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One of the bounty hunters is an Alpha Platinum 3000[]

In "March of the Wolfmasters", the announcer says "cyboys and cybergirl", in the singular--there is one female bounty hunter after Cindi. I suspect that she'll attempt to seduce Anthony to get clues to Cindi's whereabouts.

Anthony Greendown is Oblivious to Love[]

This is really just Rule of Drama. "57821" talks about Anthony searching for Cindi, so for the benefit of this WMG I'm going to say that that song is just a dream of Cindi's.

  • Another possibility: he's actually in love with the human woman the Alpha Platinum 3000 was based on, and when he realizes he's been romancing Cindi he drops her like a bag of trash.

The Metropolis Suites will be adapted into a Broadway musical[]

Because it would be amazing.

The Big Bad is an Alpha Platinum 3000[]

"March of the Wolfmasters" features someone with Monáe's voice announcing the bounty on Cindi. She also has an occasional Voice of the Legion effect. In "Violet Stars Happy Hunting!" there's the line "I love you, and I won't take no for an answer" with the same double-voice effect. My theory is that she's in love with either Cindi (If I Can't Have You) or Anthony (Murder the Hypotenuse) and is murderous over it.

  • The Big Bad and the announcer are Lady Maestra from the "Many Moons" short film.

Anthony Greendown is a futuristic knight of some sort[]

It would make sense. He has been referred to as "Sir Greendown" several times, including in the title of a song, and he's also Cindi's "Knight in Shining Armor" so to speak.

...He also probably has a lightsaber.

"Sincerely, Jane" is about/sung by one of the Alpha Platinum 3000 auctioned in the "Many Moons" short film[]

There is an android in the auction called Jane Lee. She might also be a recurring character in Cindi's storyline, or something. On a similar note...

The main cast is consisted of Cindi and the other named Alpha Platinum 3000 featured in the "Many Moons" short film[]

Their names are Jahnny Money, Ming, Charlotte Dedeaux, Jane Lee, Zossa and Suzie Scorcher. They might team up with Cindi, or some of them might actually be antagonists.