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  • "Well Schooled in Murder": Havers has a rather perverted sense of humour, as seen by her quip after a suspect has, er, exposed himself to the two of them:

 Barbara: How shall I phrase that in my notes, sir? Would "hung" and "donkey" cover it?

  • "Playing for the Ashes": When Barbara and Helen agree that Firemen Are Hot:

 Helen: Two female arsonists burnt down half a dozen semis between them. Something to do with firemen in...

Barbara: ...uniforms, yeah. Just sat back and waited for the hunks with their hoses. [they laugh]

[Lynley stares at them in disbelief]

  • "A Cry for Justice": After Havers has been reinstated.

 Lynley: You really should keep up, Sergeant.... Yes, Sergeant?

Barbara: [exasperated] You can stop calling me that!

Lynley: [cheeky grin] Sorry, Sergeant.

  • "In the Guise of Death":

 Lynley: Think, Havers. What is Cornwall famous for?

Barbara: Pasties?

Lynley: Yeah, well, apart from that.

Barbara: Smoked fish.

Lynley: Forget the food!

Barbara: Well I wish I could, but we came out here without breakfast, remember?
