Jay Naylor is a furry cartoonist and Objectivist who created the webcomics Better Days and Original Life. You can see the pages for his webcomics for tropes associated specifically with those comics. This page showcases tropes that recur throughout much of his work.
Jay Naylor's works include examples of:[]
- Author Avatar: Usually whichever Main Character is the focus of the current comic. Most often, however, Fisk falls under this category.
- Creator Thumbprint: Objectivism and guns.
- Furry Fandom
- Orphaned Series: Both Hell for Humanity and New Worlds were both dropped abruptly with no real ending (Naylor eventually deleted both comics in their entirety; although he once said he was planning on reviving New Worlds, he later nixed those plans for good).
- Your Cheating Heart: Happens in most of his work.