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Welcome to a nice little Diesel Punk Dystopia...


Iron Storm is a 2002 First-Person Shooter / Third-Person Shooter game, created by French developer 4x Studios and published by Dreamcatcher Interactive. The game is a fairly typical war FPS, but offers lots of good level design and a huge amount of intelligent opponents. What sets it apart from most games of the genre, is its very unique Alternate History setting and engaging atmosphere.

In the game's Backstory, World War One never ended in 1918 and dragged well into the 1960s. The reason behind this was a charismatic White Russian general, a certain Baron Ugenberg. He managed to unite lots of former Tsarist soldiers and warriors from Siberian and Mongolian tribes under his banner during the Russian Civil War. With the help of their constantly growing numbers, he succeded in crushing the Bolshevik Revolution and reuniting former Tsarist Russia, grandiously renaming it "the Russo-Mongolian Empire". But his conquest didn't end there, as he decided to build a mighty pan-Eurasian empire, having delussions of being a modern day successor of Genghis Khan. He succeded in claiming the entire eastern half of Europe. The frontlines between his newly founded empire and the remaining western democracies came to a halt in the late 1920s, cutting Germany in half. The game starts in early 1964, when the United States of Western Europe manage to discover information about a secret Doomsday Device being built by the baron's scientists. Enter you, lieutenant James Anderson, an aging Shell-Shocked Veteran, sent on a suicide mission behind enemy lines in order to locate and neutralize the secret weapon project.

Sounds like a fairly straight-forward action and espionage story ? Well then : Expect a few interesting twists on your way...

You can find a Let's Play of it here.

Tropes featured in the game[]