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Jeepers Media is the brainchild of Mike Mozart, a 20-year toy product designer and book illustrator. Simply put, there are a myriad of horrible candies and toys out there...and he owns one or more of every single one of them. He plans to make a toy museum someday with the best and worst toys the world has to offer. Has to be seen to be believed. He also has another channel which typically has reviews of good toys.

Mike looks like Al from Toy Story 2, which he has acknowledged.

In recent months, he has gone on to do several videos dealing with SOPA, ACTA, PIPA, as well as a controversial Megaupload-centered video. He has now gone on to do beer reviews.

Tropes used in Jeepers Media include:
  • Affectionate Parody: Mike made one of I'm a Marvel And I'm a DC, pitting a Badass Dark Knight action figure against a Badass Decayed Spider-Man toy for six-year olds.
  • Berserk Button: Mike really hates Viacom, and uploaded a series of videos criticizing their hypocrisy in getting YouTube to ban contributors who use copyrighted material while they themselves uploaded clips from Viacom-owned shows designed to look like illegally-uploaded materials as a sort of viral marketing.
    • In one video, Mike points out that Viacom has apparently been stealing YouTube videos, reposting them on a Viacom-owned site (, changing the titles to deny the original posters credit, and putting ads before the videos in order to make money. He was not amused.
    • He did another video report about CNET (which has been owned by Viacom since 2008) being guilty of promoting and popularizing filesharing software such as Limewire, Grokster, and Kazaa which feature infringed-upon material owned by Viacom. The two were mainly responsible for Limewire's eventual demise in late 2010.
  • Catch Phrase: "I mean, really..."
    • "I am not making this up."
    • "What were they thinking?"
    • "The picture... (shows the box/packaging/promotional photo of the product) ...the reality!" (shows the real thing, often looking nowhere near as good)
    • "Is this win or fail?"
    • "Hi! This is Mike Mozart (from Jeepersmedia) bringing you the coolest products from yesterday and today!"
    • "If you're Amish, you might not want to watch this video, because I'm about to show off these toys exactly as they were designed...[Shows off a potentially inappropriate toy]...for children?!"
  • Channel Decay - Somewhat. Towards the end of December 2011 and up to the first half of 2012, Michael Mozart has started making videos that rant about SOPA, PIPA, ACTA (which are actually important issues), and perhaps most famously, one centered around whether or not Megaupload's users will be arrested. He has also gone on to do beer reviews and has said that he is planning tons of more toy reviews.
  • Did Not Do the Research: In his Megaupload Secrets video, he says that anyone who's ever uploaded or downloaded from the site will be arrested (about 25% of the world). What he doesn't tell you is that the Justice Department is not focusing on the end users (ie. downloaders/uploaders) who may have used the site, but rather the leaders of the company.[1]
    • Additionally, he continually referred to the site as "Megauploads". This, coupled with his consistent cheerful expression throughout the video, has led to numerous people calling him a "fearmongering troll" or worse, even though his toy review series was rather well-received.
    • Not to mention the fact that his twitter (@Jeepers Media) is almost always tweeting about stuff the goverment is planning. He responded comment on his megaupload video that "the government plans to put cameras on street signs to make sure no one speeds." Due to also deleting pictures. This, along with deleting comments calling him out on his fearmongering, has pretty much made it impossible to take him as anything but a fearmonger (shame there isn't a fearmonger trope).
  • Early Installment Weirdness: Mike's earliest reviews were a lot more mellow compared to his hyperactive style later on.
  • Epic Fail: The website would not exist if not for this.
  • Erotic Eating: The "Kiss Pops" lips lollipops. The tongue is the candy. You suck on the tongue. Also comes in animal. And Jar Jar Binks.
  • Even the Rats Won't Touch It: In his review of the Hulkster Cheeseburger, he sets the burger down for Cocoa Puff, along with an ordinary McDonalds cheeseburger. Cocoa Puff won't touch the Hulkster burger, and Mike (accurately) points out that Labs will usually eat anything.
  • Precious Puppies: Mike's black lab, Cocoa Puff (who is actually an adult, but still precious!).
  • Fun with Subtitles: YouTube annotations.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Most of the toys he reviews are questionable.
  • Hurricane of Puns: His Pun-isher toy review.

Mike: (holding a Dora the Explorer Aquapet) What do you play with this, hide and go seek? Um, I bet it'll be on your Mommy's nightstand.

    • His beer review preview. The amount of puns you can get from the names of beer alone. . . .
  • Keet: Mike, obviously.
  • Mondegreen: A lot of the toys featuring voice clips are unintelligible to the point where they sound like they're saying something obscene.
  • Motor Mouth: You'd think Mike gets out at least seven sentences per breath, although he has slowed down since.
  • Please Subscribe to Our Channel: "Click on that button that says "Subscribe", you'll be glad you did!" This typically takes up 1/3 of the video.
  • Real Life: All of the toys, candies, candles, etc. are real. 100%. Real.
  • Serious Business: Played with. Mike's a professional toy designer and collector, so he has fun mocking these things.
  • Take That: In response to Viacom's plans to sue YouTube, Mike created a series of videos in which he advises others to spread news of the lawsuit and boycott any SpongeBob SquarePants or Dora the Explorer merchandise with Unfortunate Implications. Here's part one.
  • This Trope Is Bleep: The Flying Fuck helicopter review, where Mike censors himself for saying "fuck" every time but the helicopter itself is never covered up.
    • Another video addresses concerns about the show's potential offensiveness by bleeping a manner that makes the dialogue sound naughtier than before. (eg, "What happened after Ken kissed Barbie? Her cheeks got all Rosie!)
  • Too Soon: Mike seemed genuinely disturbed and disgusted by a digital LCD game featuring Osama vs. America, which is basically "9/11: The Video Game".
  • Unfortunate Names: Mike demonstrates this when he reviews a knockoff Winnie the Pooh toy...named "Gout".
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Mike suffers from a HORRIBLE case of this, as he's made AT LEAST 20 promises to review things or make videos that he's never followed through on.