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Jade 1995 movie poster 3340

 Tagline: Some fantasies go too far.


Directed by William Friedkin, Jade is a 1995 erotic thriller starring David Caruso, who also starred in the popular cop drama TV show, NYPD Blue, Linda Fiorentino who starred in The Last Seduction and Chazz Palminteri, who was fresh off of receiving an Oscar nomination for Bullets Over Broadway.

When an important millionaire was mysteriously murdered, San Francisco attorney David Corelli (Caruso) investigates the case and the first suspect is Katrina Gavin (Fiorentino), who happens to be Corelli's ex-lover and is married to local attorney Matt Gavin (Palminteri). A web of blackmail and prostitution arises and Corelli must discover who really committed the crime before it is too late.

The film was largely lambasted by critics and failed at the box office, grossing only about $9.6 million domestically over a budget of $50 million.

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