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Insomnia by Tikitikirevenge is a novelisation of Majora's Mask done in a captivating style that sheds new light on the characters, scenario and setting.

Tropes found in Insomnia:[]

  • Awesome By Analysis: Link, of course. This becomes especially evident in his fight against Odolwa.
  • Badass: Link, yet again.
  • Darker and Edgier: Yes, even moreso than Majora's Mask was to begin with. The Song of Time only works for five loops, counting the one Link spends trapped as a Deku Shrub, so the race against time is even more pronounced here than it is in the game. What's more, the scars Link carries from his adventures in OoT play a major role in his character, and he and Tatl spend more time bickering than helping each other for quite a few chapters.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Tatl.
    • Link seems to think that aspect (among others) is rubbing off onto him... and he's not very happy about it.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Mutoh and Viscen opt not to flee Clock Town, and spend the last six hours drinking together.
  • Fantastic Racism: The Deku Scrub king is prejudiced against monkeys and humans, and probably anything else that isn't a Scrub. Tatl also seems to dislike the healing-type Fairies.
  • Heroic Mime: Link, during the first few chapters. Justified though, because he cannot figure out how to talk as a Deku.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Tatl explains that healing-type Fairies give up their life energy when they heal Link or other adventurers, but she considers this a Stupid Sacrifice on their part and doesn't think much of them.
  • Hive Mind: The author's explanation for why the Great Fairies become split into multiple smaller fairies.
  • I Hate Past Me: A halarious version. When Tatl and Link run into their future selves at the start of the second cycle:

   Tatl: She ("future" Tatl) called me names. Is that normal?
