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  • Why is the Metro City Police Department interested in an international criminal like Dr. Claw? All those destinations around the world are a little out of a city police department's jurisdiction, aren't they?
    • It's implied that either the Metro City PD or Gadget himself has ties with a No Celebrities Were Harmed version of INTERPOL. An episode called "The Infiltration," where Gadget attends a world police summit in London, gives credence to this theory. Either that, or the MCPD is just a front for CONTROL.
  • In the films, why do they keep reloading Gadget with toothpaste guns and bubblegum launchers? And why doesn't the goop LOOK LIKE toothpaste or bubblegum?
    • Obviously it is super advanced toxic chemicals. But Gadget is against killing so they just tell him its toothpaste and gum.
  • What effect do magnets have on Inspector Gadget? In one episode he was shown to be able to get caught in a giant magnet a la Wolverine due to his artificial parts, but in others he was shown to be able to be near them without trouble, even ones strong enough to pull metal towards them through water from the bottom of a river, and even had magnet shoes.