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"Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places!"
Dom Cobb

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by tropers for Inception fan fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into sexual or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want by leaving a review on the accompanying link. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites[]


  • Recommended by fiftysix
  • Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames, some Yusuf/Ariadne and Cobb/Saito (but mostly Arthur/Eames).
  • Arguably the most famous Inception author in the net now. She is the person behind the famous Inception Coffee Shop-AU fic, and has written many more good quality stories, especially in the humor (bordering crack) and fluff side. Her Domestic Verse fics are a must-read.


  • Recommended by fiftysix
  • Pairing(s): Mostly Arthur/Eames, with the occasional Yusuf/Ariadne and some gen.
  • One of the best Inception authors I've ever encountered in the internet. Her characterization is amazing; she can show all sorts of sides to characters while keeping them in character, and has an amazing writing style. The quality of her stories is always high, with beautiful, nicely-paced story line. Definitely recommended.


  • Recomended by fiftysix
  • Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames.
  • Another one of the best Inception authors in the internet. She has a way with words that will keep you captivated with every single one of her stories, from the start until the end. Her works, especially her kink meme fills (that have now been de-anoned and posted in her journal) are definitely of high standard.

General Fics[]

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

I Don't Think You Think I Think About Improbability by karanguni

  • Recommended by Leradny
  • Summary: Saito, on a vacation with thieves and thieves.
  • Tags: Crossover between Inception and Ocean's Eleven. Comedy

The Replacements by LithiumDoll

  • Recommended by Zaptech
  • Summary: "I'm going to kill them," Ariadne said flatly when the line finally picked up. "They're dead men. Yusuf's pretty confident he's planned the perfect murder and Saito's promised to cover the legal fees just in case."

Breadcrumbs for a dead and dying man by hope_calaris

  • Recommended by magentastorm
  • Summary: For all her wit and quick learning, Ariadne doesn’t understand the fact that they not only are losing one of their friends, but two.
  • Tags: Death Fic

Alternate Universe Fics[]

Stories where one fundamental aspect of the series is completely overhauled from its point of origin.

Tryst by itakethewords

  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: A stolen night, a stolen dream. Secrets for secrets. She gives him a perfect night before she destroys his world.

I've Got Nothing to Do Today but Smile (The Only Living Boy in New York) by gyzym

  • Recommended by fiftysix
  • Summary: Arthur's a corporate lawyer, Eames owns the coffee shop across the street, and all good love stories start with a quadruple shot latte.

Shipping Fics[]

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Tailor Made by Handful of Silence

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by: tictactoe
  • Summary: When Eames first meets Arthur, he thinks he has his character pegged from the clothes he is wearing. Conservative type, little imagination. He turns out to be quite wrong, but this time, because it's Arthur, he doesn't mind that much.
  • Tags: Slash

Burn my Bridges by knowmydark

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by: tictactoe
  • Summary: Arthur begins to slip over the brink, and it's easier than he thought it would be.
  • Tags: Dark Fic Death Fic

Mute-Eames Fills by Anon and balphas

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by: 20thcenturyvole
  • Summary: Two different (both amazing) fills for the inception kink meme, in a prompt where Eames loses his tongue.

Bless You, Autocorrect by Evie Specter

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by: Flame Feathers
  • Summary: Humorous fluff about autocorrect leading to ... interesting text messages.

The Carrick by Strange Little Swirl (also known as thursdays_girl in LJ)

  • Pairing: Dom/Ariadne
  • Recommended by swampariadne
  • Summary: The team starts to delve back into the world of dreams to rehabilitate coma patients, but going under means facing secrets they have all been keeping.
  • Tags: AU Fic

Chasing Dominic by World's Neighbor

  • Pairing: Dom/Ariadne
  • Recommended by swampariadne
  • Summary: Post-movie. It's over. Dom Cobb didn't wake up. Ariadne prepares for the challenge to bring him back out, seeing that she is the only one who can. In Limbo, she finds the many faces of Dom Cobb and the many faces of herself.

Matryoshka by mixed.vinyl

  • Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
  • Recommended by chibiaries
  • Summary: Half a year after their successful inception, Ariadne receives an offer of another job with the team, and just like the last time, she has no idea what she's getting into.

Capitulation by A.Annie.N

  • Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: Falling. The bishop falls for her, as does the die for him. It's like a kick; pulling them up for air when they find themselves drowning in the shadows of an ill-fated dream, thrown in by someone who wants nothing more than to rip them apart.

Happy Endings by fluffyandkagura

  • Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: Because sometimes even our nightmares have a hidden happy ending. After awaking from a nightmare, Arthur invites Ariadne to dinner. After 3 glasses of wine Arthur gets more than he bargained for.

In the After by freeze1

  • Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: It isn't until the black smudge of Cobb's suit dissolves into the crowd that it occurs to Ariadne she has no where to go.

Past the Point of Repression by cchelez

  • Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: The team finishes the job and goes their separate ways but where some are able to forget about the past, Arthur still hangs on to the memories that will not fade.

