"I suppose I'd better warn you that in my act there is a certain amount of bad language. I'm not talking about split infinitives. There will be some swearing and there is some material of a sexual nature. So, if you are offended by rude or crude material, for heaven's sake, don't be a cunt about it."
—Jimmy Carr: Live - opening lines
Jimmy Carr is a comedian and television presenter in Britain known for his deadpan delivery and black humour. Almost nothing is off-limits, as he's tackled such light-hearted topics as rape, pedophilia, 9/11, abortion, and the Holocaust, often done in a posh, Sophisticated As Hell manner.
He has been presenter of a number of TV series, including 8 Out of 10 Cats, Ten O Clock Live, and Distraction, as well as a frequent guest on QI.
His stand-up shows on DVD are:
- Live (2004)
- Stand Up (2005)
- Comedian (2007)
- In Concert (2008)
- Telling Jokes (2009)
- Making People Laugh (2010)
- Being Funny (2011)
Tropes Associated with Jimmy Carr:[]
- Actually Pretty Funny: While the Moral Guardians were a little upset when he joked that the troops wounded in the War On Terror would be good for the Great Britain team at the Paralympics, the soldiers who were actually asked found it hilarious.
- All Men Are Perverts
- Animal Testing: One example, "Cats have nine lives, which makes them ideal for experimentation."
- Annoying Laugh: "I do realise that when I laugh, it sounds like a seal is being molested."
- Audience Participation: He invites the audience to ask him questions or give suggestions, which sometimes leads to heckling.
- In Being Funny, he encourages the audience to insult him, as he misses the actual heckling he used to get when he was less well known.
- Auto Erotica: Played with in his "Carr park" joke
- Bigger Is Better in Bed: Questions this in one of his shows, calling women who think this is important "just shallow."
- Black Comedy Rape
"I don't like the word 'rape'. I prefer the term, 'Struggle Snuggle'. |
- Brother-Sister Incest: When describing a threesome he had with twins (brother and sister)
- But Liquor Is Quicker
- By "No" I Mean "Yes": "The best thing about the British is our ability to laugh at ourselves. By ourselves I mean other people. And by laugh I mean invade."
- Comically Missing the Point: Subverted after his delayed reaction to the audience here:
"People like to smoke a cigarette after sex, but you can't buy cigarettes until you're sixteen, so I have to buy them for both of us. [To audience] You think it's wrong I'm buying a 15 year old cigarettes? [Realizing] You think it's wrong I'm fucking her?" |
- Corrupt Church: He's an anti-theist, and usually mentions his Catholic upbringing with a reference to pedophilia.
"Don't get me wrong I still respect the Pope. I like to think of him as king of the paedos." |
- Country Matters: Uses the "C-word" at least a few times per show.
- Cringe Comedy
- Domestic Abuse: When describing how stupid the idea is, he says "It's your wife. It's like keying your own car."
- Dead Baby Comedy
- I Banged Your Mom: A prime example (near the end of the clip).
- I Love Nuclear Power: "Ten years after the Chernobyl accident, and am I the only one that’s disappointed? Still no superheroes."
- I'm Going to Hell For This: After a shot at Christianity, he remarked "That seems to have split the room into two groups - one group thought that was hilarious, and the other is going to heaven."
- I Take Offense to That Last One:
"I've got a friend that got into an argument with a barmaid from Sunderland. Long story short, he ended up calling her a 'fat, ugly Geordie cunt.' And she said, 'I'm no a Geordie.'" |
- Its Pronounced Tropay: He read the word "chav" before hearing it, thinking it was pronounced "shav".
- One-Liner: He's said in interviews that he writes about 250 one-liners for each new show.
- Pedophile Priest: One of his many recurring Acceptable Targets.
- Raised Catholic: He references his upbringing in his stand-up routine, though he is now an anti-theist.
- Redheaded Stepchild:
"I just saw that Harry Potter film. A bit unrealistic if you ask me. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends?" |
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Sophisticated As Hell: Often informs his style, due to his usually posh speaking voice and the fact that he was educated at Cambridge University. See the opening lines from his first DVD at the top of the page.
- Three-Way Sex
- Un Entendre: He tries to make anything mundane said by his girlfriend during sex into one of these.
"The recycling's coming tomorrow" |