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Like their Mesoamerican counterparts, the Andean culture also tend to be poorly understood. Despite that, their beliefs are radically different and was much easier for European sensibilities. The most important part of the myths tend to concern the foundation of the empire and the emperors (known as the Sapa Inca).

For information on other cultures in the region, see:

One of the important thing regarding the Inca society is that "Inca" is not actually the name that they use to refer to themselves. The actual name of the empire is actually "Tawantinsuyu" while Inka actually refers to the ruling class of the empire.

While the Inca have various deities that they worshipped, the one that tend to be considered to be most important is Inti, the sun god. In fact, they are so important that the Sapa Inca consider themselves to be the descendants of Inti.
