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Here is a list of the major characters that are embodied by James Bond and its various incarnations and important roles.

Movies with their own pages:

James Bond, 007, Licence to Kill

The James Bond actors each had a different version of the character. An overall discussion of the whole character of Bond is a subject that has had entire books dedicated to it.

Sean Connery

George Lazenby

  • Badass
  • Cartwright Curse: George Lazenby's loss is the most famous in the series.
  • Casanova: He seduces an entire RESORT of beautiful women.
  • The Charmer
  • Chick Magnet
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Played straight this time: Tracy starts out as suicidal and emotionally unbalanced, but Bond gives her a reason to live.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Even more so than Connery, and possibly to Craig's levels. When Lazenby's Bond fights you, you're in trouble.
  • Continuity Nod: "This never happened to the other fella."
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Oddly, did not prevent him from getting laid repeatedly.
    • More like Obfuscating Blandness. He was impersonating an academic, and in fact used that intellectual angle to seduce a lot of women.
  • The Other Darrin: No other Bonds went through much controversy upon announcement except for Daniel Craig. George Lazenby was compared to Sean Connery constantly.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Effectively, changing his posture a bit and changing his voice a little is enough to fool Blofeld. Despite the fact that he and James Bond met face to face in You Only Live Twice.
    • OHMSS was set up to be a straight adaptation of the novel (as opposed to YOLT). OHMSS came before YOLT in the book, so the disguise was not paper thin.

Roger Moore

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Roger Moore played James Bond as a heartless playboy and consummate Englishman versus Sean Connery's rough and tumble secret agent.
  • Badass
  • Bond One-Liner
  • Casanova
  • The Charmer
  • Chick Magnet
  • Combat Pragmatist
  • Cool Car: Lotus Esprit.
  • Cultured Badass
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Disposable Woman: Roger Moore's Bond is even more heartless than Sean Connery's version, if that's possible.
    • Well, early Moore. He improved as time went on, so by For Your Eyes Only he probably had as healthy a relationship with women that he's ever had (a 16 year old girl trying to seduce him notwithstanding).
  • Does Not Like Guns: Roger Moore kills a ridiculous amount of bad guys on screen. 167 according to at least some counts. However, he only rarely does so using a gun. He prefers to toss them off buildings or use elaborately odd weapons like a explosive air pellet.
    • That said, he's also actually shot the Big Bad on at least two occasions, something other Bonds have not done.
  • Double Entendre
  • Evil Counterpart: Scaramanga.
  • Foe Yay: Solitaire, Rosie Carver, Andrea Anders, Octopussy, and Mayday.
  • Handsome Lech
  • Mood Whiplash: Like Brosnan's Bond movies would be, Moore's Bond movies were interlaced with some very serious scenes and some very silly scenes.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Roger Moore's James Bond was always playing nicer than he really was as his many brutal executions across his movies proves.
  • The Smart Guy: Roger Moore's character compensated for not being as tough as Sean Connery by acting like 007 had an IQ in the excess of 200 and expertise on every subject in the world.
  • The Trickster

Timothy Dalton

Pierce Brosnan

Daniel Craig

Bond Girls

James Bond films are as famous for their host of beautiful women in various states of peril (or being perilous) as they are for their titular hero. These beauties are referred to as Bond girls. They have been subject to numerous feminist critique both negative and (sometimes) positive. The Bond Girls themselves (or rather, the actresses who play them) consider it being part of a club, almost as exclusive as being Bond himself.

Contessa Teresa "Tracy" Draco di Vicenzo

Played by Diana Rigg AKA "Emma Peel", also of The Avengers. Bond first meets Tracy in the opening of On Her Majesty's Secret Service as she's about to commit suicide by walking into the ocean. Bond saves her life and later her father, the head of the Corsican Mafia asks him to court her. They eventually fall in love and marry at the end of the film. Tragically, right after their wedding Tracy is killed by a bullet fired from a speeding car by Blofeld and his henchwoman Irma Bunt.

May Day

One of the more memorable Bond Girls, she actually starts as The Dragon to the psychotic yuppie Max Zorin in A View to a Kill. As such, she kills several people associated to Bond; however, at some point Zorin double-crosses her...

Kara Milovy

A Czechslovak cello player who ends up being used as sniper bait by her Russian boyfriend in The Living Daylights. Bond recognises she's an amateur and merely injures her. They end up riding a cello case through the snow and a cargo plane in Central Asia.

Wai Lin

A Chinese secret agent sent to cover Elliot Carver's story and investigate WTF is going on with him, in Tomorrow Never Dies. She also believes at first that she and Bond must kill each other, but are forced to work together when they're both caught by The Dragon.

Bond Villains

Bond Villains are amongst the most recognizable bad guys in movie history. While they tend not to be as famous as the Bond girls, some of the most recognizable characters in movies have been Bond Villains.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld

James Bond's recurring archnemesis in both the books and movies. Blofeld has been parodied almost as many times as James Bond himself and remains the archetypal Bond villain. He appeared, played by different actors, in six official movies (From Russia with Love, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, and On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Diamonds Are Forever, Spectre). He also appeared in Never Say Never Again and made an uncredited appearance in For Your Eyes Only. His unusual name derives from his being half Polish and half Greek.

