointless Band-Aid
Hayami Tsurumasa[]
Eng Dub: Eugene Peabody |
Voiced By: Hiroyuki Yoshino |
![Hayami2 8920](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/b8/Hayami2_8920.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926194259)
"A talented midfielder. He quickly falls into a slump with negative thoughts."
- The Cynic
- Dismotivation: This left him particularly distressed when best friend Hamano starts getting enthusiastic about going against Fifth Sector.
- Hayami gets better.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Blame the pigtails; he's otherwise obviously a boy.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Hamano.
- Nerd Glasses: But they're thick round frames instead of being opaque.
- Redheaded Hero
- Skintone Sclerae
- Talking to Himself: He shares the same seiyuu as Coach Kidou, though this is mostly averted.
Kurama Norihito[]
Eng Dub: Michael Ballzack |
Voiced By: Ayahi Takagaki |
![Kurama2 3095](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/6/6e/Kurama2_3095.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927044725)
- Ambiguously Brown
- Animal Motifs: Snakes
- The Cynic: He is not as negative as Hayami but still usually voices doubt about feasibility of the team's plan.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Appeared to be this at first because he found Tenma annoying.
- The Napoleon
- Peek-a-Bangs
- The Worf Effect: His shoot hissatsu, Sidewinder, has the unfortunate fate of being often used to showcase how strong the opponent's goalkeeper is.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Hamano Kaiji[]
Eng Dub: Adé Kébé |
![Hamano2 351](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/1/18/Hamano2_351.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926190557)
"The team's cheerful mood maker. His hobby is fishing."
- Ambiguously Brown
- Brown Eyes
- Expy: Take one good look at him and tell me he doesn't remind you of Tsunami.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Hayami.
- Making a Splash
- Nice Guy
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Rolls up the sleeves on his Raimon uniform.
Ichino Nanasuke[]
Eng Dub: Hugues Baudet |
"A calm boy with a strong sense of responsiblity who supports the team as a strategist."
Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa |
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain: Of Raimon's second team before being Curb Stomped by Tsurugi.
- Multicolored Hair
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Still, he felt the worst about leaving among the members who quit.
- He came back.
- Those Two Guys: With Aoyama.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Aoyama Shunsuke[]
"A logical soccer player. He never fails to analyze himself after games."
- Satellite Character: To both Ichino and Shindou.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here
- He came back.
- Those Two Guys: With Ichino.
Kariya Masaki[]
Eng Dub: Aitor Cazador |
![InaGOKariya2 8390](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/35/InaGOKariya2_8390.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926230056)
"A Raimon transfer student. He appears very nice on the surface, but is actually twofaced."
- Bishonen
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: At first. He became more genuinely nice later.
- Determinator
- Eyes of Gold
- Giver of Lame Names: His friends aren't impressed by the names he gives to the hissatsu tactics at all.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes
- Jerkass: He enjoys messing with people. It's probably why the fandom adores him.
- Parental Abandonment
- Red Herring Mole: Easily blamable on his twofaced-ness.
- Tsundere
- Tsurime / Tareme
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Kageyama Hikaru[]
Eng Dub: Lucian Dark |
![InaGOHikaru2 4615](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/4/4f/InaGOHikaru2_4615.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926230050)
"An earnestly cheerful boy, with a budding soccer sense."
- Adorkable
- The Drag Along: Taken literally with Amagi.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Extend Zone. The spin he puts on the ball is so intense it leaves a crater when he warps to a dimension where he takes the shot.
- Expy: Of Tachimukai, or arguably of Tobitaka and Toramaru.
- Idiot Hair
- Instant Expert: Shows shades of this due to his Mega Manning abilities.
- Mega Manning: With just a simple explanation or a passing glance.
- Name's the Same: With Kageyama Reiji, no less. Lampshaded that even Hikaru was thinking twice about stating his surname.
- Justified in that Kageyama was his Uncle.
- Odd Friendship: With Amagi.
- Not So Different: They were both bullied in elementary school and struggled to make friends.
- Verbal Tic: Shouts "UGIIII!" whenever he kicks a soccer ball or just screaming.
- Yes-Man: What caused him to get bullied when he was in elementary school. He still has shades of this.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Nishiki Ryouma[]
![Nishiki2 3146](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/f/fd/Nishiki2_3146.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927154121)
"The super player returning from Italy. He has a kind, chivalrous spirit."
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Long Hair
- Beneath the Mask: He is actually very insecure when it comes to making goals, this is why he became a midfielder. Someoka aided in fixing this though.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He has an avatar.
- Everything's Better with Samurai: His avatar, Sengoku Bushin Musashi.
- Glass Cannon: His shoot hissatsus are very strong, but his stamina and TP are pretty low.
- Hot-Blooded
- Large Ham
- Nice Guy
- Trademark Favorite Food: Onigiri, specifically the kind that Someoka makes. It is also his Comfort Food.
