Insomnia by Tikitikirevenge is a novelisation of Majora's Mask done in a captivating style that sheds new light on the characters, scenario and setting.
Tropes found in Insomnia:[]
- Awesome By Analysis: Link, of course. This becomes especially evident in his fight against Odolwa.
- Badass: Link, yet again.
- Darker and Edgier: Yes, even moreso than Majora's Mask was to begin with. The Song of Time only works for five loops, counting the one Link spends trapped as a Deku Shrub, so the race against time is even more pronounced here than it is in the game. What's more, the scars Link carries from his adventures in OoT play a major role in his character, and he and Tatl spend more time bickering than helping each other for quite a few chapters.
- Deadpan Snarker: Tatl.
- Link seems to think that aspect (among others) is rubbing off onto him... and he's not very happy about it.
- Face Death with Dignity: Mutoh and Viscen opt not to flee Clock Town, and spend the last six hours drinking together.
- Fantastic Racism: The Deku Scrub king is prejudiced against monkeys and humans, and probably anything else that isn't a Scrub. Tatl also seems to dislike the healing-type Fairies.
- Heroic Mime: Link, during the first few chapters. Justified though, because he cannot figure out how to talk as a Deku.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Tatl explains that healing-type Fairies give up their life energy when they heal Link or other adventurers, but she considers this a Stupid Sacrifice on their part and doesn't think much of them.
- Hive Mind: The author's explanation for why the Great Fairies become split into multiple smaller fairies.
- I Hate Past Me: A halarious version. When Tatl and Link run into their future selves at the start of the second cycle:
Tatl: She ("future" Tatl) called me names. Is that normal? |
- It's a Long Story: Link and Tatl both use this line, to one another or passing inquiries, on multiple occasions. Some of Link's instances of it come off more like he knows Tatl wouldn't buy the explanation.
- Lightning Bruiser: Odolwa, which makes Link's victory over him all the more impressive.
- Madness Mantra: One of the Gorons. "It's so cold out there and so loud in here and so cold out there and so loud in here. It's so cold out there and so loud in here and so cold out there and so loud in here and..."
- Mythology Gag: Some of the items Link and Tatl see being sold in Clock Town include "braided rope whips and giant gear-shaped spinning tops (whose exact usefulness neither Link nor Tatl, nor indeed anyone at the seedy-looking 'curiosity shop' where they found it, was able to explain)."
- Painful Transformation: Now you know exactly why Link screams when he transforms...
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Tatl is implied a few times to be considerably older than Link.
- Reluctant Warrior: Link. Such that he's been keeping track of his kills since sometime during Ocarina Of Time.
- Stable Time Loop: At the end of the first cycle, it is revealed that instead of following the game's Reset Button version of time travel, there are instead five versions of Link and Tatl running around different parts of Termina at the same time.
- Stop Helping Me!: Reversed; Tatl gets annoyed at how often Link asks her questions.
- Third Person Person: Romani, causing Link and Tatl some confusion when they first meet her.
- Title Drop: In Cycle 2: Hysteria, Tatl and Link comment on how the currently leaderless Gorons are acting hysteric.
- Too Dumb to Live: The Business Scrub in South Clock town. It's implied he's slightly mad, however.
- Tsundere: Tatl.
- Unusual Euphemism: Tatl's favored swear is "wingshreds".
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: Tatl gets cut off mid-phrase saying this to the Deku princess.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Tatl lectures Link on the double standard of him being unwilling to kill Guays that were trying to eat her, when he was willing to kill a Skulltula that was trying to eat him earlier on.
- Why Did It Have To Be Birds?: Tatl is cripplingly frightened of birds, which makes sense, since they're faster than her and can easily eat her.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Link, of course. His overall demeanor is that of a warrior who's seen too many battles, which is at odds with his ten year old appearance.
- Year Outside, Hour Inside: The Underforest, which Tatl, Tael, the Skullkid, and Link used to travel between Hyrule and Termina. While probably only a few hours behind the Skullkid and Tael, Link and Tatl arrive in Clock Town a few weeks after them.
- You Already Changed the Past: See Stable Time Loop. To make it even screwier, sometimes Link and Tatl run into after-effects of things their future selves have done.