Covered Up: Most of his songs, surprisingly, were recorded by others first. "Why", "Amarillo Sky" and "Johnny Cash" were previously recorded by Shannon Brown (another Big & Rich protégé), McBride & the Ride and Tracy Byrd, respectively. Of these, only McBride & the Ride's version of "Amarillo Sky" was a single before Jason got to it. Also, "The Truth" was originally recorded by Trent Willmon, "My Kinda Party" recorded by country-rocker Brantley Gilbert, and "Dirt Road Anthem" recorded by Colt Ford .
Ear Worm: "I can take you for a ride on my big green tractor / We can go slow or make it go faster…"
Sophomore Slump: Relentless is his lowest-selling album, and the only one not to produce a top 5 hit. Fortunately, he recovered big time with the next two albums.
Tear Jerker: "Laughed Until We Cried", particularly the verse about his grandpa and then the next verse about their newborn baby that they tried so long to have.