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  • Mr. Centipede is pretty much first-class hilarious in the film, but this troper just smirks at how, when being tortured by underwater skeletons, he actually tries to banter with them:

Mr. Centipede: Listen, fellas, I've got a long history of back problems, and I don't need it to get any longer!

  • This little gem:

 Centipede: I've sailed all the five seas! From the sun-drenched reefs of Bora Bora to the icy shores of Tripoli! Commodore Centipede, they used to call me!

Grasshopper: Seven.

Centipede: Huh?

Grasshopper: There are seven seas. And Tripoli is in the subtropics, "Commodore".

Centipede: Trim the sails!

Ladybug: There are no sails.

Centipede: Stoke the engines!

Earthworm: There are no engines.

Centipede: I can't work with this miserable crew!

  • During the introduction of the bugs:

 James: ... and the Glow-worm!

Glow-worm [facing the wrong way]: God bless the colonies!