Coveted by HarlequinEnigma896

  • Pairings: Arthur/Ariadne, one-sided Eames/Ariadne
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: She belonged to the point man, and the forger didn't stand a chance.

Fallout by BurstingAtTheSeams

  • Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: Set during and post-Inception. Ariadne thought she would be overjoyed after successfully completing the Inception. But she wasn't prepared for what came next, the overwhelming sense of loss and the dangerous fallout from the job. How will they cope?
  • Tags: Dark Fic

The Greedyhearts by weatherfront

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by 20thcenturyvole
  • Summary: AU. Eames is an art thief who isn't exactly all that great at what he does, and Arthur is a detective who enjoys the chase a little more than he'd like to admit.
  • Tags: A kink meme, comedy, AU Fic, Slash

OH&S by Mercurial_Wit

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Ariadne/Saito
  • Recommended by 20thcenturyvole
  • Summary: "It's always the most experienced dreamers who get blase about the process and start falling into bad habits."

Towards Zero by Mirabella

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by 20thcenturyvole
  • Summary: Five levels down, and five to dig yourself back out. Arthur met Eames' projection long before he met Eames.
  • Tags: Lemon NSFW

En Route to Transylvania by Weatherfront

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Cobb/Mal
  • Recommended by 20thcenturyvole
  • Summary: AU. Arthur is a vampire. Eames herds goats. I have not been drinking.
  • Tags: AU Fic

Palm, Ditch, Steal by Imperfectcircle

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Ariadne/Saito
  • Recommended by 20thcenturyvole
  • Summary: Heists, experiments, dreams and lies.

Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Lying by apiphile

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by Heart-mint
  • Summary: Eames is manipulative, slippery, and a compulsive liar.

Destructive Testing by thereisafire

  • Pairing: Ariadne/Mal
  • Recommended by beeftony
  • Summary: "I can teach you things you never knew, dearest. We can build a dream together." Mal's curls tickle Ariadne's face, her hot breath on Ariadne's neck.
  • Tags:Femme Slash

Rapid Eye Movement by Dana Norram

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by yahikochan
  • Summary: Dreams were overrated.
  • Tags:Slash, Rated M/NC-17 for sexual situations and language

Hush by fishwrites

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by Pan Boleyn
  • Summary: "Arthur loves Eames in a unconditional, overwhelming sort of way. A week later, Arthur goes missing. Ten days after that, Eames finds him unconscious in a hotel, the PASIV humming gently by the bed. in which Arthur deliberately traps himself in Limbo"

Our Last Night On Earth by Dana Norram

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by yahikochan
  • Summary: In which Philippa is kidnapped, Arthur feels guilty, Eames pours him some coffee and the team has to do something that might be a little more tricky than inception itself.
  • Tags: One Shot, Slash, Rated M/NC-17 for sexual situations and language

Requiescat by whiskyrunner

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames (Eames/Neil)
  • Recommended by yahikochan
  • Summary: The death of Neil McCormick was gradual, not sudden, and not permanent by any means. In the end, Arthur goes much more quickly.
  • Tags:Crossover with the Gregg Araki movie, Mysterious Skin. Slash, Rated M/NC-17 for sexual situations,language, dub-con, mentions of non-con and child abuse.

eye on authority, thumb print's a forgery by imogenedisease

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by zoestertoaster
  • Summary: “Oh,” Eames says. “A potential riot. I must be going love, ta!” “Don’t get shanked!” Arthur yells, but Eames has already hung up.

The Delphini Trials by atomicskull

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames (not exactly the focus, however)
  • Recommended by Thinks Too Much
  • Summary: Years after the movie, mind crime becomes a public scandal. A witch hunt takes off. Phillipa, now an adult, watches as Arthur, Eames and all of the others get caught up in it.
  • Tags: Dark Fic

Presque Vu by rageprufrock

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Dom/Mal
  • Recommended by Eveandriss
  • Summary: Or, "on the tip of the tongue." Arthur meets Mal first. He inherits Dom, after. Everything else is on him.
  • Tags: Slash

The Music Makers by rageprufrock

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Dom/Mal
  • Recommended by Rain Krystal
  • Summary: A. Graham Cole was twenty-one years old when he was killed in action in Iraq. At the time of his death, he was a corporal with the psychological operations unit of the United States Army. He was four days away from wrapping up his third tour in the Middle East and had already packed for his return stateside. This is the official story. The truth is, of course, somewhat different.
  • Tags: Slash

i am the hero of this story (don't need to be saved) by electrumqueen

  • Pairing: Dom/Mal, and depending on your point of view, shades of Arthur/Dom, Arthur/Mal, and Arthur/Dom/Mal
  • Recommended by Rain Krystal
  • Summary: Mal wakes up. Dom doesn't.
  • Tags: Slash

The Dreamers of the Day by deathgetsusall and Rrrowr

  • Pairing: Arthur/Eames
  • Recommended by Eveandriss
  • Summary: Before Cobb, they’d both been the best at the game. Before they were legends, they had been young.
  • Tags: Slash