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  • Almost every time Jake picked up a mic back in his prime, he spoke pure Creepy Awesome to the crowd. His well-spoken, yet borderline psychotic, promos cut to the heart of the feud, and brought a kind of intensity no one else had at the time. His "Wallowing in the muck of avarice" promo from Wrestlemania VI is considered one of his best ever, and that's just as a face.
  • Jake making his appearance in AEW in early 2020. Full stop. While he's in the company as a manager rather than an active wrestler, his promo skills are as sharp as ever, as he reveals that he's bringing in a new talent to take Cody down, referring to Cody as "Caesar" a week before the Ides of March, challenging him to bring his "one-trick pony" Arn Anderson to balance out against Jake at ringside in next week's match, and, just to prove that this old snake still has plenty of venom left in him, finishing with a killer burn to Cody.

Jake: A wise man once told me, never ever turn your back on someone you respect, or someone you're afraid of.

    • Among all the venom and malice Jake spits at Cody in that promo, there's one achingly personal Badass Boast that stands out and gets a huge pop from the crowd.
  • His managerial role for Lance Archer also counts, even so he could give Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar a run for their money! Archer is the one-man Road Warrior whereas Jake is the Paul Ellering.