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  • Acceptable Targets: Women, the Church, the Flemish, the Bourgeoisie.
  • Covered Up: His songs have been covered by numerous artists
    • "Ne Me Quitte Pas" ("If You Go Away") by Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone
    • "Le Moribond" ("The Dying Man") by Terry Jacks as "Seasons in the Sun"
    • "Amsterdam" by David Bowie
    • Other cover artists: Marc Almond, Scott Walker, Liesbeth List,...
  • Grow the Beard: His earliest recordings are a bit naive and gentle Morality Ballad. Famous French chansonnier Georges Brassens even compared him with a preaching priest. Later his records matured enormously and became more cynical, introspective and even risqué. (Darker and Edgier in short)
  • Love It or Hate It: Certain Flemish nationalists are not a fan of his work, due to Brel's often biting comments about them.
  • Narm: While his Large Ham tendences were often awesome, sometimes they veered into this.
  • Tear Jerker: Brel was known for his passionate and intense delivery, most memorable in "Ne Me Quitte Pas".