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This ongoing fantasy written by Faith Hunter features the strong and sexy Jane Yellowrock, the last of her kind, a skinwalker of Cherokee descent who can turn into any creature she desires and hunts vampires for a living. Back from hiatus, she’s hired by Katherine Fontaneau, one of the oldest vampires in New Orleans and the madam of Katie’s Ladies, to hunt a powerful rogue vampire who’s killing other vamps in which she gets caught up in the vampiric politics which cascades her into a series of unwanted adventures. This is a series of Urban Fantasy novels that are half romance, half Transformation Comic. The series was written by Faith Hunter, it is on going and recently had a new book published.

So far there are four published books in the series:

  • Skinwalker
  • Blood Cross
  • Mercy Blade
  • Raven Cursed

Provides the following tropes:[]

  • Domino Revelation: Well we have vampires, shifters, and all other things are probably real too!
  • Last of Her Kind
  • Magical Native American: Jane Yellowrock herself.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: As opposed to most vampire stories, these guys go all beast-like and kill with out indiscretion until they are tamed after a few years..sometimes a few decades or centuries to make them less beast and more human.
  • Skin Walker: Jane is a good kind, not based on the skin-thievery of legend.
  • Shapeshifting: The whole superpower Jane has.
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: She can't assume larger forms with out stealing mass and can't take smaller forms with out storing it.
  • Shapeshifter Showdown: She ends up fighting a another skinwalker who has taken on the traits of a vampire in addition to animal traits.
  • The Big Easy: The setting for the first two books.
  • Totally Not a Werecat
  • Vampire Hunter: Her job is often to hunt down and kill Vampires.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Jane can change at will with only a little concentration.
  • Wild Wilderness: A slight aversion of this troupe, Jane has some recollection of her past and the fact that she was undiscovered in cat form for a long while.
  • Unstable Genetic Code: She is a skinwalker who must study the DNA of other creatures via meditation in order to copy their forms.
  • Urban Fantasy: True to form, its a modern day adventure of the paranormal.