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Will went to Magnus about a cure for Jem.[]

If this troper remembers the end correctly, then Jem's had an attack not too long ago and his "illness" is beginning to look like it's going to be a significant plot point. Jem has mentioned that the Shadowhunters have been searching for a cure and never found one, but Will refuses to leave off, and it appears now that Jem's running out of time.

  • Jossed

Will is a Time Lord.[]

The cocky attitude and being a weirdness magnet make this guess seem pretty possible. His first encounter with Tessa also makes it obvious. I even this stele is another word for sonic screwdriver.

Will is crazy.[]

Just an idea that was planted in my head after reading Cassie's blog. It actually sounds pretty plausible, thinking back over the book's events.

  • This could go along with the guess above.

Jem is mad at Will in the teasers for Clockwork Prince...[]

... because they're lovers and Jem is jealous of Tessa! That, or Will is doing something incredibly stupid that could potentially ruin their relationship. Which, of course, is entirely possible.

  • Jossed. He was mad at will for wasting himself.

Will, not Jem, will die within the course of the series.[]

Just a throw at subverting the Incurable Cough of Death trope.

Magnus and Tessa are Half-siblings.[]

Both of their human mothers were tricked by a demon who could take on the appearance of their husbands!

  • Well they technically all descend from Lilith so...

Word of God said Magnus may have a new boyfriend in Clockwork Prince.[]

My bet's on one of the Lightwood brothers, or Ragnor Fell.

  • Or maybe Woolsey Scot, the respectable werewolf (confirmed as of clockwork prince)

Will is Alec Lightwood's ancestor.[]

  • Will and Alec both have blue eyes, but the Lightwoods typically are green-eyed.
  • This could possibly indicate that Will marries a Lightwood... possibly Gideon and Gabriel's yet unseen sister?
    • As of Clockwork Prince, Tatiana Lightwood is returning from her honeymoon.
  • Jossed, it's stated that Alec and Isabelle's Tall, Dark and Handsome looks come from Maryse, not Robert.