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The sun is rising high up over Tarrytown,

Friends taking off and friends touching down.

That's where you'll find,

That one of a kind...

Jay Jay...

Jay Jay the Jet Plane!

That's me!

Never been another little guy like this,

So much in love with the sky like this.

So buckle up tight,

It's a magical flight...

With Jay Jay...

Jay Jay...

Jay Jay the Jet Plane!

That's me!
—Theme Song (CGI series)

Jay Jay the Jet Plane is an American CGI children's television series based at the fictional Tarrytown Airport. It has about 60 episodes and it is aimed at ages 2-6. The characters are talking airplanes, a helicopter, some humans, and two talking ground vehicles. The episodes are commonly distributed in pairs, with one header sequence and one end credits for each pair, and each pair is 25 minutes long. Each episode contains one or more songs; each song tends to occur in one episode. Produced by John Semper, the series is intended to be educational and teach life and sometimes moral lessons to children (and sometimes also to parents).

Jay Jay the Jet Plane provides examples of:[]

  • Absentee Actor
  • Accidental Misnaming: Happens a lot throughout "I'm Swamped"; since Jay Jay isn't familiar with the word "Okefenokee" and often mispronounces it or uses near-sounding words.
  • All Just A Dream
  • Art Evolution
  • Bittersweet Ending
  • Cheerful Child
  • Cross-Dressing Voices
  • Comically Missing the Point
  • Could Have Avoided This Plot
  • Dance Party Ending: Happens at the end of "Herky Jerky".
  • Disney Acid Sequence:
    • Tracy's song "Candy Crazy" in "Tracy's Candy Catastrophe".
    • Slightly varied in "Color Me a Rainbow" from "Snuffy's Rainbow" the sky changes colors depending which is named off. A rainbow also shines behind Jay Jay and Snuffy and follows their direction.
  • Dogfaces: One of the planes has a face that looks like that of a dogface.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending
  • Easily Forgiven
  • Edutainment Show
  • Episode Title Card: Each episode begins with a title card with a freeze-frame shot of Jay Jay flying.
  • Eureka Moment
  • Expressive Wings: Jay Jay's wings go up whenever he gets excited, and down whenever he's saddened.
  • Fake Interactivity: Brenda talks to the audience about various topics during the "Think About" moments.
  • Five Man Band:
    • The Leader: Jay Jay.
    • The Lancer: Snuffy.
    • The Smart Guy: Herky.
    • The Big Guy: Revvin' Evan.
    • The Chick: Tracy.
  • Friendship Song
  • Glasgow Grin: Parodied; in "I Love Your Funny Face", Jay Jay gets polished up and makes a funny face to win the Funny Face game against Tracy and Herky, but due to not listening to Brenda's advice, the polish dries and his face freezes that way for the rest of the episode.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!
  • Heroic BSOD
  • "I Am" Song
    • Revvin' Evan has his own letmotif that plays whenever he appears.
    • Inverted in the song "Nobody Does Things Better Than Big Jake".
  • "I Am Great!" Song
  • "I Want" Song
    • "I Wanna Be With You" from "Spending Time With Big Jake" expresses the relationship of Jay Jay and Big Jake as well as the feeling of how the former would rater spend quiet time with the latter.
    • "In The Record Book" from "Super Sonic Jay Jay" is a variation, as Jay Jay points out he wants to be in the record book for the "Fastest Flight".
    • Snuffy's song "Bubble Gum Friend" in "Missing You" shows that he wants Big Jake with him after he leaves.
    • Heavily represented with Jay Jay's song "A Special Something" in the episode "Something Special", with Jay Jay hoping that he has something unique to him.
  • The Kiddie Ride
  • Medium Blending : The vehicles are CGI-animated, while the humans are live-action.
  • Musical Chores:
    • "Santa's Little Helpers" from part two of "Jay Jay's Christmas Adventure" has Jay Jay and his friends helping Santa.
    • In "Problem in Pangabula", Jay Jay, Snuffy and Tracy sing "Clean It Up" as they remove the trash from the river to save the Sparkleberry Tree.
  • Musical World Hypotheses: A mixture of the Alternate Universe and Diegetic types. Normally, when the moment is right, the gang breaks out into song that fits the situation, or for fun. Other episode have them rehearsing a song, or performing it for someone.
  • Negative Continuity
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero
  • No Antagonist
  • Non-Appearing Title: Certain songs.
  • Now Which One Was That Voice: The credits don't list who plays who.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Herky sometimes loses his avoler trill during songs.
  • Once per Episode
  • Only One Name
  • Pep Talk Song:
    • Big Jake's song "You Are Unique" from "Hide and Seek".
    • "Watch and Listen", by Jay Jay and Tracy, in "Big Jake's Team". Gets a Triumphant Reprise in the end.
    • "You Can Count On Me" in "Dog Gone Doggy" has Jay Jay singing to Brenda's dog that he promised to watch him and hopes he'll listen to him.
    • "You Can Do It" from the mystery miniseries.
  • Religious Edutainment: Despite not a Christian series, the episodes were later re-dubbed with a special Christian theme on the Tommy Nelson VHS. The story is unchanged, but the dialogue was altered to make mentions to religious nature throughout.
  • Roger Rabbit Effect: The live-action human characters.
  • Sentient Vehicle
  • Sick Episode: The episode "Upsy Downosis" has Herky dealing with a cold that causes him to fly upside down.
  • Story Arc:
    • "Tuffy's Trip to Pangabula" and "Tuffy's Adventure In Pangabula".
    • The 2-part episode "Jay Jay's Christmas Adventure".
    • The Musical Episode "Concert Day at Tarrytown Airport" has its events continued in "Snuffy's Favorite Color", where Snuffy is still trying to guess what his favorite color is.
  • Series Continuity Error
  • Setting-Off Song:
    • "Going There With You" from "Tuffy's Trip to Pangabula".
    • "Okefenokee" from "I'm Swamped".
  • That Reminds Me of a Song:
    • Tracy tells Snuffy "listen" before she and Tracy sing about his new school.
    • Jay Jay also tells Snuffy to listen before singing about the seasons.
    • Jay Jay tells Snuffy to listen to him again in "Upside Down Waterfall" before singing about the laws of nature.
    • Shortly before singing his ocean song, Jay Jay tells Snuffy, "Wait'll ya hear this."
  • The Musical: Every episode features a song.
  • Too Soon: An episode that depicted a plane crash was cancelled.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In "Evan Gets His Wings", when Jay Jay sees Revvin' Evan, on a balloon, float away uncontrollably, he goes off to get help, but is not seen again for the rest of the episode.
  • Vocal Evolution: After the characters got a second design, their voices changed as well, with Jay Jay's voice becoming slightly more strained with a slight rasp, and Tracy's voice slightly lower in one step.
  • Youthful Freckles: Jay Jay has these.