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  George: "I wanna live again."

    • Later:

 — "To my big brother George, the richest man in town."

    • Also:

 Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.

That's right, that's right. Attaboy, Clarence.

  • Clarence's inscription:

 — "Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends."

  • George and Mary's honeymoon.

 — "Do you remember the night we threw rocks at this old house? This is what I wished for."

  • The denouement when George Bailey finally realizes that he has gained far more than he lost for staying in Bedford Falls, especially when seemingly the entire town comes to help him after Mr. Potter claimed that they would hate him for losing their money.
  • "All I had to say was that George Bailey was in trouble."
  • Last time I watched this, I noticed something I'd overlooked before. When George is on the bridge crying out, "I want to live again," pay attention to what happens. He's calling out to Clarence, his guardian angel, and nothing happens. Then he breaks and mutters, "God...please," and it starts to snow again, showing that things have finally changed back to the way they're supposed to be.
  • Am I weird to think the scene where George is getting drunk in the bar and Mr. Welch punches him out, and Martini and Nick are so nice and concerned about him is heartwarming?
    • You are not alone in thinking that. It seems so out of character of George to act this way so Nick and Martini are moved by the sight of their poor friend.