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San Franciscan Power Pop band founded by childhood friends, vocalist/drummer/multi-instrumentalist Andy Sturmer and keyboardist Roger Joseph Manning Jr. in 1990, from the ashes of Alternative Rock 1980s band Beatnick Beatch. The group image was decidedly retro, a deliberately kitschy, brightly colorful, psychedelic look with gaudy bellbottoms, Dr. Seuss hats, frilly shirts, lollipops and umbrellas, a Flanderization of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine-style fashions meeting a Hanna-Barbera cartoon come to life.

Musically, the band drew from many '60s and '70s, particularly in regards to catchy, sunny, singalong pop with playful, intelligent (and often lyrically dissonant) lyrics. Elements of Queen, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, the Zombies, The Monkees, The Banana Splits, Electric Light Orchestra, Badfinger, Supertramp and XTC shaped the style of the band [1], they had their own distinctive style, one which influenced countless Power Pop group following their demise in 1994. Their arrangements were meticulously detailed, and their songs had a tendency to stick in your head long after you've heard them.

Though the band failed to get much success in a mainstream way in the era of Grunge, and they only produced two albums in their short lifetime. They are known for one hit, the Partridge Family-like "Baby's Coming Back", promoted by a Hanna-Barbera-produced Animated Music Video.


  • Andy Sturmer - vocals, drums, keyboards, guitar
  • Roger Manning - keyboards, vocals
  • Jason Falkner - guitars, bass, vocals (1989-1992)
  • Tim Smith — bass, vocals (1992-1994)

A whole bunch of other session musicians contributed to Bellybutton, while on Split Milk the band were joined by guitarists Lyle Workman, Jon Brion (who also handled some of the arrangements) and bassist Tom Wolk.


  • Bellybutton (1990)
  • Spilt Milk (1993)

Jellyfish provides examples of the following tropes:[]

  1. Manning first met guitarist Jason Falkner because he placed an ad for bandmates which mentioned XTC