Jenka's Nightmare is a fan-made sequel to the popular indie game Cave Story created by Mark "shmitz" Major in 2009. The game was made up to approximately 75% completion then abandoned, only to be picked up over a year later by LunarSoul aka MagicDoors and completed in 2011. The game is a direct sequel to the original, and picks up immediately from Cave Story's Secret Ending; thus Spoilers abound.
Quote, Curly, and Balrog have spent a short time enjoying their new lives away from The Island after the events of the previous story, the defeat of The Doctor and Ballos. Suddenly and without warning, they are transported back to the island and separated. The only clue as to the reason for this is Quote being teleported into Jenka's house; the old witch is lying on the ground in pain, and says only "Help me" before Quote is cast back into the same cave in which Cave Story began... Or is it? The entire island has been changed, and two forces - Genesis and Oblivion - are running rampant. It's up to Quote to find out what they're doing, what's happened to Jenka, and how it can all be fixed.
Game discussion and download links can be found here.
Tropes listed below will be exclusive to Jenka's Nightmare; tropes also in the original game will not be included.
- Bag of Spilling: Despite the storyline picking up right from the ending of Sacred Grounds in the original, Quote once again begins alone, in a cave, unarmed. Presumably justified by him being unarmed when Jenka teleports the trio, leaving all his hard-won equipment behind... though that doesn't explain the recession back to 3 HP.
- Bullet Hell: Deconstructor comes close. It is a reskin of the Night Spirit enemies from the first game's Outer Wall, its bubbles replaced by launched drills. At the same time it's bobbing up and down and shooting those, hordes of Baby Polish (the smaller version of the blade-wheel or gear-shaped enemies in Sand Zone) are swarming in en-masse from behind. You either have to do a lot of jumping and dodging and evading with the Booster, or Macross Missile Massacre with the Rocket Launcher and hope the explosions clear the area around you.
- The Call Knows Where You Live: Quote, Curly, and Balrog were far away from the island trying to live new lives when Jenka suddenly teleported them back.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Misery has issues with Jenka picking Quote over her own daughter to fix everything.
- No-Gear Level: After battling Pooh Black in Grasstown, Quote falls down a long shaft and loses his weapons. He is unarmed and defenseless for the next few maps before finally stumbling across the Rocket Launcher, hidden in a back corner of a maze.
- The Power of Creation: Genesis.
- Really 700 Years Old: The Cthulhu claim to be even older than Jenka.
- Sphere of Destruction: Oblivion.