Yukimura Hyouga[]
Eng Dub: Njord Snio |
![Yukimura2 7213](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/be/Yukimura2_7213.png/revision/latest?cb=20240929005939)
"With his talent discovered by Fubuki, he is a super striker, one of the best in the northern region."
- An Ice Person
- Animal Motifs: Panthers.
- Bratty Half-Pint: His attitude towards Fubuki in his first appearance.
- Expy: Most see him as one of Atsuya or Fubuki.
- Face Heel Turn: When he thought Fubuki left him he went and became a SEED.
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Lightning Bruiser: Just like his mentor Fubuki.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Sempai-Kohai: The Kohai to Fubuki's Sempai, Yukimura took great value in this relationship which is why he became a SEED when he thought Fubuki left him.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Kishibe Taiga[]
Eng Dub: Bay Laurel |
![Kishibe 3696](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/bf/Kishibe_3696.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927035446)
- Animal Motifs: Lion in the game.
- The Captain: Of Kidokawa Seishuu.
- The Chains of Commanding: The rift within his team weighs heavily on him.
- Friendly Enemy: Despite competing fiercely with each other, he and Shindou hold each other in high regards.
- Nice Guy
- Not So Different: To Shindou with regards to being the captain of a team torn between following Fifth Sector and rebelling.
- Worthy Opponent: Shindou seems to consider him one.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair.
Mahoro Tadashi[]
Eng Dub: Harrold Houdini |
![Mahoro 9774](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/2/28/Mahoro_9774.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927084757)
- Break His Heart to Save Him: Why he cut ties with Amagi in the past.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Didn't want to tell Amagi the true reason he avoided the guy in the past: he was bullied in place of Amagi because he stood up for his friend.
- The Captain: Of Genei Gakuen.
- Childhood Friends: To Amagi.
- Master of Illusion
- Unusual Ears: Has pointed ears for no apparent reason.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- You Can't Fight Fate: He believes Amagi's (and Raimon's) ideal is impossible because they can't go against the strong.
Amemiya Taiyou[]
Eng Dub: Sol Daystar |
Voiced by: Takuya Eguchi |
![Amemiya8 6403](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/c/c2/Amemiya8_6403.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240924234357)
"Often said to have the kind of talent that only appears once a decade, he is truly a genius soccer player."
- Adorkable
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: His hair is orange and shaped like the sun's halo.
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain / Green Armband of Leadership: Of Arakumo Gakuen.
- Determinator: He refused to give up during his match with Raimon, he overexerted his body in an attempt to win and ended up hospitalized, again. Sound familiar?
- Expy: Of Hiroto for the most part, though Ishido and Toramaru point out his similarity to Ichinose.
- First-Name Basis: An exception among the opponent players of Raimon's.
- Friendly Enemy: He really just wants to play soccer with Tenma.
- Glass Cannon: Plot-wise, at least. The title for an episode about him was even titled "Glasswork Genius".
- Keet: Moreso in the show than in the game.
- Ill Boy
- Light Is Not Good: Until we find out Fifth Sector has nothing to do with his plays.
- The Power of the Sun
- Nice Guy
- The Rival: In fact, created to be Tenma's true rival: facing off each other with the passion for soccer.
Tsurugi Yuuichi[]
Eng Dub: Vladimir Blade |
Voiced by: Tomoaki Maeno |
![Yuuichi2 597](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/9/9e/Yuuichi2_597.png/revision/latest?cb=20240929010928)
- The Ace: In the altered reality of Chrono Stone, he is an ace striker.
- Beauty Mark
- Brown Eyes
- Dark Is Not Evil: In Chrono Stone.
- Disappears Into Light: His alternate timeline self in Chrono Stone
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Has the same hairstyle as his brother in Chrono Stone, which probably signifies that the timeline has been messed with.
- First-Name Basis
- Go Out with a Smile: His alternate timeline self in Chrono Stone after Raimon prevent Protocol Omega from interfering with the accident
- Heroic Sacrifice: He got crippled when saving his brother from falling from a tree. And in Chrono Stone, he doesn't mind returning to the reality where he is crippled at all for his brother's sake, even if it means his alternate timeline self will disappear.
- Fusion Dance: He can fuse with his brother in Chrono Stone.
- Ill Boy
- Morality Pet: It's complicated. His little brother is serving Fifth Sector for his sake, but at the same time because Yuuichi loved soccer, he hates seeing how corrupt it is because of Fifth Sector.
- And of course this is all without Yuuichi's knowledge. Until Episode 16.
- Living Emotional Crutch
- Nice Guy
- Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: In Chrono Stone, his memory's unaffected by change in the temporal plane thanks to a special bracelet.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: His motive in Chrono Stone
- Stop Helping Me!: Played for Drama, he doesn't want his legs back through corrupt soccer.
- Super Ringer: Shows up to help in the match against Protocol Omega in Chrono Stone. Awesomeness ensues.
- Theme Naming: The Avatar of his alternate self is Pendragon, matching his younger brother's Lancelot.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Kinzan Kyouzou[]
Eng Dub: Mister Goldwin |
- Obviously Evil
- Right-Hand-Cat: Owns one.
