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  • Darkwood's plan was to kidnap alien musicians, dress them up as earthlings, force them to do music and break sales charts in order to accquire several Gold Records (why not just steal them? he obviously had the means) and use them to power a machine that somehow would allow him to conquer the universe?
    • Umm... maybe it doesn't count unless the Records are properly earned, giving them power?
    • I figured that what the machine was doing was using the discs to channel the popularity of the artists. This would also explain why he kills them off; what is the number one reason for an artist's popularity to sky rocket?
    • Music is a powerful weapon if used right, if the music wasn't worth the weight in gold records it could self destruct the machine.
  • Why did Darkwood rewrite the band's memories and brainwash them? Wouldn't one be enough?
    • He probably did it so that in case the mind control was broken, they wouldn't be able to reveal their origin to the public, thus revealing his secret plan. He wasn't counting on a very determined Shep following him all the way to earth and telling the band their true identity.
      • You can never be too careful when it comes to Mind Rape.
  • As much as I love this movie, it bothers me that when in one part, three out of four members of a popular band were seemingly abducted by a mysterious blue-skinned man... but by the next song, nobody seems worried about it. Um... what?
    • It's possible that the audience thought it was part of an "act", and when the male members were still missing, Darkwood played it off as part of some big publicity stunt.