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This comic has Loads and Loads of Characters... But don't worry! There are several different themes, so most of the characters are restricted to just one theme... Most of the time...
- Back from the Dead: Considering how inept Deaths are, this is common.
David Morgan-Mar[]
The creator of the comic himself has his own theme, usually revolving around working on the comic, his everyday life, his being on the run from Death...
This theme is mainly a spoof of Indiana Jones.
The Jones family[]
Montana (Monty) Jones[]
The main character of this theme. An Archaeology professor who constantly needs to fight against the Nazis to take control of powerful artifacts that the Nazis will use to conquer the world. Hates wurst.
- Embarrassing First Name: North Dakota
- "No Respect" Guy
- Whip It Good: Occasionally use whips
Prof. North Dakota Jones[]
Monty's father. Obsessed with the Holy Grail.
Minnesota Jones[]
North Dakota's father, thus Monty's grandfather. Was presumably lost after he went on dinosaur chasing.
- Knight Fever / Overly Long Name: His title? The Honourable Herr Schliemannian Chair Professor Doktor Doktor Jones, CBE, DCM, JP, FRS
The Nazis[]
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: Nazi science sneers at (things to be sneered at)! Sometimes the science part is changed too.
Colonel Haken[]
Monty's archnemesis. Hitler-brain-in-a-jar's primary lackey when it comes to gathering powerful artifacts.
- Dragon-in-Chief
- Even Evil Has Standards: He may be a Nazi, but he enlisted to collect various Artifacts of Doom and is completely disgusted by genocide.
- Hook Hand
- High-Class Glass: wears a monocle
- The Millstone: When he was petrified, Hitler took over Europe easily.
Haken's main lackey. Is not really as committed to the Nazi principle as others, thus is a bit more reasonable.
Hitler's Brain[]
Hitler's Brain In a Jar. Need I say more? Anyway, he died in the Reichstag fire and his brain was put on life support by Adam Savage in Chess with Death. Plans to take control of powerful artifacts and take over the world.
- Adolf Hitler of course.
- Brain In a Jar: Natch.
- Ghostapo: Is obsessed with occult.
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: Complete with multiple clones of his own brain.
- Take Over the World
The Jones family's Arabic friend who will always come to their rescue.
- Big Damn Heroes / Deus Ex Machina: Want to be rescued? Bet on him! Once inverted though.
- No Sense of Direction: Inverted
Ginny Smith[]
A US archaeology expert who defect to the Soviet. Can and will backstab everyone.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Complete with scorecard.
- Overly Long Name: Her Russian name: Valentina Irina Ranevskaya Galina Ivana Natalya Iriyushka Anastasia Sonyechka Marinochka Ineslenka Tatyana Hvorostovskaya.
Agency of Deaths and the main point of Crossover.
- Celestial Bureaucracy
- No Indoor Voice: Every death (except Charon) speaks in ALL CAPS when talks to mortal.
- Odd Job Gods: Well, many has a very specific cause of death to watch over.
Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs[]
Probably the main character of Death theme. Has really bad luck on the job.
- Butt Monkey: Gets who get job shuffling the most?
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Really popular.
- George Jetson Job Security
- Sinister Scythe
Death of Choking On A Giant Frog[]
Fireballs's competitor, since he wanted to be Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs, but otherwise friendly to each other.
Head Death[]
The boss. He controls all Death's job, thus you can see him demote and promote others.
- Bad Boss: Seems to go out of his way to screw over Fireballs.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat
Death of Being Wrestled To Death By Steve[]
Exactly What It Says on the Tin - then he gets wrestled to death by Steve, twice.
- Death by Irony: gets wrestled to death by Steve, twice.
Death of Inhaling Hatmaking Chemicals[]
Speaks with a Cockney accent. Collect those who died inhaling mercury, which is very rare nowadays.
- British Accents
- Quintessential British Gentleman
- Wild Mass Guessing: Is Lewis Carroll from Scientific Revolution. Maybe.
The Ferryman of the Underworld, but there is no indication of how does he fit into the organization.
An RPG campaign that is a big spoof on Tolkien.
The group's merchant. Highly protective of his money.
- Big Eater
- Hobbits: Obviously
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Well, he's the originator of hobbit puns.
The group's elf and archer. Also the Only Sane Man of the group.
The group's thief. But never call him that.
- Insistent Terminology: He's a Lovable Rogue not a thief!
- Kleptomaniac Hero
- Lovable Rogue: Insisted being called that
The group's wizard. A pyromaniac wizard that frequently kills off his teammates.
- God Guise: likes to do this
- Kill It with Fire: "it" being "everything".
- Last of His Kind
- Pyromaniac
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: How did he kill a Balrog? More fire!
A lizardman hired by Lambert to help with the group (and protect his money from Mordekai]].
- Badass Bookworm: Smartest guy in the group.
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue: He can speak only in monosyllabus in English, but in his native tongue, he speaks very eloquently.
- Genius Bruiser: Great big lizard man who's highly intelligent.
- Smarter Than You Look
Your old stereotypical dwarf with Scottish accent. Got persuaded to join the group by Kyrosâi, by predictable method.
Harry Potter[]
Exactly What It Says on the Tin, but later the theme is mostly in William Shakespeare's fanfic.
Harry Potter[]
Hermione Granger[]
Ron Weasley[]
Draco Malfoy[]
Imperial Rome[]
A spoof on The War of the Worlds, but gets veered into different direction lately.
The Martians[]
The last 3 Martians who still plans to conquer Earth, but are pretty inept at it.
- Last of His Kind
- What an Idiot!: Don't care about the germs and don't give your species immortality treatment before sending them to invade Earth? Why not?
- X Meets Y: As DMM describes, a cross between Marvin the Martian and the Three Stooges...
The Man in Black[]
The shadowy government operative who denies everything out of natural.
- Extra-Strength Masquerade: He denies that there are aliens when he talks to the Martians. Or worse, says there's no afterlife when he's in one.
- Implausible Deniability
An ordinary university student who got himself tangled into the Martian mess quite often.
- The Ishmael: Natch.
Owner of a local pizza place where Ishmael works.
- Near-death by Irony: Claimed to be descendant of Allesandro Volta when rewiring his pizzeria. Guess what happens next.
A spoof on James Bond.
James Stud (0x0a)[]
- Accidental Hero
- Genius Bonus: His codename is hexadecimal for 10 (and his co-worker James Shaken was "0x0b", 11)
- The Leisure Suit Larry: Unlike Bond, he really fails with women.
- Punny Name: "Stud, not Shaken".
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