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CTFxC 1439

Internet Killed Television is a daily Vlog Series that follows the lives of Charles Trippy and his wife Alli Trippy. IKT started on May 1st, 2009. They intended to only film for a year, but after the popularity of the vlogs grew, they decided to continue, and the series is still continuing to this day.

Internet Killed Television can be found on the YouTube channel CTFxC. They also have three other channels: the CharlesTrippy channel, where they upload humorous skits, the Alli channel, where they upload their Movie Club and Food Challenge videos, and the Trippy channel, where Charles uploads short videos from his iPhone.

Tropes associated with Internet Killed Television:[]

  • Adult Child: This is Charles in a nutshell.
  • Happily Married: Charles and Alli.
  • I Was Quite a Fashion Victim: Charles acknowledges that his pink hair looked stupid.
  • Kitsch Collection: Charles has a collection of iPods in his office.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Charles had been friends with Danny and Travis of the band We The Kings since middle school. He joined the band in September 2010 to fill in for their bassist.
  • Running Gag: Several. Alli or Charles being late for a flight, Charles' huge head, Marley rolling in poop, Alli's fear of wax paper.
  • Team Pet: Zoey and Marley.
  • Wham! Episode: The previous day, Charles had passed out, in what was later revealed to be a seizure, and was rushed to the hospital. The Next Day , it was revealed it was due to a brain tumor. He had surgery a week later and the tumor was successfully removed.
  • What Happened To Jeff?: Jeff Takeover was Charles and Alli's roommate, and a prominent feature in the early vlogs, until Alli left for Spain, and Charles moved to Tallahassee. He hasn't been heard of or mentioned since.