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Jill of the Jungle was one of Epic Megagames' early games for MS-DOS. A side-scrolling platformer, the game consisted of three episodes: "Jill of the Jungle" (shareware), "Jill Goes Underground" and "Jill Saves the Prince" (Registered version only). The game's tagline was "No more 'save the princess' games!". The game had VGA graphics and Soundblaster support for effects and FM synthesis music.

Tropes present in this game:[]

  • Action Girl
  • Goddamn Bats: Quite a few, but mostly the demons in the 'Heck' level in the second game. One does appear in a later level but luckily only one. Quite a few can be found in the third game - sometimes they can be easily avoided, and sometimes, not so easily.
  • Hub Level: Side-scrolling in the first episode, an overhead map in episode 3.
  • Jungle Princess
  • Palette Swap: Jill's skimpy clothes have a different color in each episode, but are otherwise identical.
  • Serial Numbers Filed Off: The game was originally based on the bible, with the main character searching enlightenment. This can be seen by opening the third game in a hex editor.
    • Actually, it was co-developed with Onesimus: A Quest for Freedom, a game based on one of the shortest books of The Bible and published in Christian bookstores.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: The developers at the time, given the Take Thats included in the game.
  • Stripperiffic
  • Super Drowning Skills: Played straight and averted in an odd way. First off, touching the top of water kills Jill instantly. Waterfalls don't. However, it's averted due to the bizarre programming: it's possible for Jill to go underwater by falling through a waterfall and going underwater, provided she doesn't touch the tile that represents the top of the water.
  • Take That: Episode 1 has quite a few phrased as news bulletins aimed at a number of other contemporary games, such as Duke Nukem, Commander Keen, Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros..
  • What the Hell, Player?: Trying to leave the final level without rescuing the prince results in the game screaming at you to go back and do it right.

  "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! How about saving the prince before you leave? Like, is this game titled "Jill leaves Level 14 without saving the prince," or what??!?"
