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The Title Screen! Ain't it cute?


Irisu Syndrome! (いりす症候群!, Irisu Shoukougun!) is a freeware physics puzzle game created by Japanese developer wtatsu, starring a cute bunny girl Irisu Kyouko.

The gameplay involves shapes of various colors falling down in a tetris-like play field. Shoot white and gray blocks to direct the colored blocks to others of the same color (either among the falling ones or from the ones on the floor) to make them disappear and score points. However, each block that falls and didn't disappear inflicts damage to your health bar, and losing all health spells Game Over. Thankfully, you recover some health each time you score points.

The story involves four university students —Irisu, Uuji, Ageha and Edogawa— on a camping trip. As you progress deeper into the game and reach various score "milestones", you'll find out more about the events that unfold during said trip and what happens to the four.

The game can be downloaded here, with a fan-made English patch here. An updated version titled Irisu Syndrome! Metsu has also been released, containing the original game alongside the new Metsu Mode with different gameplay that can be unlocked to continue the story left off from the previous mode. You can download it here. A "colorblind fix" for those having trouble playing Metsu Mode is available here.

To venture deeper into the forest, you can follow this path. Please proceed with extra caution.

See also Ai to Yuuki to Kashiwa Mochi, another puzzle game by the same creator.

This game provides an example of:[]

  • All There in the Manual: Most of the character backstories can be found inside the text files inside the game folder. Said text files are generated as you progress through the game.
  • Art Evolution: The Metsu expansion has updated shading and interface.
  • Everythings Better With Bunnies: Irisu! Or Is It?
  • Expansion Pack: Metsu is an updated version with an additional gameplay mode.
  • Falling Blocks: You have to direct a block hit another of the same color before they reach the bottom. Pairing multiples midair make them glow brightly, earning you a chain bonus for more points.
  • Fan Translation: A patch that translates everything has been made courtesy of 4chan's /jp/ board.
  • Game Over Woman: Irisu greets you every time you get a Game Over.
  • Gotta Catch Them All: The notebook pages in Metsu Mode.
  • Idiot Hair: Ageha has two of them.
  • Lost Forever: The Level 100 unlockable for normal mode would become unobtainable once you go to the Metsu mode title screen. There's a plot-relevant reason for this.
  • Multiple Endings: Initially has two endings, an additional one was added in the Metsu update.
    • The Bad Ending can be obtained by scoring 20.000 points or less in normal mode.
    • The Good Ending can be obtained by scoring more than 20.000 points in normal mode.
    • The Golden Ending can be obtained by scoring 50.000 points or more in Metsu mode.
    • Additionally, there are two extra "post-script" unlockables. The first one can be unlocked by reaching Level 100 in normal mode, but would become Lost Forever once you go into Metsu mode. The second one can be obtained by reaching Level 100 in Metsu mode and obtaining all six notebook pages.
  • Nintendo Hard: When the creator calls it "Instant-death puzzle game", you should've seen this trope coming.
  • Older Than They Look: Although the characters are supposed to be university students, the artstyle makes them look a few years younger.
  • Puzzle Game: More precisely, "Instant-death puzzle game".
  • Scary Surprise Party: Happy birthday, Ageha! Haha, that sure was some prank, huh? There's possibly more to it, though.
  • Scoring Points: The game is based around it; story progression and bonuses are unlocked as you earn points through the puzzle game.
  • Three Amigos: Edogawa, Uuji, and Ageha are always seen together.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Irisu!