  • Affably Evil: Averted, according to the novel of Thunderball — as the head of SPECTRE, he believes devoting any time to polite formality among themselves would be hypocritical.
  • Arch Nemesis
  • Bad Boss: One of the originals.
  • Backup Twin
  • Bald of Evil: Possibly the Trope Codifier.
  • Big Bad
  • Black Eyes: According to the text of Thunderball, his black eyes and all-around sclera create an impression that he can see your every thought.
  • Blofeld Ploy
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Bizarrely, Blofeld rarely gives into this. He's usually content to just see James Bond killed or actually wants him to warn the West of his demands.
  • Bowties are Cool: In Never Say Never Again.
  • Captain Ersatz: Due to the rights never being sorted out, Ernst has been replaced several times by a nebulous figure stroking a white cat and thinly disguised stand-ins. The most famous is TAROT's leader Scorpius in the James Bond Roleplaying Game.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Diabolical Mastermind: Blofeld controls the massive criminal empire of SPECTRE.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: More like Dropped Him Down A Chimney.
  • Expy: Hugo Drax in the movie Moonraker and Karl Stromberg are both Blofeld-lite, without being direct Blofeld replacements.
  • Elite Mooks: His many, many, many named henchmen.
  • Faceless Goons: His not so named Henchmen.
  • Fat Bastard: In his first literary appearance, even though it's also noted that he doesn't actually eat very much.
  • Genius Bruiser: According to his backstory in the novels, he was once a weightlifter, though he's put on weight since as the master mind of SPECTRE.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Some of his later film appearances depict him with a cigarette or a cigarette holder, even though the original narration of Thunderball states that he doesn't drink or smoke. In spite of that, the cover to one publication of the literary "Blofeld Trilogy" depicts a high-backed chair with a telltale whisp of smoke rising from in front.
  • Iconic Characters
  • It's Personal: He's the murderer of Bond's wife Tracy.
  • Large and In Charge: Coming in at 20 stone (280 pounds, 130 kg) at the time of Thunderball. (Unbelievably, after the period described in Lean and Mean, he's back to being recognizably "big" and powerfully built in You Only Live Twice.) That said:
  • Lean and Mean: By the time of On Her Majesty's Secret Service, he's lost a great deal of that weight and is now described as being tall and thin.
  • Morality Pet: Averted. Blofeld discards his cat whenever in danger.
  • Nebulous Evil Organization
  • Offscreen Villain Dark Matter: Oddly averted. Blofeld is bankrupt by On Her Majesty's Secret Service and must steal the resources of Willard Whyte.
  • The Other Darrin: Blofeld was played by different actors in all his films. This is a Justified Trope, unlike with James Bond, as it was stated that Blofeld regularly used plastic surgery.
  • Red Right Hand: You Only Live Twice had a disfigured eye and scar. Ernst's baldness has also become synonymous with the character in a manner similar to Lex Luthor.
  • Right-Hand-Cat: Definitely the Trope Codifier.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: Blofeld is the Evil Mastermind of SPECTRE but usually is acting through villains that James encounters before him.
  • Straight Edge Evil: Described in the books as one who does not drink or smoke, and is not known to "sleep with either sex", or — somehow, despite apparently being huge — eat very much. In fact, by contrast, one of the last things he says to 007 in You Only Live Twice is to talk down to him as a brute who gets by on "alcohol, nicotine and sex" between "misbegotten" missions. (The man himself is on his way to putting a hell of a positive spin on all his Evil Plans...)
  • Swiss Cheese Security: Bond four times, infiltrates Blofeld's headquarters.
  • The Syndicate: SPECTRE
  • Uh-Oh Eyes: The novel Thunderball describes Blofeld at length, and a full paragraph is devoted to the unique effect of his eyes.
  • You're Insane!: You Only Live Twice and Diamonds Are Forever
  • You Have Failed Me
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness

Mr. White

A high-ranking member of Quantum. Mr. White is captured at the end of Casino Royale by Bond, but escapes in the next film. Mr. White appears in three official films (Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Spectre), played by Jesper Christensen in each.

Villain Henchmen


A henchman who works for Stromberg in The Spy Who Loved Me and Hugo Drax in Moonraker. He is distinctive for his metal teeth, huge stature and his persistence in surviving everything that gets thrown at him.

Supporting Characters

The books and movies have several recurring characters, many of whom appear in every instalment.


James Bond's boss, the head of MI6. Was played by three different actors. The first switch was The Other Darrin, but when Judi Dench took over the role it was a new character. After Dench’s version was killed off in Skyfall, Chairman Gareth Mallory (Ralph Fiennes) was appointed the new M.

Miss Moneypenny

M's secretary, who has a not-so-secret crush on Bond. Played by three different actresses in the official films.


The man who gives Bond all those wonderful toys. Played by Peter Burton in Dr. No, before being played by Desmond Llewelyn for a very long time--1963 to 1999, in seventeen of the eighteen pictures released during that time.[1] When Llewelyn died, the character retired and one of Q's subordinates became the new Q, played by John Cleese, in Die Another Day.

Felix Leiter

Bond's friend in the C.I.A.

Valentin Zukovsky

  1. The exception, Live and Let Die, didn't feature the character at all.