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  • Overlapping with Awesome is picking up an ex-KG gunship that's been painted blue and apparently severely enhanced, flying it solo against a flying War Factory with its own army of defensive drones and turret tanks, and then proceeding to wreak havoc throughout said factory, beat the boss within, and then teleport out as the entire fortress plummets from the skies without apparently damaging the city. There may be something more badass than flying a gunship through a smart bomb explosion that would oblitarate a medium-sized building while spamming ammunition at everything in the area, but I have no idea what it is.
  • There's also a bit in Jak 2 when you pick up a seal piece from the far end of water town, and the KG moves in. Your objective is to get out, and you will tear your way through dozens of Krimsons to do it. This troper didn't realize that you were supposed to be escaping, and just picked out a spot and mowed down the KGs as fast as they spawned, picking up the ammo, scurrying back to his defensive position...
  • Jak leaping off the Dark Maker ship and taking Cyber Errol with him. Unfortunately, Errol shakes him off easily and flies to safety, while it seems Jak is done for. Daxter, meanwhile, is being sucked into a hole and will probably be dead pretty soon as well. Suddenly, Light Jak flies back up, catches Daxter in the nick of time, and hightails it out of there. All the while everything around them is coming apart at the seams.
  • Pecker setting up an Engineered Public Confession on the Big Bad in Jak X was pretty satisfying.
  • Grabbing the Light Eco in The Precursor Legacy.