Kuroki Zenzou[]
Eng Dub: Saber Sabel |
- The Dragon
- Evil Redhead
- The Handler: Of Tsurugi.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
Ishido Shuuji / Gouenji Shuuya[]
Eng Dub: Alex Zabel Axel Blaze |
Voiced by: Hirofumi Nojima |
- Ambiguously Brown
- Big Bad
- The Dragon: He is actually this to the Bigger Bad Senguuji.
- Broken Pedestal: To Tenma and Tsurugi, especially the former after a Hannibal Lecture.
- Multicolored Hair: Has green dye strands.
- Orcus on His Throne
- The Reveal: He is actually Gouenji Shuuya.
- Slouch of Villainy
- Stealth Mentor: He can be considered ultimately this for Raimon and all junior players in general through his complicated gambit with Fifth Sector
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Senguuji Daigo[]
Eng Dub: Gyan Cinquedea |
- Affably Evil: Despite being the Big Bad he seems to honestly want Gouenji to realize his faults and go back to the good side of soccer.. He was also remarkably gracious towards Tenma.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Big Bad / Bigger Bad: He is the actual Big Bad in GO
- Dark and Troubled Past: He was imprisoned as a child for stealing a soccer ball in an attempt to live out his passion.
- Dark Skinned Pink Hair
- Knight Templar: He loves football, but his way to express his love...
- Overlord, Jr.: His son Yamato is this.
- Strong Family Resemblance: His son looks like a younger version of him.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Eng Dub: Bailong |
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama |
- Animal Motifs: Dragons.
- Evil Albino
- Large Ham
- Light Is Not Good
- Multicolored Hair: He is blond but his pony tail is blue-ish.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Eng Dub: Tezcat |
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro |
- Ambiguously Brown: Justified, in that he lives on an island.
- Break the Cutie: He tried to stop his sister from being sacrificed into the sea. In doing this he lost everything and grew a hatred for soccer — the method in which the sacrifice was chosen.
- Broken Bird
- Dark Is Evil: He gets better after the defeat of Team Zero.
- Dead Little Sister
- Dead All Along
- Disappears Into Shadows
- Hair Decorations: Has two blue beads on his forelocks.
- Heel Face Door Slam
- Multicolored Hair: He has two strands that are black, white and red.
- Really 700 Years Old
- Troubled but Cute
Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone[]
Fey Rune[]
![Fei 8065](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/2/23/Fei_8065.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926132827)
Voiced By: Akiko Kimura |
- Animal Motifs: The rabbit. His hair, he jumps like a rabbit, and his hissatsu is even named Bouncer Rabbit.
- And dinosaur.
- Big Damn Hero: Cut off Alpha's shot at Tenma in his first appearance.
- Cheerful Child
- Curtains Match the Window
- Expository Hairstyle Change: When he gets merged with a tyrannosaurus.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Mr. Exposition: Necessary because Tenma didn't get what was going on.
- Power Up Full Colour Change: His hair and eyes turn pink when he's merged with that dinosaur.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
![Alpha 4733](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/e9/Alpha_4733.png/revision/latest?cb=20240924232955)
Voiced By: Kissho Taniyama |
- The Captain: Of Protocol Omega.
- The Dragon: To El Dorado.
- Subverted as of episode 5, he was dismissed from his position
- Gray Eyes: Of the cold and aloof archtype.
- Gratuitous English: Answers questions with "Yes" or "No". It quickly becomes memetic.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Purple Is Powerful
- The Stoic: No emotions so far
- Theme Naming
- Time Police
- You Have Failed Me: His dismissal from the team.
Clark Wonderbat[]
Eng Dub: Clark von Wunderbar |
Voiced By: Hiroyuki Yoshino |
- Beary Funny
- Everything Talks
- Large Ham
- Mr. Exposition: Shares this role with Fey regarding the Time Travel business.
- Powerup Full-Color Change: Turns pink when excited
- Small Name, Big Ego: Calls himself "The great coach Wonderbat-sama" and is quietly ignored by Raimon team.
Voiced By: Mariya Ise |
![Betachan 2445](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/e2/Betachan_2445.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240925040034)
- Action Girl: In addition to being a captain, one of the rare genuine examples in this franchise. Probably doubles as Affirmative Action Girl and Dark Action Girl.
- Ax Crazy: When she flips into her violent mode.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She just doesn't seem the type in the beginning......
- The Captain: Of Protocol Omega 2.0
- Cute and Psycho
- Flip Personality: Complete with pitch and eye color change.
- Mind Control via Mass Hypnosis: But she can only inflict it on those who have given into despair and don't have Avatars. Plus it can only change their emotions of something instead of removing it completely. Such as love for soccer turns to hatred.
- More Deadly Than the Male
- Theme Naming
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is both in one.
Professor Crossword Aruno[]
Eng Dub: Doctor Cross Word Cryptix |
- The Engineer: He creates the time machine.
- Mr. Exposition