
Anime and manga creators have created a wide variety of heroes, and some of them, like the ones on this page, are utterly amazing in their kindness and purity.

  • Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess pretty much defines the concept of an impossibly pure-hearted person. That besides, in the Season 1 Finale against the Lord of Terror, when Keiichi is infected by the Lord of Terror and possessed, she offers to take his place as the host. Seeing the opportunity to get rid of the human body he was using, the Lord of Terror separated himself from Keiichi to infect Belldandy, but COULDN'T. She was simply far too pure. Because he had to move into something else, having detached himself, he moves into a nearby Floppy disk, leading to his defeat... at the hands of Skuld, armed with a small magnetic bar.
    • In the OVA, her angel is ripped out and replaced by a demon. Two minutes later, the demon radiates happiness and sparkles.
    • Or the fact that the most evilest thing she could think of doing... was jaywalking.
    • And Keiichi is no slouch, either.
  • Tomo from Seikon no Qwaser is a good example of this. She (while under her own influence and not Brainwashed and Crazy) has NEVER done anything remotely evil or malicious, and is so pure hearted Alexander is actually more drawn to her than the female protagonist at first. In fact, she's so pure hearted, the Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain finds it impossible to even attempt to do anything malicious to her as a result.
  • One of Kenshiro's defining traits in Fist of the North Star. Kenshiro does NOT do anything evil, will NOT tolerate any evil around him and trying to tempt him off of the righteous path will NOT end well for the offending party. He does, however, kill lots of people all the time.
  • Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino is the embodiment of unconditional love and forgiveness.
  • In Soul Eater, it's subverted: Justin Law is apparently naturally lacking in madness, but ends up being corrupted and defects to follow the Kishin.
  • This is played straight and then averted with the titular heroine of Revolutionary Girl Utena. It almost seems as though she strives to be this because of her desire to become a prince. It also helps that she is thoroughly naive and often refuses to give a deeper look into the problems of the people surrounding her. Several characters try to take advantage of her because of this. Akio, who will sleep with anyone and whom Utena has fallen in love with, succeeds. She sleeps with him in a blink-and-you-miss-it scene from a clip show episode, of all things.
  • Battle Royale has the main character Shuuya, who despite the horrible things going on never gives up hope and faith in humanity. The novel and manga (but not film) also have Yuichirou Takiguchi, though his purity actually leads to deadly results.
    • You could also count Noriko Nakagawa, the most archetypal Mary Sue in manga history. She's similar in the movie and novel, but nowhere near so blatantly.
  • Son Goku from Dragon Ball. Apart from being able to ride the Nimbus, he also once survived an attack that worked by exploding one's heart with evil by the merit of not having a single shred of evil in him. His friends attributed this to him being really, really dumb.
    • Blue Launch is the foremost female example of this, being the second person shown capable of riding the Nimbus. Unlike Blonde Launch, Blue Launch is selfless, affectionate and endearing, even if her innocence makes her a little air-headed. The best example comes from Launch's cameo appearance in the Kid Buu Saga, where she freely gave her energy to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb, not because Fake Ultimate Hero Mr. Satan demanded she do it, but because she just liked Goku's nicer-sounding voice when he pleaded for everyone to give their energy to him.
    • Future Trunks is another example, which is amazing in itself since Trunks' parents are Bulma and Vegeta, two of the most selfish people in the whole series. Though considering Trunks was raised in a Bad Future where humanity's survival was the most important thing to him, becoming a polite, selfless, heroic Nice Guy was unavoidable. Kid Trunks, who had none of the aforementioned experience, grew up to be a spoiled, egotistical Bratty Half-Pint thanks to his father's toxic influence.
  • Protagonist Nao Kanzaki in the manga series Liar Game not only acts as the moral compass for the other characters, she also never lies. As a consequence, she veers dangerously close to Purity Sue territory.
    • As of late, she has learned to lie, but still only for "the greater good."
  • Doctor Tenma from Monster. An example of this trope used exceedingly well. He is one part of the morality triangle in which Johann has given in to completely evil, and Nina dives into Grey and Gray Morality for all that it's worth.
  • Kaworu Nagisa in Neon Genesis Evangelion is a very peculiar (and unforgettable) example. The anime version, at least.
