- Complete Monster: Gol and Maia, although in the big picture they are mere Starter Villains.
- Demonic Spiders: The spiders in the Spider Caves.
- Evil Is Sexy: Say what you will about Maia, but unlike her brother, the Dark Eco didn't seem to do anything negative to her body...
- Fridge Horror/ Nightmare Fuel: When you're sent to rescue the orphaned Flut Flut Egg, you're lead to believe that the mother that was captured must be a pretty large creature. Later on, the second boss you encounter is a large creature that (besides the mish-mash of precursor metal and red wiring) has a blue, feather-like layer of skin. Could this be the mother Flut Flut after being corrupted by Dark Eco?
- Klaww is a Dark-Eco-mutated Lurker, not a Flut Flut... but since Jak II reveals that Lurkers aren't evil, just enslaved, that's not much better.
- Wangst: The warrior in Rock Village. Daxter even snarks about it:
Daxter: Have you tried attacking him with your melodrama? Cos it's killing me! |