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JennyEverywhere by DianaNock

One of the many interpretations of Jenny Everywhere

"The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."
—The license for Jenny Everywhere

Jenny Everywhere is the world's first open-source fictional character.[1] Although she appears mainly in Web Comics, Jenny is freely available for use in other media, and must remain so.

Because of her open-source status, Jenny has no official Web site (the closest thing would be The Shifter Archive), publication or Backstory. Jenny has the power to shift between parallel universes, or she exists in every universe, or both. Her appearance varies (even within a story), but the creator has this as a general description which writers honor to varying degrees:


She has short, dark hair. She usually wears aviation goggles on top of her head and a scarf around her neck. Otherwise, she dresses in comfortable clothes. She is average size and has a good body image. She has loads of confidence and charisma. She appears to be Asian or Native American. She has a ready smile.


Additionally, her common depiction by writers has her as enthusiastic, kind, generally angst-free, and eager for adventure and toast.

Jenny was created by Canadian cartoonist Steven Wintle on the loosely Grant Morrison-centric counterculture forum Barbelith, where she appeared in a bunch of comics. Eventually interest in her died out there, but she's gone on to appear in many, many other webcomics and stories.

Jenny Everywhere provides examples of the following tropes:

Works where Jenny Everywhere has appeared include:

Web Comics[]

Web Original[]