Big Lipped Alligator Moment : Immediately after the World Split, Him and Yakko out of nowhere engage in a musical battle/dance-off to the tune of Lady Gaga's 'Telephone'.
Crowning Moment of Awesome: The latter half of Event #1, especially the battle against The Mayor's Ink Monsters.
Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Flynn Rider (taken from after the movie's plot) returning during World Split, to a Rapunzel not only from the middle, but separated on the other side... And the two falling in love all over again.
Yakko and Wakko's rendition of "Copacabana", as it applies to logs #2 and #3. And then Mordecai's munactually sang it! Since "Labocabana", Yakko's mun has also done "The Ink City List Song" (somewhat in lieu of the tune of Voltaire's "The USS Make Shit Up" (this and other interpretations are much to the mun's amusement, who specifically didn't have a tune)), "Labocabana Drinking Song" (parody of "Another Irish Drinking Song"), "Smooth Vegetable" (parody of "Smooth Criminal"), "Duck Police" (to the tune of the DuckTales video game Moon Stage Theme), and simply "Ink City" (to the tune of "Hotel California").
The mun for Veser (along with others) wrote and sang "Ink Blots" (parody of Ke$ha's "Tik Tok"), about Event #1.
Heloise's mun provided "Diego", a parody of Lady Gaga's "Alejandro", about Heloise's conflict with Dr. Chipotle Jr.
Also for Heloise she's penned "Scientist!", parody of Little Shop of Horrors's "Dentist!" This becomes a bit of Fridge Brilliant hilarity when you realize Heloise's mun also plays Audrey II, and that Orin Scrivello was also Audrey II's first victim in-canon.
Her second Disney parody - Conquer The World - was a love duet between Dr. Chipotle Jr. and Heloise, to the tune of Aladdin's "A Whole New World". Somehow, despite it's disturbing and gruesome lyrics, it's still surprisingly romantic and ends pretty sadly.
Genaleah, the game's owner and mun of many characters, gave us an Ink City version of The Dave Matthews Band's Funny The Way It Is.
Fan Nickname: Various character nicknames have been coined by the game, such as "Hely" for Heloise and "Chippy" for Dr. Chipotle Jr.
Harsher in Hindsight: Can be coupled with Fridge Horror as the characters learn more about the world they've been pulled into. Another rich source for this is when characters are Put on a Bus, such as Misery's mundane implying she suffered Death by Despair following Thrasher's departure or Fluttershy being injured during the World Split.
Hell Is That Noise: During the World Split event, many... unpleasant sounds are associated with the City tearing itself apart.
Log #3, a.k.a. The Benson / Mordecai / Heloise Log.
Literally, for Mordecai's mun.
Log #44 and the aftermath.
The Taxi, for some. Also, Bizarro!Yakko
Squick: How Heloise tortures Benson initially in Log #3. She basically violates him by sticking a crowbar up his slot and shoving it up into the inside of his head!