  • Shibuya Yuuri in Kyou Kara Maou starts out pretty decent, kind of dumb, and nearly flat useless. Once Serious Business in fantasyland shakes a few layers of normality off him, he starts to be determined to save everyone and prevent war no matter what, and before long becomes so shinily all-fired good that people can come around to his way of thinking within five minutes of exposure, and he's making a fair bid to forever overset politics as fantasyland has known them. In the season two climax the Big Bad reveals that he was expressly designed to be utterly pure and so average he's not good for anything, to make good possession fodder. Then he turns out to be The Messiah. That was the other Plan.
  • Mutou Yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh! has this vibe going on. With the saving and the forgiving everybody all the time and big sweet eyes and not letting people get killed.
    • And apparently purifying the psycho spirit who possessed him, through soul contact alone, because "other-Yugi" stopped coming up with creative ways to get people to cheat and get either killed or insane, and turned into a normal (self-righteous and hyperdramatic) human being who happened to have a high school kid's body on timeshare.
  • Marina Ismail in Gundam 00 is an Actual Pacifist who refuses to kill anyone by any means and wishes to change the world by peaceful means if possible. She is notable for raising a group of orphans (a trait that defines her as an expy of Frau Bow) and even composing a song that heals whoever hears it, including the emotionally wounded Setsuna, who undergoes a Character Development into The Messiah for the rest of the 2nd season. At one point Marina even prevents one of her children from firing a pistol even at the cost of her own life, although her bodyguards later shoot down the villains trying to kill them, allowing them to escape.
  • Bleach:
    • Sajin Komamura. It is revealed in his fight with Tosen that the entire reason he became his friend was because he wanted to provide a strong support so that the disillusioned Tosen might learn to love again. Sadly, It Got Worse, but Komamura still forgave him.
    • Byakuya's adherence to the idealism of the role a samurai and an aristocrat should play in society means that he's been willing to kill his own sister because the law said she should die - an ideal samurai never questions his lord's orders (and in the story an ideal captain never questions the Central 46's orders) and an aristocrat who is expected to be the role-model society is guided by (which the head of the Kuchiki clan is expected to be) can't be seen to pick and choose which laws to follow simply because one day it suddenly hits close to home. His idealism is so powerful that it even enables him to combat an enemy that brainwashes victims into supporting the enemy. Tsukishima successfully brainwashes Byakuya into believing he was the mentor who taught Byakuya how to fight, but Byakuya's Pillars of Moral Character nature is so powerful that even this can't break his loyalty to Ichigo for Ichigo's role in saving Byakuya's honour in the process of saving Rukia's life and, even though he regrets fatally wounding Tsukishima, it doesn't stop him from doing so.
    • Ichigo himself. He has people trying to beat him up for his orange hair. His teachers distrust him because he's strong enough to hold off these attacks from his peers, and generally has something of a small world view due to having few friends. However the bonds with these few friends, and his generally warm nature mean that he can make casual friends VERY easily, and are strong enough that all Ichigo wants to do with his powers is to protect everyone that he possibly can, absolutely refusing to allow them to go to his head
  • Cheza from Wolf's Rain is a pure character. She does not hate or do evil.
  • Hayate ofk Hayate the Combat Butler may be a very capable fighter, but any moral issues at best push him into a bumbling mess of nerves. Annoyances don't even corrupt him.
  • Noelle from Tenshi ni Narumon is pretty much goodness and pureness incarnated - unfortunately with a side effect of having brain capacity of a 3 year old (while technically being 15).
  • Nana from Elfen Lied adheres to this entirely, never mind the fact that she is genetically predispositioned towards genocide, or the fact that she is always being made to suffer horribly. She's so good you could probably consider it a psychological disorder for her.
    • It has been stated that her personality was crafted as a mental defense to avoid going mad due to the horrific conditions of her life, so yeah, it might just be a mental disorder. Poor Nana...
  • In one Ranma ½ OVA, Kasumi Tendo is possessed by a demon, which gives her horns. She's so pure-hearted the demon can't make her do anything evil.
  • Vash from Trigun takes this to ridiculous levels. He's so pure it's utterly contagious.
  • Gundam Seed: Lacus Clyne. First, she appears to be a very naive innocent girl. Later, it is obvious she's way smarter than she acts, but she's still an Actual Pacifist (aware that sometimes you need to use weapons to bring everyone to peace negotiations), and she can forgive everything once you join her fight for peace. Actually, everyone who sides with her is so much under her influence that they welcome former enemies with open arms. Athrun implied in Gundam Seed Destiny that she has little interest in sex, and she acts with Kira as if she doesn't even kiss on the mouth before wedding.