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- The Reveal near the end of Jak 3. As it turns out, the Precursors, a god-like race responsible for the creation of the world are ottsels. The reaction shot, which includes Veger dropping his cane and Jak's famous "Oh my God" are what really clinch it as a CMoF.
- According to the Making Of extras, the guy who animated that scene begged to do so once he learned about The Reveal.
- Don't forget Veger's comeuppance: while the Precursors were still speaking through their Energy Being avatar, they offer to turn Jak into one of them until Veger shows up with a gun demanding that HE receive the "honor", prompting the avatar to say "Be Careful What You Wish For..." One reveal later...
Veger: These creatures are the great Precursors? And I wanted to evolve into the...[sudden Oh Crap face] NO! [cue Karmic Transformation]" |
- There was a scene in the PSP spinoff that went like this:
Erol: Who called you? |
- "I...AM PECKER!"
- Funnier about Pecker, is that he's voiced by Chris Cox!
- The part in Jak 2 where Daxter gets drunk off his ass is hilarious!
- Whenever Pecker and Blitz are on TV in Jak X is hysterical.
- There was one part in Jak II when Jak and Daxter had to gather up three MacGuffins. The cutscenes when you retrieve them are all amusing, but the funniest is the one where Daxter grabs a tiny gear off a giant machine that has a lot of moving parts but no real purpose. At first, nothing happens, but as Daxter turns and starts to walk away, the machine stops and falls apart. A cheerfully oblivious Daxter then says "They'll never know we were here."
- Even funnier when Jak tries to tell him off, but a gigantic cog rolls past him, and causes him to blank out for a second.
- At one point in Jak 3, Jak is approached by a monk. Eventually, this exchange happens:
Monk: "This isn't a GAME, you know!" |
- "Stay fuzzy...save the world. Choices."
- "God I miss pants."
- "You know how they lift, and cradle? Ahhh..."
- Meeting the Fisherman in the early segements of The Precursor Legacy:
Fisherman: I can't seem to catch a single fish in this river. |
- Also, the Wangsty Warrior.
Daxter: Have you tried attacking him with your melodrama? 'Cause it's killing me! |
- The racing contract in Jak II. "GAME RIGHTS?!"
- Can double as a CMoA when you learn that Max Casella completely improvised the whole thing.
- The various quips Daxter comes out with when you die in TPL and Jak 3. Admit it.
"Hey Jak, can I, uh... have your insect collection?" |
- Any scene involving Daxter and Tess in Jak 3. Not just the pair being nauseatingly sweet with each other, but also Jak's reactions at their antics.
Jak: Oh, please! Could you two take it outside? |
- Daxter getting blasted in the face with grummy water in Jak II.
- Torn using the Naughty Ottsel figure as a final decoy to get a tracking missile off J&D's backs in Jak 3. Daxter's mortified gasp tops it off.
Daxter: (gasp) My beautiful mug! |
- Daxter in Jak 3 after he blows up the barrier from riding the missle. We see him get up from a huge explosion, he casually dusts himself off and goes to walk away - BAM! Hit by a falling piece of rubble.
- Ashelin after it is revealed everyone has been played by Rayn.
Torn: "Who would've thunk?" |
- Daxter flipping out at Jak crashing through a fishtank.
Daxter: "Jaaaak! Are you CRAZY?!" dramatically throws down mug "You ruined my story!" |